October - Body, Soul & Mind Month.

LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
I believe that in order to have healthy body we need also to have a healthy mind and to be at peace within ourselves. Eating healthy food is a great start but there are other things we must do to get the balance right. Simple things like ensuring we get enough sunlight, feeling the grass under our feet, taking the time to take a deep breath and simply relaxing by listening to some great music.

As I have the day off and in order to start the month off in the right direction, I intend to go for a short walk, breathe and soak up the sun and throughout October my goal will be to minimise stress and enjoy the simple things in life.

And my challenge to you is to make October the month you find some balance in your life. Happy October. :smile:


  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I love this challenge. Count me in....I want to start making sure I get time out in the sun every day. It is so good for the spirit. Also, I would love to get more quality sleep!


    ~Skye :flowerforyou:
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I saw this thing in the regular forums yesterday called Go Sober for October (http://www.gosober.org.uk) and while I am not in the UK I decided to give it a go myself. I think it will be interesting to test my willpower in social situations. Is anyone else interested in giving this a try?
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Sun is so important, and I have a vitamin D deficiency, although I spend plenty of time in it. This is a good reminder to be mindful of everything around us with healing properties! I'm in for an October re-boot!
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    October is my favorite month and I want to get the most out of it as possible and love the idea of this challenge- so positive! I'm in.
  • iwillrun2
    iwillrun2 Posts: 34 Member
    I love walking when it is cooler outside and the leaves are crunching under your feet. Plan on a lot of walking and outdoor time.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    I'm so pleased to have such a positive response to this challenge and I am looking forward to the many ways in which you find to bring peace and harmony into your life. I'm a bit wary of the "alcohol free" challenge at this stage Ascrit but hopefully by the end of the month I won't need alcohol. Good luck with your endeavour especially in social situations.

    For me, I returned to meditation this morning and I had forgotten how wonderful it could be. Despite doing quite a bit of meditation over the years, especially in time of extreme stress, I still suck at it and find it difficult to settle my mind for the time required so today I choose a simple 10min meditation.

    I hope you enjoy this as much as I did as a method of relaxation. It is from the trusted Mayo Clinic.

  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    There are some truly wonderful 5-10 minute meditations and even that small amount of time can make a difference to your day.
    Check out this great site from Insightla..when I first started a more serious meditation practice,these were the guided meditations I was using. http://www.insightla.org/audio/
    I am very happy t see this thread as this is something I have been neglecting in my life and something that makes such a huge difference.
    I am trying to get into a routine of tapping every day as well as getting back to my daily mediation practice.
    Happy to be here for this challenge and now,off to meditate :)
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Good for you Justapoonful. I will certainly have a look at the site you mentioned. I love the calm that meditation brings into my life and I am a bit annoyed at myself for not continuing the practice. Hopefully, we will both return to regular meditation as the month progresses. I am a "tapper" too so we can discuss that at a later time. Enjoy your meditation. :smile:
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Last night, a colleague of mine made a minor mistake and her immediate reaction was "Oh, I so stupid!''

    How often do we do that to ourselves and it is so wrong. I think we underestimate the damage we are doing to ourselves at times and the effect it has on our self-esteem and confidence. So today I am going to find time to approve of myself.

    Loving yourself and being kind to yourself helps you in turn to love others and be kind to others. Self-approval and self-acceptance are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives. So start by not criticising yourself today. You have probably been criticising yourselves for years and today is the day to approve of yourself and see what happens.

    So today, say something positive to yourself and keep saying it throughout the day.
    Mine will be "I love and have confidence in myself"

    This will be easy for me, I'm so far up myself at times that I will breeze through this one.:bigsmile:

    Anyway, I certainly love and approve of you all. You guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    Last night, a colleague of mine made a minor mistake and her immediate reaction was "Oh, I so stupid!''

    How often do we do that to ourselves and it is so wrong. I think we underestimate the damage we are doing to ourselves at times and the effect it has on our self-esteem and confidence. So today I am going to find time to approve of myself.

    Loving yourself and being kind to yourself helps you in turn to love others and be kind to others. Self-approval and self-acceptance are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives. So start by not criticising yourself today. You have probably been criticising yourselves for years and today is the day to approve of yourself and see what happens.

    So today, say something positive to yourself and keep saying it throughout the day.
    Mine will be "I love and have confidence in myself"

    This will be easy for me, I'm so far up myself at times that I will breeze through this one.:bigsmile:

    Anyway, I certainly love and approve of you all. You guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is great and something we all need to do.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Today I am going to concentrate on Posture. I know that sound stupid but lately I have noticed, possibly because I am getting older, that I am not standing as straight as I used to in my younger days. So today, every time I think about it I am going to imagine a string attached to the crown of my head, being pulled gently, so that whether I am sitting or standing, I will become as straight as possible without straining or forcing muscles.

    Good posture is a habit I have been neglecting so I will try my best to change.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Today I am going to concentrate on Posture. I know that sound stupid but lately I have noticed, possibly because I am getting older, that I am not standing as straight as I used to in my younger days. So today, every time I think about it I am going to imagine a string attached to the crown of my head, being pulled gently, so that whether I am sitting or standing, I will become as straight as possible without straining or forcing muscles.

