Fresh Start

It's always difficult transitioning into a new challenge. Today is the first day of the 75 day challenge and I, myself, definitely need to get on track and find ways to transition into this so that I feel encouraged, not discouraged.

Fitness experts Tosca Reno and Ramona Braganza have both told me that having support is key to fitness success. 3 of the people that I live with are on board with this challenge and some of my friends at work will be joining. Let the fun begin! Looking forward to a great journey in health!

I'm interested in any tips on transitioning into a fitness and clean eating regime.



  • S_of_Montreal
    S_of_Montreal Posts: 37 Member
    Yes I am joining. It will be awesome to do it with a group.
  • Perfect I should find this challenge starting today. I'm restarting my tracking on MFP after a week of not tracking on my old weight loss site. I'm 53 pounds down from where I started, but plateaued and have been hovering here for weeks. so it really feels like I'm starting from scratch. New calorie limit, new exercise routine, new goal date...ready to go!

    Updated my short-term goal on my profile page: by the end of the challenge to hit my next milestone, which is a BMI out of the obese classification and in the overweight category. That requires breaking the plateau I've hit and losing 20 pounds. I'll need you all to cheer me on! :happy:
  • This is perfect timing. I need a boost more like a shove, to get going and hit my goal. I would like to be down about 35-40 total and able to run up stairs without gasping for breath, which means working out at least 5 times/week. My worst thing is consistency, esp. with eating. I need to write down everything I eat and think before I shove it in. Thanks in advance for all of your support. And I've got your backs too!
  • Cold weather is coming and it's time to get motivated instead of hibernating all winter.
  • darlenerood
    darlenerood Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in.
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    Yes! This is great! We have 27 members. We're off to a great start! New beginnings for all of us.

    I know the first few days are difficult as we adjust to our new routines. Some of us will have cravings. Some will have achy muscles and feel fatigue. Some of us will feel the first results of detoxing.

    Typically, in a diet change, the first 3 days are difficult but extremely productive. We might feel hungry and inclined to reach for our old standbys but if we manage to resist and change our patterns of behavior, then we will feel the results quite quickly as our body purges all the gunck that we let build up inside us.

    This is our forum to exchange our thoughts, our struggles, our victories, our suggestions, our fav foods etc.

    Use this opportunity to support one another in this journey and know that you are not alone. We are walking (or running) by your side in this challenge.
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    I'm definitely here to cheer you on! Keep it up! It's worth it!
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    Awesome, Darlene! Welcome to the challenge!
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    Yes! Indeed, it's a great time to focus on your goals!
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    Groups are the best! They provide the support we all need :)
  • miracleomo
    miracleomo Posts: 4 Member
    count me in
  • Tatarataa
    Tatarataa Posts: 178 Member
    Can I still join you?
    Want to keep track of my calories again after about a month without and many pounds back on me.....
  • LynnDee2Lose
    LynnDee2Lose Posts: 3 Member
    Here's to new beginnings! :happy:
  • im in! a day late but ill just end a day after the last day! woooohoooo!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    It's always difficult transitioning into a new challenge. Today is the first day of the 75 day challenge and I, myself, definitely need to get on track and find ways to transition into this so that I feel encouraged, not discouraged.

    Fitness experts Tosca Reno and Ramona Braganza have both told me that having support is key to fitness success. 3 of the people that I live with are on board with this challenge and some of my friends at work will be joining. Let the fun begin! Looking forward to a great journey in health!

    I'm interested in any tips on transitioning into a fitness and clean eating regime.


    I can't help but notice the group photos is that you with Tosca. She is an inspiration to me. I just love her, if she can turn her life around in her late 30s and look amazing right now in her 50s anyone can do it. She has proven it.
  • GoldenOctober
    GoldenOctober Posts: 24 Member
    Hey guys!

    I'm a day late, but I guess that's okay?! I only joined MFP today, all very new, exciting, and I'm looking forward to the results of this group!

  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    Hey guys!

    I'm a day late, but I guess that's okay?! I only joined MFP today, all very new, exciting, and I'm looking forward to the results of this group!


    Welcome! It's never too late! Glad to have you on board!
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    im in! a day late but ill just end a day after the last day! woooohoooo!

    Exactly! This is a self guided journey! You are the tour guide! Welcome aboard!
  • swyman1
    swyman1 Posts: 38
    Can I still join you?
    Want to keep track of my calories again after about a month without and many pounds back on me.....

    Absolutely! Great to have you join!