Pity Party



  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I have really been getting after it this week with my workouts which feels good since I am still getting over my knee injury. I still can't run, jump, lunge, row, or squat with any weight but my doctor said it is OK for me to do air squats or squats with super light weight (like 45 lbs) so at least that's something.

    20 min AMRAP
    10 Power Snatch 95/65
    10 OHS
    10 Bar Over Burpees
    150 m Run
    For this workout I used 65 lbs on my hang power snatches and just the bar (45 lbs) on my overhead squats. Instead of a 150 m run I did a 150 m farmer carry with 20 lb dumbbells. I completed 4 full rounds plus 10 hang power snatches and 9 overhead squats before the time was up.

    Strict Press

    3 RFT
    30 Wall Balls 20/14
    30 Double Unders
    *5 burpee penalty if you drop the medicine ball*
    Last week at my gym we started the Wendler 5/3/1 strength training program with a focus on back squats, shoulder press, and deadlift. I obviously can't do the squats but the shoulder press and deadlift are fine for my knee. The weights I used for the shoulder press were 105-120-135 which is based off of my one rep max of 165 lbs. I was able to put up 135 6 times which is a personal best for me.
    I completed the WOD in 6:28 and did not have to do any burpees. I have yet to master double unders so I had to do 90 singles each round instead but I did use a 20 lb medicine ball.

    1 RM Power Clean

    6 RFT
    5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
    7 Shoulder to Overhead
    9 Toes to Bar
    12 GS Box Jumps 30/24
    I got up to 200 lbs on my power clean which I felt pretty happy about. Due to my knee injury I have been limited to just doing hang power cleans for the past few months so getting back into doing regular power cleans was a little scary but I felt pretty good afterwards.
    I completed the WOD in 10:38 using 95 lbs for the hang power cleans and the shoulder to overhead (push press) and had to sub in step ups for box jumps. I actually like doing box jumps and not being able to do them sucks.

    Ring Dips
    Dead Lift

    7 min AMRAP
    I will do this one after work today. All these burpees are gonna suck!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    aaargh - any injuries suck but knees most of all because you use them so much.
    Glad to read your on the mend. Keep up what you can do and don't hurry back to it - you don't want to aggravate it (but I'm sure you know that already).
    I injured my shoulder about 8 weeks ago and am while I can now do all overhead movements again, I'm still cagey about PU and TTB.
    Ah well, at least my back is getting strong doing all those ring rows :-)
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    aaargh - any injuries suck but knees most of all because you use them so much.
    Glad to read your on the mend. Keep up what you can do and don't hurry back to it - you don't want to aggravate it (but I'm sure you know that already).
    I injured my shoulder about 8 weeks ago and am while I can now do all overhead movements again, I'm still cagey about PU and TTB.
    Ah well, at least my back is getting strong doing all those ring rows :-)

    Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    Interest read; glad to hear you are getting better!

    I got something strange going on with my knee too and two separate doctors tell me it's fine.

    I got full range and high knees feels better than low knee movements.

    When warming up the knees I put my fingers down just below the inside of my knee cap and can feel stuff moving around and it's only happening in one knee. I ice it a lot and wear a sleeve once in a while. I wish I was still in college and could jut pop into the training room.

    We need more sport fitness doctors who deal with sport injuries all the time! I got to figure out what is going on here. Ugh!
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    aaargh - any injuries suck but knees most of all because you use them so much.
    Glad to read your on the mend. Keep up what you can do and don't hurry back to it - you don't want to aggravate it (but I'm sure you know that already).
    I injured my shoulder about 8 weeks ago and am while I can now do all overhead movements again, I'm still cagey about PU and TTB.
    Ah well, at least my back is getting strong doing all those ring rows :-)

    same, and I am also nervous to do heavy snatches or push presses. I have been doing heavy band pull-ups so I am not putting so much pressure on my shoulder. yay injuries!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Saw my doctor today and was given the OK to go back to normal training. I am gonna run this weekend for sure.

    Today at CF it was all about the snatch and even after all this time off I was able to match my 1RM of 150 lbs! I was pretty pumped. I think I may have been able to do more but decided to end on a high note instead. B)
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Be careful with the running won't you, first sign of pain please stop. From my experience it's so tough on the knees. And yes I know I sound like I'm your mother :wink: :p
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks Inky! <3

    I had my first run yesterday, nothing too major, and my knees felt fine afterwards. My lower back hurt a bit about halfway through my run which was weird but I felt like I was pretty careful overall.