    Good posture is a habit I have been neglecting so I will try my best to change.

    I have found that weight lifting & CrossFit has improved my posture. :smile:
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    thank you for posting this! just what i needed this morning. that grass under foot sounds great right about now!
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Well so far, I love the new forum. It has been a bit strange being locked out for the last few attempts.

    It is a great feeling La5VegGirl to have the grass under foot and to return to nature but I sense there is more to it than that. R u ok? Isn't that what we are supposed to be asking our friends and I do consider everyone on this Paleo forum my friend. (The other one scares me a little.) Actually, someone on the main forum commented the other day "there seems to be a connection between dieting and depression" and that does not surprise me when you read what some people are eating. More and more researchers are finding that proper nutrition aids mental health.

    So anyway, if we can be of any help, please ask. From what I have seen so far, you are safe here. xx
  • smallpalehuman
    smallpalehuman Posts: 38 Member
    :) Count me in, too!
  • neighborskp
    neighborskp Posts: 64
    edited October 2014
    Hello. I'm new to the group. I've been doing Paleo since July 13th and really enjoying how I feel. Since I discovered MFP 9/29 I have been focusing everything I have on logging and exercising, but when I saw this post I felt truly inspired.

    I thought, "Oh yeah. I used to love to meditate. And walking barefoot through grass is so peaceful." What an awesome idea to add my spiritual well-being to the mix. I have to avoid direct sun (I take a lot of Vit D3 to make up for that) but I can take my daughter to the park a couple evenings a week and have us pull off our shoes. She would love that and so would I.

    - Kara
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    Hello. I'm new to the group. I've been doing Paleo since July 13th and really enjoying how I feel. Since I discovered MFP 9/29 I have been focusing everything I have on logging and exercising, but when I saw this post I felt truly inspired.

    I thought, "Oh yeah. I used to love to meditate. And walking barefoot through grass is so peaceful." What an awesome idea to add my spiritual well-being to the mix. I have to avoid direct sun (I take a lot of Vit D3 to make up for that) but I can take my daughter to the park a couple evenings a week and have us pull off our shoes. She would love that and so would I.

    - Kara

    First of all, welcome to the group. I am fairly new myself even though I have being doing close versions of Paleo for years. I believe food is our medicine and nutrition is so important for our physical and mental health. But to truly be whole we need to also focus on our spiritual well being and taking your daughter to the park and enjoying those precious times with her are vital and so rewarding. My daughter is coming home tonight for the weekend and I am really excited about that as I haven't seen her since Christmas as she lives in another state. She is coming home simply because she is homesick and needs to be with her family for a short time. And for me seeing her will be like food for the soul. I can't wait. :)

    Paleo will be one of the greatest gifts you will give to your children as you will be giving them the gift of good health but Kara, I know you are probably a busy mum but try and find time for yourself to meditate, even for ten minutes. I wish I had done it when my children were young as I think I would have been more in control and calmer.

    Good luck with the new lifestyle you have chosen and exercising as well. Good for you. xx

  • neighborskp
    neighborskp Posts: 64
    edited October 2014
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    Hello. I'm new to the group. I've been doing Paleo since July 13th and really enjoying how I feel. Since I discovered MFP 9/29 I have been focusing everything I have on logging and exercising, but when I saw this post I felt truly inspired.

    I thought, "Oh yeah. I used to love to meditate. And walking barefoot through grass is so peaceful." What an awesome idea to add my spiritual well-being to the mix. I have to avoid direct sun (I take a lot of Vit D3 to make up for that) but I can take my daughter to the park a couple evenings a week and have us pull off our shoes. She would love that and so would I.

    - Kara

    First of all, welcome to the group. I am fairly new myself even though I have being doing close versions of Paleo for years. I believe food is our medicine and nutrition is so important for our physical and mental health. But to truly be whole we need to also focus on our spiritual well being and taking your daughter to the park and enjoying those precious times with her are vital and so rewarding. My daughter is coming home tonight for the weekend and I am really excited about that as I haven't seen her since Christmas as she lives in another state. She is coming home simply because she is homesick and needs to be with her family for a short time. And for me seeing her will be like food for the soul. I can't wait. :)

    Paleo will be one of the greatest gifts you will give to your children as you will be giving them the gift of good health but Kara, I know you are probably a busy mum but try and find time for yourself to meditate, even for ten minutes. I wish I had done it when my children were young as I think I would have been more in control and calmer.

    Good luck with the new lifestyle you have chosen and exercising as well. Good for you. xx

    Thank you so much for the kind and supportive words. I hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter and
    ...may you both walk barefoot in the grass bathed under the moon. :wink:
  • welderftw
    Missed this thread from last month but abolutely love it. The body and mind are all definitely connected. A healthy mind and soul is the first step to a healthy body, then a healthy lifestyle. Plan to take all these suggesstions from this thread and add to my plans. I also would love to hear the results of the Body, Soul, and Mind month. Thanks again :)
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    edited November 2014
    I believe so much in this thread welderftw but am ashamed to say I let the side down in October. Life got in the way but I see no reason why we can't have a November - Body, Soul & Mind Month. Stay tuned.