Daily Check In Thread



  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    Week 7, Day 1 finished. I can't wait to finish training. It's taken me so much longer to get here than 8 weeks.
  • SamNicoll
    SamNicoll Posts: 43 Member
    Week 3 completed. I understand that things get 'serious' in Week 4 - eek!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Week6 Day1 is done!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    It was raining right before I ran and I ran all over paddles and wet grass. My shoes and socks got wet in 2 minutes which was not fun at all. How do you keep your feet dry in such a weather?

  • TowsonChuck
    TowsonChuck Posts: 65 Member
    W7D1 Done... 25minute run (ZenLabs) A little tougher then I thought. I assume it is because I hit the cycling hard yesterday, no cardio tomorrow to give the legs a rest. Just weight training. Hopefully that makes it a bit easier on my legs come Friday for W7D2.

    Since I am getting to the point where I am in the home stretch, I am measuring the pace of the runs with out the warm up /cool down periods. In 25 minutes, I ran 2.46 miles, for a pace of 10:10/mile. Fairly happy with that pace. I ran at a comfortable speed, I didn't try to push my self any faster then my normal jogging pace ( I'll save that for when I get the "Run 5k" part).
  • TowsonChuck
    TowsonChuck Posts: 65 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    It was raining right before I ran and I ran all over paddles and wet grass. My shoes and socks got wet in 2 minutes which was not fun at all. How do you keep your feet dry in such a weather?

    Not sure there is an easy solution to this. Besides getting some expensive waterproof shoes and socks. Merrell makes some waterproof shoes for running, I think they are more designed for trail running. I think the easiest most economical way might be to try running a different route that is mainly road/sidewalks. My normal route, has a stretch that has no sidewalk, so I get risky and run in the road, I run early mornings, and it's well in the suburbs so there isn't much traffic to worry about.
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks Ceci for the links about stitches - really helpful info!
    Happyfeetrebel - awesome job! How fast were you running right when you finished your c25k? When you say you run every day or so - did you start running 30 min a day or the full distance? Everyone says if you put your miles in your speed increases naturally - sounds like it worked for you! :) I'm on week 8 running about 4.2mph - excited to see if it will come true for me as well!
  • W5D1 Complete!!!! I peeked into next week and cannot even imagine running 20 min straight by W6D3 (doing ease into 5K). Still slow as a turtle but still getting through. I am starting to get the runners high when I am done which I love!!!!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Hoping the messed up forums isn't going to sideline this thread! I love reading everyone's updates!

  • TowsonChuck
    TowsonChuck Posts: 65 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Hoping the messed up forums isn't going to sideline this thread! I love reading everyone's updates!


    I was thinking the same thing! I have not seen the normal contributors on here since the change...
  • jsandie76
    jsandie76 Posts: 201 Member
    W7D3 Complete! I can't believe I am one week away from graduating! I am not sure if I should go STRAIGHT into the 5-10k bridge program or if I should run a couple full 5K days before starting.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    jsandie76 wrote: »
    W7D3 Complete! I can't believe I am one week away from graduating! I am not sure if I should go STRAIGHT into the 5-10k bridge program or if I should run a couple full 5K days before starting.

    I moved right on to 5-10k as far as training. I ran a couple of official 5k's while I was doing the 10k program.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    It was raining right before I ran and I ran all over paddles and wet grass. My shoes and socks got wet in 2 minutes which was not fun at all. How do you keep your feet dry in such a weather?

    Not sure there is an easy solution to this. Besides getting some expensive waterproof shoes and socks. Merrell makes some waterproof shoes for running, I think they are more designed for trail running. I think the easiest most economical way might be to try running a different route that is mainly road/sidewalks. My normal route, has a stretch that has no sidewalk, so I get risky and run in the road, I run early mornings, and it's well in the suburbs so there isn't much traffic to worry about.
    W6D2 is done, by the way! No more walking except warmup and cooldown
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I was sidelined for a few days and came back to a very different looking forum. I missed my chance to run today, so it looks like the first time I'm going to run in a week will be in a 5k race.

    Looks like everyone is doing great.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    W6D2 today. Saturday, I will do W6D3 (22min/2.25mile run) while participating in a 4K color run. I think that will be a win/win.
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Went for my first run since finishing the programme. Run for 47 mins!! Didn't quite reach 5k - (4.7km ) but didn't know until I got home, next time I'll get there!! B)
  • TowsonChuck
    TowsonChuck Posts: 65 Member
    @Upsaluki hope you are healed up.

    W7D2 All done. 25 minute run, covered exactly 2.5 miles. Near the end I was felling like I was done, then when the cool down came, after about 30 seconds of walking, I felt I could have kept running, and I was clearly just whining to myself at the end of the run. One more day then into the last week!
  • snbouchard81
    snbouchard81 Posts: 128 Member
    I completed W2D1 today. I couldn't believe how much harder that extra 30 seconds made it. At the 10 minute mark I thought I was going to have to stop early and try again another day. But slowly I found the time passing and once I got to the last 10 minutes I wasn't willing to give up until the end. The cool down felt like a blessing. :smiley:

    I am excited though that I feel like one day running may be possible.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I completed W2D1 today. I couldn't believe how much harder that extra 30 seconds made it. At the 10 minute mark I thought I was going to have to stop early and try again another day. But slowly I found the time passing and once I got to the last 10 minutes I wasn't willing to give up until the end. The cool down felt like a blessing. :smiley:

    I am excited though that I feel like one day running may be possible.

    Are you running inside or out, how is your breathing, can you talk to someone while doing the run intervals? Personally I found 2 bits of advice, that I cheerfully ignored for 4 weeks invaluable. One, I got off a dreadmill and got outside, the best move I made for me. Second by not having a pace and clock in front of me, I "listened" to my body and went at a slower pace outside and found a lot of the boredom/ tiredness disappeared. Perhaps it was the ever changing visual stimulus or just the fact I went at a natural pace for me. Stick with it and see if you can workout what works for you. Best of luck B)

  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Second to last day of c25k today. Completed 5k in the horicon national refuge 5k today in 29:23.