Milestone 1 - Day 10: Thursday, 10/02/14

It is time for the first weighin. If the scale moves or not or even if it moves in the opposite direction, always believe in yourself. Because if you don't, no one else will. I am confident that you will keep challenging yourself beyond the first milestone (10% of Challenge time). ????

Now take that brave big step and log the weight in the spreadsheet. My moment of truth will be around 4:30 am.

After you add/update your info, the spreadsheet will calculate the 'weight loss since last weighin' and 'Short Term Goal Achieved todate'. If the 'Short Term Goal Achieved todate' column is at 10% then this means that you are on schedule to achieve your goal by the 100th day. If you are higher than 10% then you are ahead of schedule and need not be complacent. Below 10% means you are behind but don't panic, either adjust your strategy or adjust your Short Term Goal.

A summation will sum up all results and give the weight loss by all members. To see that exciting number I will request that all entries are updated by end of day on 10/02/14. So, please do your part.

Days 11 to 20 topics will be lead by lalepepper, the 2nd admin for the group.

???? Keep Challenging


  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    My weigh in will be tomorrow morning, but I'm finding a great deal of accountability in writing down my goals the night before. I am still approx 700 steps from 10,000, and I am ok with not making it all the way as I got up this morning to do a workout video.

    My goals for 10/2, besides the weigh in:
    Run C25K week 5, run 2
    Get 10,000 steps
    Stay under my calories
    Rock the Lean in 13 program
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    I weighed in this morning and was down 2 pounds, however the formula columns don't seem to have updated.

    Goals for today:

    Green smoothie for brekkie to start with the nutrients
    2 litres of water
    Go for a run this afternoon
    Feel positive about the loss so far
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,309 Member
    Goals for today:
    stay below calories
    8x water
    log everything

    I updated my weight on the spreadsheet - I gained 0.2 lbs... (stupid tom...) Anyway, I will not let myself be demotivated!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    as of this morning i can only record 1 lb weight loss, but im sure i will have lost more, i suspect that my muscles are retaining water as my shoulders, ribs and thighs are still aching therefore repairing and i always weigh more when i ache.

    goal for 10/100 not to eat any more biscuits there on the side and ive had 4 without that loads of breakfast calories and not much sustenance.
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Day 10 and I'm feeling down :cry: but I'm fighting.
    I need to lose weight so I'll do all I can and sure I'll see some change soon!
  • dlphnldy89
    I updated the spreadsheet but no calculations were made. No biggie. Recorded a four pound loss which is fantastic! So I think I'm on schedule for two pounds a week. Don't think I have a problem with workouts. Just have to stay on the eating clean plan

    T25 Ab Focus done this morning
    4.52 miles yesterday with strength training of 16 rounds of 10 push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and air squats in 20 minutes to close out the day.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    What happens with logging if you gain weight :-( (I got an injury)
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for maintaining this spreadsheet. I tried to enter in my entry at the 10% mark but the spreadsheet wouldn't allow it. Could there be a problem when too many people access the file at the same time? I used the link to the spreadsheet found in the 'Beginnings' post. Also I noticed that only the first 100 rows of the spreadsheet loaded. Perhaps we need a note to ask that users close the file when they have finished accessing it, especially during 'log in' days?
    Thanks again!
    All best

    [edit] I'm in now :)
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Down 3 lbs ???? after 2 weeks of consecutive logging and staying active!

    My goals are:

    Water- 8 more cups.
    10,000 steps.
    Day 3 of strength training.
    Get to bed early!- 8 hrs of sleep!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,448 Member
    I weigh in Saturday mornings.


    exercise everyday
    hit the gym three times this week w/daughter -- Mon (done)...Thurs & Sat
    recumbent...if there's time
    stay under calories
    no snacking

    I know how to do this. I just have to do it.

  • woozeymagic
    woozeymagic Posts: 6 Member
    Am very excited i lost weight at the first milestone, we had a 21st birthday and a 3rd birthday amongst our kids during this 10 day period and i expected (at best) to stay the same. Woohoo! Onwards and upwards i say. Well done to all those moving along towards their goals and a big shout out to those struggling, just participating is a step towards where you want to be :-) Happy goal chasing everyone :-)
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    What happens with logging if you gain weight :-( (I got an injury)

    You reboot, reload and refocus. Plenty of time ahead.
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I updated the spreadsheet but no calculations were made.

    For the time being I have hidden most calls in white color font and I manually change them to black. The reason I'd that if you have not entered your numbers the formula shows weirded results. May show all today.
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I weigh in Saturday mornings

    For team/group spirit I will suggest that you do weighin today. You can always weigh on Sunday as well.
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I weighed in this morning and was down 2 pounds, however the formula columns don't seem to have updated.

    Great progress. The formula columns are hidden in white font and are protected at the moment. I will change the font to black later today. May open some for which weighin has been done manually.
  • tanek747
    tanek747 Posts: 37 Member
    Progress has been surprisingly good over the 10 days, lost 4.2kgs or 9 - ish pounds. Partly I think from proceeding week with guests which was saltier and had alcohol even though I was always in a decent deficit on mfp that preceding week it may be stored some losses for this 10 day stretch. Overall mfp and UP24 combo working really well so far.
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I will be making the formula field to conditional formating sometime today. If your numbers do not show up then please don't get panicked, they are their just hidden at the moment, I am manually turning them to black font in the protected columns.
  • ssswish65
    ssswish65 Posts: 26 Member
    The scale didn't produce like I would have liked after the first 10 days, but I am still plugging away.
    Yesterday I did a 4 mile walk/run in the morning and another 4 mile walk after dinner. Not sure I can keep that up on a regular basis, but it did feel good.
    Today I've already worked out with light weights and walked 1 mile on the treadmill. Meals are already planned out for the day and I hope to get a 3-4 mile walk in this evening.
  • Neritel
    Neritel Posts: 24 Member
    the first two columns do not update / do not calculate anything for me, could you have a look please? Thanks :)
  • Onoiam50
    Onoiam50 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 10 and I'm feeling down :cry: but I'm fighting.
    I need to lose weight so I'll do all I can and sure I'll see some change soon!

    Hang in there, change isn't easy, just focus on you 'Why' least that's what I do, for me it's all about getting healthy.