Starting Week 3, no weight loss

Hi there,

I just started my 3rd week of the BR program yesterday and I'm really bummed because I haven't lost any weight at all!

My muscles are really sore and I know I'm retaining water because my rings are tight and my muscles are very sore. But I'm actually up by 5 pounds!

I followed the kickstart program to a T the first week, and I've been staying to about 1400 calories a day. I am 5'6" and I currently weigh about 173. So I feel that 1400 is more than reasonable.

I should mention that I also start most workouts with a warm up on the elliptical machine. So I burn about 350 calories each day. And on my cardio days I run 3 miles.

Has anyone else experienced a gain on this program? I'm really sad about this.

Thanks in advance!


  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Oh yeah - I gained a lot of weight the first couple of weeks I did a Jillian workout. I started at 175ish so very similar to you (first log in here was at 173.6). You're right - it is almost certainly water weight that you have gained. Hang in there. It gets better. My own experience was that within four weeks I lost that 'added' weight plus a shed load more, and went down a dress size (!). Overall I lost around half a stone (7 lbs) that first month. Now I'm 3 months in, 15 lbs down (weighed 158.8 this morning), and I'm about halfway through JMBR but have to take it easy on some of the shoulder-intense stuff. Results are good enough to keep me coming back for more but not overwhelming enough to put me on the back of a workout DVD as an 'I'm living proof' testimonial. :laugh: I have shockingly low (Doctor verified - grrr :grumble: ) lean body mass and subsequent sluggish metabolism so you are almost guaranteed to rock this more profoundly than I have, LOL.
  • elevensgirl
    elevensgirl Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for your reply! It's so very encouraging to know that someone else has gone through the same thing. Although I feel bad for you too!

    I'm not sure I'll rock it any better than you. My metabolism is atrociously slow. Also doctor verified.

    I also try not to eat an extreme diet regimen, as I'm trying not to be an example of a "dieter" to my young daughter, but rather a healthy eater and someone who is fit.

    I've done lots of Jillian workouts in the past. 30 Shred helped me lose 40 pounds after the birth of my son! But back then I saw results right away (probably because I was well over 200!) I was just getting discouraged about not losing any weight with this new workout plan, while I've been excellent about my eating.

    I am so, so, so sore tonight. Glad that tomorrow is a cardio day for me. I'll keep on keepin' on!
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I gained a few too when I started. Wanted to cry!

    I've been going at this Jillian thing since June and I'm down almost ten pounds. That was my goal. I'm still hanging out with Jill every day and am staying at my goal weight and getting stronger.

    Don't quit. If you're doing it, you'll get results and I bet you'll like them!
  • elevensgirl
    elevensgirl Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks again. I can barely move today. Ha ha ha. Hoping it's a good sign!

    Definitely retaining water.

    I'm grateful that you ladies are here to ask these questions!
  • chrise2
    chrise2 Posts: 26 Member
    I am glad to read this because I got on the scale today I am only on phase 1 week 2 and was like do I weigh more? But I see my stomach has gone down some, my legs and arms look a little toned so far so I hoping its the transition period before the weight starts to fall off.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Yeah I gained doing this too, I'm not quite sure how you're supposed to lose 7lbs in a week as she suggests, but stick with it & you will start to lose.... Ohhh remember to drink plenty of water.
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    yea I noticed the change in my body before I even budged the scale. It kinda sucks but don't let that discourage you. Hang in there!! the workout will change your body!
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    I'm right there with the rest of you. I have not lost any extra pounds but my muscles are starting to show and my clothes fit a LOT looser. Going to stick with it because even though I'm sore, I feel soooo much better.
  • kellis155
    I am so thankful for this thread! I am in the middle of week 3, and have had zero weight loss. But my body fat % is down and clothes are a bit looser. But the scale number is so depressing. And holy smokes, week 3 is HARD. I am so, so sore.
  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    I love the soreness, lets you know it's working!
  • elevensgirl
    elevensgirl Posts: 24 Member
    Well, I'm into weeks 5 & 6 now. I spent an extra week on workouts 3/4. My diet is not perfect, but it's not horrific either. Still zero weight loss. Honestly, my clothes aren't fitting that much differently either. BUT I am feeling very strong. And with each progression of workouts I feel like I can tackle the next one.

    I will try to buckle down this week and tighten up my diet. See if that helps. I won't give up the exercises though. They do make me feel great.
  • chrise2
    chrise2 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes these exercises actually increased by cardio endurance.
  • Its_just_alicia
    I lost 23 pounds on JMBR and graduated the program. I started out slow as well as muscle was taking over my body. Hang in there.