Let's get this Group Going



  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I'm sorry gang but it's not my birthday.I was going to reply to a post and messed up.That was someone elses post.Sorry!!!
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Sitting in my library looking out the window and noticing there seems to be a change in the air, the look about the trees and just a feeling of fall coming soon. I noticed this morning the change in the morning light as I woke up. Time sure is passing and this year as in the past few seem to be passing faster and faster. I remember “old folks” talking about how the time was flying by and as a child, I remember thinking how long it had been since Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know you can all relate. Anyway, it won’t be long until Halloween with candy sells going out the roof in every store and Thanksgiving with turkey and dressing and all the trimmings, Christmas with homemade gifts of candy, pies and cakes and family gatherings centered around holiday meals. How are we going to deal with not giving in to every temptation in the months to come? I think planning ahead is a great strategy but my biggest problem is making a snap decision to eat something, before I even have a chance to think it through. Just a taste, just a bite, just this one time and before you know it, one lb. on the scale and all my discipline, out the window . I think that starting now I am making an agreement with myself to let JUST THIS ONE holiday season pass by without indulging in ALL of the food and just relax, breath deep and enjoy the company of friends and family. Having moderation in all things is the key to success, they say, and I truly believe this is true. Would love to hear your thoughts on dealing with the upcoming holidays and success stories from those of you who have dealt with this in the past.

    Health and happiness to all.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    I woke up earlier than usual this morning (not sure exactly why), fixed myself a cup of hot coffee and sat in my favorite chair. I noticed the peace of the morning immediately. I heard a bird singing and a train somewhere far away.
    There is a school down the street from my house and every morning I hear birds sing, but it is usually accompanied by sounds of the city (cars with loud engines/mufflers, screeching tires, honking horns, etc). Today though I imagine it will stay quite until the people start congregating at the church across the street. I consider myself a somewhat spiritual person, but do not belong to any organized religion. I know that people bond over like beliefs and activities, but I have let all those bonds slip away from me.
    I realized that for the past 2 1/2 years, since my husband died, I have basically lived in seclusion. I have created a shell of weight to keep me from meeting new people and getting involved in activities. I have decided It is time to remove that shell and get on with my life. I am ready to see what life has left in store for me. It's certainly not being so out of shape that I can't do things. I will lose this weight with diet and exercise and prepare myself to face the challenge of meeting new people. It is scary. Do any of you belong to churches or volunteer? Please share your experiences.
    Gayle- I know you go to workshops. Is it hard to meet new people there? Please share your stories and experiences.
    Dasher--Do you and your husband, belong to any groups? I know you teach exercise.
    Mary-Do you and your sister have any social groups, take any classes?
    Anyone else-please give advise and direction.
    I have problems making myself go to Curves, because I feel fat and out of shape. Isn't that stupid. That's why people go. I won't go shopping. I make a grocery list and my sons will get it. It is really time for a change. I'm to young to be this old.
    Thanks for the encouragement
    Health and happiness to all.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    I woke up earlier than usual this morning (not sure exactly why), fixed myself a cup of hot coffee and sat in my favorite chair. I noticed the peace of the morning immediately. I heard a bird singing and a train somewhere far away.
    There is a school down the street from my house and every morning I hear birds sing, but it is usually accompanied by sounds of the city (cars with loud engines/mufflers, screeching tires, honking horns, etc). Today though I imagine it will stay quite until the people start congregating at the church across the street. I consider myself a somewhat spiritual person, but do not belong to any organized religion. I know that people bond over like beliefs and activities, but I have let all those bonds slip away from me.
    I realized that for the past 2 1/2 years, since my husband died, I have basically lived in seclusion. I have created a shell of weight to keep me from meeting new people and getting involved in activities. I have decided It is time to remove that shell and get on with my life. I am ready to see what life has left in store for me. It's certainly not being so out of shape that I can't do things. I will lose this weight with diet and exercise and prepare myself to face the challenge of meeting new people. It is scary. Do any of you belong to churches or volunteer? Please share your experiences.
    Gayle- I know you go to workshops. Is it hard to meet new people there? Please share your stories and experiences.
    Dasher--Do you and your husband, belong to any groups? I know you teach exercise.
    Mary-Do you and your sister have any social groups, take any classes?
    Anyone else-please give advise and direction.
    I have problems making myself go to Curves, because I feel fat and out of shape. Isn't that stupid. That's why people go. I won't go shopping. I make a grocery list and my sons will get it. It is really time for a change. I'm to young to be this old.
    Thanks for the encouragement
    Health and happiness to all.
    Patty I do belong to a Catholic Church and i'm involved in a lot of Church activities.I also do volunteer work at a food bank.I do know where you're coming from though.I have always tried to stay in the background because of my weight.I missed out on a lot doing that.I didn't even feel comfortable around my own family.I would stay at home as much as I could.I missed out on a lot of things because of my insecurities.I wish I realized then that there's more to me than what I look like.You have alot to offer Patty.You are allowing your weight to make you a prisioner in your home.We all,no matter our size,have some form of insecurity.We just need to learn how to deal with it.I will pray God gives you the courage to break the bonds you have placed yourself under and enjoy life.Your first step will be your best step.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    I woke up earlier than usual this morning (not sure exactly why), fixed myself a cup of hot coffee and sat in my favorite chair. I noticed the peace of the morning immediately. I heard a bird singing and a train somewhere far away.
    There is a school down the street from my house and every morning I hear birds sing, but it is usually accompanied by sounds of the city (cars with loud engines/mufflers, screeching tires, honking horns, etc). Today though I imagine it will stay quite until the people start congregating at the church across the street. I consider myself a somewhat spiritual person, but do not belong to any organized religion. I know that people bond over like beliefs and activities, but I have let all those bonds slip away from me.
    I realized that for the past 2 1/2 years, since my husband died, I have basically lived in seclusion. I have created a shell of weight to keep me from meeting new people and getting involved in activities. I have decided It is time to remove that shell and get on with my life. I am ready to see what life has left in store for me. It's certainly not being so out of shape that I can't do things. I will lose this weight with diet and exercise and prepare myself to face the challenge of meeting new people. It is scary. Do any of you belong to churches or volunteer? Please share your experiences.
    Gayle- I know you go to workshops. Is it hard to meet new people there? Please share your stories and experiences.
    Dasher--Do you and your husband, belong to any groups? I know you teach exercise.
    Mary-Do you and your sister have any social groups, take any classes?
    Anyone else-please give advise and direction.
    I have problems making myself go to Curves, because I feel fat and out of shape. Isn't that stupid. That's why people go. I won't go shopping. I make a grocery list and my sons will get it. It is really time for a change. I'm to young to be this old.
    Thanks for the encouragement
    Health and happiness to all.

