Introduce yourself

Since we are building a team, I feel it is important for everyone to introduce themselves. The
more we know about each other, the better we can connect, the better we can keep each other accountable, and the better we can support each other.

I will start:

Dustin Rodriguez
35 yrs old
Married to my high school sweetheart for 14 yrs
2 kids, 11 yrs & 9 yrs
Fitness program: P90X
Goal: Be ripped by May 2015


  • pammy359
    pammy359 Posts: 8 Member
    Pam Wilson
    54 years old

    3 kids, 27, 26 & 22....3 grandkids, 6,5 & 2.
    Fitness program: running, hiking, starting P90X
    Goal: To run a 10 K race, and then work towards a half marathon.
    To lose 20 lbs
    To educate & motivate my friends and family.
    I feel so much better when I'm active and eating healthy, and I want others to feel as good as they can. Eat real food, cook your own food, grow your own food if you can and buy local....all important things to me.
  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    Sydney! =]
    27 years old
    I have a 2.5 year old and a 4 year old!
    I use insanity and asylum 1&2 I also hit the gym 3 hours every saturday lifting
    goals..muscle i want muscle ... to be ripped would be my dream
  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    44 yo
    No kids, lots of step kids, grand step kids, and four legged kids
    Various fitness DVDs - yoga, cardio, and strength; mainly Cathe Friedrich
    Goal - don't have one
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    46 years old
    2 Kids -15 and 12, Married 18 years

    Fitness Program : variety, mostly dependent on weather…bike, walk, kayak, and just started to jog again!
    Also try to add one or two strength training -dumbbell workouts or bodyweight type stuff.

    Goals: to lose weight.
  • Tiffany
    22 years old
    No kids or spouse
    Fitness program: me going to the gym 4/5 days a week for strength training and cardio as well as daily at home (before shower) HIIT.
    Goal: lose weight and tone up plus be able to do the Spartan Trifecta and a tough mudder in 2015
  • GFDawn
    GFDawn Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn - 46

    Single & loving life -- Gluten-free for medical reasons & healthier for about 4 years
    Love my family, boyfriend & cat -- enjoy being at home but love the outdoors
    Prefer to be in nature when exercising but live in Ohio & winter is coming!

    Goal: To lose weight, feel & look better. And be able to buy new skinnier jeans!!
  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    I thought of a goal! To make all of the recipes from Ani Phyo's "Raw Essentials" cookbook by the end of the year. Stealing the idea from that movie about the Betty Crocker cookbook. Always wanted to do something like that. I'm going to mark them, rate them, do the recipes according to the instructions (I am bad about winging it), and redo the ones I am not sure I did right or did at all.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Hi I am Becky 53 I have 2 sons one airbourne medic hopefully ranger soon and the other in last year of engineering long coming. I have been married 31 years and very blessed with our marriage. I am a little different than many in my goals. First I have been learning with support to listen to body and not overtrain. I do train hard 3x wk circuit style strength training and not afraid of heavy weights and usually 2 days of cardio. I am learning to not zoneout and be aware of time and surroundings when running banned still from running alone. I am NOT trying to lose weight rather maintain and continue to get lean. I was a competitive skier and am still involved in my hometown team. I love being active and trying new things. Those close to me all know the worst 4 letter word to me is REST!
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member

    I'm 22 years old
    I have 1 beautiful little girl (she'll be 4 in a month!)
    My goal is (for right now) to lose 70 lbs by July. Overall, I'd like to lose about 100-110 lbs within the next year and a half or so.
    My program as of right now is to just log my calories, drink a ton of water and I'm gonna start walking (I'd love to try running, but everytime I ever have my chest literally feels like its going to explode)
    This isn't my first time around, I lost about 30 lbs between fall of 2012 and summer of 2013 when I fell off my plan of action. I'm trying to get back into it and stay into. I quit smoking (for 8 months, then briefly started again, and have now quit again for the past 2 months and going strong!), and I just want to set a good example for my daughter. My mom never set a good example for me, let me eat whatever I wanted, however much I wanted, never encouraged me to go outside and play, and I don't want to be like that. (Now, I'm not blaming my mom for my present situation, but she didn't exactly set me up for a lifetime of being healthy thats for sure.) I'm also terrified of becoming diabetic as it runs in my family.

    I really just am in need of great support and motivation, and I think I'll be okay.
  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    Hi Brittany,

    Let me know if you want some ideas. I never think you should do too much too soon because you want it to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. And, I think you have good ideas. One other idea to incorporate - now or when you're ready - is to start eating more fruits and vegetables. If you don't eat any, start with 3 servings per day. Add another serving each week. If you already eat some, add another serving each week. I always think 9 servings per day is a good goal. Might be a bit high for some. But I actually eat closer to 11 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

    You sound like you have a good grasp, attitude, and good reasons to get fit. I also like your timeline to accomplish what you want to do.
  • Team Unstoppable,

    super excited to be apart of the team!

    I have been a runner before, but had to stop due to a physical injury. I am fully healed and ready to start running again! I have a set plan to run M.W.F. and rest on my off days. I live in sunny SoFlo and have been enjoying the cool weather! I am 24 years old and have an amazing husband who supports me no matter what!

  • shannonlynne67
    shannonlynne67 Posts: 62 Member
    My name is Shannon.
    I am 47 years old.
    I live on the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan. I love to hike in the woods and dunes near us. I also like to bike.
    I love, love, love to laugh.
    I have no children of my own but spend loads of time with my nieces and nephews who live nearby.
    My husband is my best friend and the kindest most patient person I have ever met. We have been married for 11 years and life has only gotten better and better with him by my side.
    I grew up eating whatever I wanted and was always lean and healthy. In the past few years I have realized one cannot be in their late 40's and eat whatever they want without repercussions. :sad:
    I am on the tall side so hide my weight fairly well, (many would be shocked to see the # on my scale). I think this fact has lulled me into thinking my situation is not urgent. But I can feel it when I exert myself. It just does not feel the same as it used to. Does that make sense? I want to feel like I used to.
    I am working on some clearly defined goals. I do not want to set goals until I have a schedule in place that will support them.
    It has been a pleasure to read all of your introductions. :smile:
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Shannon! I'm fairly tall myself (5'9) and hide my weight fairly well too. I still look overweight but not by as much as I actually am.
  • shannonlynne67
    shannonlynne67 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Brittany! Good to meet you. :)
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Love that you are not just jumping but planning Shannon that is so smart to prevent injuries. I felt so lucky to have support when I started back after medical issues it kept me safe and on a stead path forward and if left to my own thoughts I would have gone from zero to 100 to fast and am sure would have been in trouble.