September 30, 2014



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Good morning!

    April sorry for your loss. Good job keeping yourself from doing things you'll regret.

    I'm not sure how my day will turn out. Good ole t.o.m. Again. Ugh. Feeling like a balloon in my abdomen is being inflated and crushing my pelvis. Yay. :frown:

    Will check back later. Gotta contemplate October plan and goals too.
    Have a great day!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    April - So sorry for your loss! I third the idea that you need to allow yourself to grieve. Don't be too hard on yourself for poor decisions. I love Laura's idea of making healthy choices a tribute to your friend

    I had a fabulous mini vacation. I did not eat very well, but I got a few runs in. More importantly, I distressed and relaxed! I felt refreshed when I finally got home! Now to get back on track with working out and my eating. Yesterday wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either. Main problem: Hubby home with the kids all weekend means that nothing got done. Including shopping for decent foods!

    Goals for today:
    Go grocery shopping so I have decent food in the house again.
    Count my calories!
    get the house back in order so I'm ready for a fresh start!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    April- I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you can be kind and forgiving to yourself while you grieve.

    Valma - so glad to hear about your vacation. Relaxation is so important!

    I stayed up late last night making a Maple Burbon and Browned Butter Peach Pie for my friend. She just had a baby a month ago and a couple of us are dropping by tonight with dinner to visit (don't worry- we were invited!) About a million calories- but I really want a piece, so I guess that's my motivation to get out for my run when I get home.

    We're starting a running group at work on Thursdays. I'm excited about it, but kind of worried that I will be faster than the slow group and slower than the fast group. =(

    Working on October goals- it's always so tricky to eat well around thanksgiving!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    The pie sounds yummy!

    I am resting today, still feel sick. Get some reading done. At least with meeting realtors this past week my house is clean and I don't work again till Thursday.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've been having dizzy spells lately and I'm reasonably certain they're connected to my sinuses/allergies, but I'm tired of feeling like crap so I called this morning and made a doctor's appointment. Might as well get checked out in case there's something she can do since there's always the possibility I have some kind of ear infection that's throwing off my balance, or whatever. Her first appointment is Thursday next week so I took that but the receptionist said she's also the on-call doctor tomorrow so I can call back in the morning and try to get in that way. (They only take same-day appointments for the on-call doctor.) She also offered to get me in with today's on-call doctor but being that I've been putting off calling for so long I can wait a little longer to see my own doctor.

    I walked with my friend at lunch & went on a couple of shorter walks with my boss so I got my 10,000 steps in relatively early today. I've got Pilates after work.

    Marla I hope you start to feel better soon!

    Jane that pie sounds decadent! Enjoy your dinner and playing with the baby.

    Valma there's nothing better than feeling refreshed. It's important to take time periodically just to recharge.

    I'm ready to pull it together in October. I told my trainer last night I need to either start losing weight again or just decide that I'm done and am at my goal weight, but I'm tired of being in limbo. I would like to fully commit to trying to lose weight in October and see what happens. Last year October was a horrible month for weight loss - I went from losing 7-8 pounds a month (starting in February) to losing half a pound in October. But I traveled for work last year and October is my birthday month and I really wasn't very focused.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Today ended up to be a rest of many in my future while I try to heal my Achilles. :( I know that I CAN run through it...but that I shouldn't. I don't want to end up with surgery.

    Now, to figure out how to avoid depression from not being able to run, and how to eat less now without those great burns. :(
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sounds like October is going to be a recommitment month for many of us!

    Valma, glad that your little vacation went to so and that the husband and kids survived without you for a short time. :)

    Jane, enjoy the pie!! Sounds delicious. I hope that dinner tonight was nice.

    Marla and Laura, hope you feel better soon!

    Really sorry about the ankle, Sherry and not being able to eat as much. Hope it heals very quickly.

    All my dog classes are starting now, which will take up more of my time and mean that I'll get to less fitness classes. I talked to my workout trainer today to see if I can start getting homework again. He was giving me homework at first, but when I go to the Thursday and Saturday classes in addition to my individual workout, I don't really need homework. I only need to recover from them. Now I'm not going to be able to make those classes and I need stuff to squeeze in at home again.

    Ran to and from trainer workout today and then did some stretching. I do think that I'm getting stronger.

    Need to lose weight though!!!