    What an insight Patty. Great that you are now ready to move outside of your shell! I think doing things like activities on mfp is a way to take care of yourself, to love and have compassion for yourself. I know for myself I have spent to much time hating my fat self and now am trying to focus on nurturing myself.

    I am an introverted person who does extroverted work (teaching, running groups) so I really treasure my alone time. But it was so great to go to Grand Junction last weekend and meet 12 great ladies, all members of the Rocky Mountain Collage Society. My BF Sandra and I joined this organization to get a discount on the workshop, now we are so glad to be part of this group. They are coming down to Denver in November for a National Collage Society meeting and I am excited about being part of this group. I've also joined some facebook artist's groups. Great to feel connect with artists from all over the world and I don't even have to leave my house. I also have a great group of women come for an art journaling group, to my "home studio" (converted living room) for creative time together. I do not know what I would do without my creative activities--it is what gives meaning to my life. My form of spiritual practice/mediation.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Sitting in my library looking out the window and noticing there seems to be a change in the air, the look about the trees and just a feeling of fall coming soon. I noticed this morning the change in the morning light as I woke up. Time sure is passing and this year as in the past few seem to be passing faster and faster. I remember “old folks” talking about how the time was flying by and as a child, I remember thinking how long it had been since Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know you can all relate. Anyway, it won’t be long until Halloween with candy sells going out the roof in every store and Thanksgiving with turkey and dressing and all the trimmings, Christmas with homemade gifts of candy, pies and cakes and family gatherings centered around holiday meals. How are we going to deal with not giving in to every temptation in the months to come? I think planning ahead is a great strategy but my biggest problem is making a snap decision to eat something, before I even have a chance to think it through. Just a taste, just a bite, just this one time and before you know it, one lb. on the scale and all my discipline, out the window . I think that starting now I am making an agreement with myself to let JUST THIS ONE holiday season pass by without indulging in ALL of the food and just relax, breath deep and enjoy the company of friends and family. Having moderation in all things is the key to success, they say, and I truly believe this is true. Would love to hear your thoughts on dealing with the upcoming holidays and success stories from those of you who have dealt with this in the past.

