Eating when happy, not stressed

I am an emotional eater but I tend to do it when I am happy, not when I am stressed. The problem is that I am happy a lot...not that being happy is a problem but it makes it hard to have will power. Does anyone else have this problem and what do you do to get through it?


  • danielletogether4health
    For me Happy sometimes equals Celebrate Good Times ... with lots of special celebration foods and drinks. I have had to try to find other non food ways to celebrate. It's not always easy -- but one step at a time habits can be changed. This year since my kids are well beyond trick or treat -- I'm going to either not come home in time to pass out treats or shut off all the lights and pretend I am not home. Halloween Candy is a good time food for me.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    I'm dealing with that this week. I am not usually a happy eater. I usually eat when I'm down, but I do like to celebrate. When something good happens, it seems like a great excuse to go out and splurge! Last week, I got some amazing good news. News I have been waiting for over a decade. The kind of news you break out bottles of champagne to celebrate. Except I was right in the middle of a personal challenge to go 30 days without eating added sugar. So there I was with this mindblowing good news, and I was going home to eat roasted chicken breast and veggies. Yaaaay. :tongue:

    So I did the only thing I could think of--I scheduled a massage and bought new nail polish. Because darn it! I deserved a celebration. So I gave myself a pedicure, and went to my massage, and felt like a princess. And I didn't binge celebrate. Now tomorrow, the first day after my 30 day challenge, I suspect I'm going to eat some indulgent food, but I held on for 2 weeks without caving in.

    I guess that's my advice. When you're happy and you want to eat, go do something else that makes you feel happy or celebratory.