
After you establish your "Why" you must start setting goals. Goals are important to your success no matter what you do in life. The problem I've always had was setting unrealistic goals. I thought I would be able to reach them, but my goals were not reasonable. Now that I'm a little older I see the fault in my past. I came across a great goal setting method. The S.M.A.R.T. method is proven to work. I thought I would pass the info on to this team.

There are 3 months until the new year. For some of us, these are the greatest months and others they are the hardest. I encourage you to take the time to set some goals that will take you till the end of the year. I challenge you to post your goals here, that way we can keep you accountable!

Here's the method:

S = Specific "I want to lose weight," is not very specific. How about: "I am going to lose 25 pounds or 3 pants or dress sizes."

M = Measurable Anything that you can measure, you can accomplish! "I will network with more people and make better connections for my business." How would you measure "more"? Try something like this instead: "I will meet and follow-up with 2 new people at every networking event that I attend this year."

A = Attainable Is it possible to attain your goal? When you create your goals and write them down you should make sure that your goals are possible! Now, you have to be cautious though. Don't go too easy on yourself. Your goals should have some stretch to them so that you can grow!

R = Realistic "I will get into shape so I can jump over a tall building in a single bound" Uh...nope, not going to happen. There are certain laws of physics that still make it impossible for humans to jump over a tall building in a single bound. Make sure that the goals you created based on reality.

T = Time Limited Give yourself a deadline. In fact this has already been done for you by the folks that created P90X. It is 90 DAYS!!!!


  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    S: By the new year I plan to lose 20 lbs, and eliminate some bad food/health choices such as the amount of sweets I allow myself to have, and spending more time outside vs inside on the computer.
    M: I will do an "official" weigh in at the end of each month (I should have a new scale by the end of this month, so yay :D)
    A: This goal I believe is attainable, we have roughly 13 weeks until the end of the year, if I stick to a 1.5-2 lb a week loss plan and keep to a routine exercise regimen it is feasible.
    R: I feel this is very realistic. Sure, changing my eating habits, and getting motivated to get off my bum is going to be a little hard at first, but once I get into the routine it will be easy peasy.
    T: We'll say 3 months/ 90 days for a time limit.

    These are my CURRENT goals. I think the best way for me to get back into the journey to weight loss/being healthy is to set little mini goals, and reward myself in some way for doing so.
  • S.M.A.R.T.

    I will be able to run a 5K in 38 minutes or less by the end of March. I will reach this goal by running three times a week and recording my weekly mileage to minutes ratio.