    Health and happiness to all.
    Patty ,last Christmas I was being very careful about what I ate.I always loved making candy and other desserts.I still made those things and I sent the leftovers home with my guests or took them somewhere for others to enjoy.I now take a small taste of something and pass the rest to my husband.lol.We also have to remember we have a group we have to answer to and a challenge.I usually do all the cooking and by the time we get ready to eat i'm not that hungry.Too tired I guess.I don't know why we let food control our lives instead of us controling it.It's just food!! Let's make ourselves accountable to each other and we can get through the Holidays healthier and feeling good about ourselves.We've got this!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Sitting in my library looking out the window and noticing there seems to be a change in the air, the look about the trees and just a feeling of fall coming soon. I noticed this morning the change in the morning light as I woke up. Time sure is passing and this year as in the past few seem to be passing faster and faster. I remember “old folks” talking about how the time was flying by and as a child, I remember thinking how long it had been since Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know you can all relate. Anyway, it won’t be long until Halloween with candy sells going out the roof in every store and Thanksgiving with turkey and dressing and all the trimmings, Christmas with homemade gifts of candy, pies and cakes and family gatherings centered around holiday meals. How are we going to deal with not giving in to every temptation in the months to come? I think planning ahead is a great strategy but my biggest problem is making a snap decision to eat something, before I even have a chance to think it through. Just a taste, just a bite, just this one time and before you know it, one lb. on the scale and all my discipline, out the window . I think that starting now I am making an agreement with myself to let JUST THIS ONE holiday season pass by without indulging in ALL of the food and just relax, breath deep and enjoy the company of friends and family. Having moderation in all things is the key to success, they say, and I truly believe this is true. Would love to hear your thoughts on dealing with the upcoming holidays and success stories from those of you who have dealt with this in the past.

    Health and happiness to all.
    Patty ,last Christmas I was being very careful about what I ate.I always loved making candy and other desserts.I still made those things and I sent the leftovers home with my guests or took them somewhere for others to enjoy.I now take a small taste of something and pass the rest to my husband.lol.We also have to remember we have a group we have to answer to and a challenge.I usually do all the cooking and by the time we get ready to eat i'm not that hungry.Too tired I guess.I don't know why we let food control our lives instead of us controling it.It's just food!! Let's make ourselves accountable to each other and we can get through the Holidays healthier and feeling good about ourselves.We've got this!!

    Mary and Patty, you are so right about temptations just down the road and glad we are talking about it now. It is all about knowing the calorie value/serving size of seductive foods, planning ahead for successful choices, moderation, and for me, finding lower calorie/fat/sugar alternatives to my favorites. Let's share such information with each other.

    Goals are reached by continuing to make choices that are consistent with your goals, then letting time do it's magic. It is really not denying yourself but rather nurturing yourself with tasty and sensible food selections. I guess I'm try to say--let's make it less about what we can not have (or have a lot of) and more about what we CAN have. Let's come up with doable portions of our favorites as well as healthful alternatives to all our favorites.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Here is my list of favorite holiday and seasonal foods

    October: zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, chocolate!

    November: pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, turkey (turkey sandwich, turkey casseroles)

    December: Christmas cookies, fruitcake

    I'm giving myself the task to find calorie counts related to portions of traditions foods as well as alternatives to favorites including recipes. I'm starting with October.
  • a2rforever
    a2rforever Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all...I just barely made the age as I turned 55 2 weeks ago! Since I retired from the military after 30 years I stopped working out and apparently thought that eating whatever, whenever and whyever I want would have no effect on me! WRONG...40 lbs later I am taking control of my health again. Starting with eating healthy again and making better choices. Slowly going back to the gym to work out...nothing fancy...just some good old elliptical trainer and walking. I am new to MFP but seems like a great tool to help keep on track. Nice to meet you all...and stay strong and if we fall we pick ourselves back up!

    "Do or Do not...there is no try" Yoda
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Hi Ralph! Hey if 55 is senior enough for Village Inn it works here too. Plus AARP is sending everyone their stuff the moment people turn 50! Here's something to look forward to: when you turn 60 they start sending you ads for cremation. LOL. Anyway, welcome and mfp is a great place for support, being held accountable, and keeping track of calories/fat/carbs/salt. We will cheer you on and only expect the same. Go Ralph!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone.
    Ralph -welcome to this group! .I've found when you're use to a routine and everything changes it takes awhile to get adjusted to a different lifestyle.When I retired I went through a structured day to getting lazy.After 2 yrs.I decided to start getting on track. I hope we can be an inspiration to you and you to us.I love MFP and i'm thankful I found it and the great support groups.
    A special thank you for serving in the military.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I'm back again. This is my third attempt to "learntolive". I think I really got it this time. This is my second week back on a good healthy eating plan. I've managed to keep my calories to 1,200 daily, which I really never really could do before. This time, I log the food I am going to eat the next day and get my calorie count, then tweak it. That has worked so far. I could use some friends. I have a few from my last attempts, and I have to say they are tried and true, and I love them for it. I realized the other day, my grandchildren only know me as being heavy. I need to lose the same 40 lbs. I've needed to lose for 12 years. I REALLY, REALLY want to do it this time. Could use your support. Thanks, Joni