Milestone 2 - Day 20: Sunday, 10-12-14



  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I lost weight in this last block of 10 days, but not as much as I did in the first block. I'm going to focus on the fact that the scale did go down, and not that it wasn't as much as I'd hoped it would, though. The next 10 days will bring a mini goal for me. I started all of this with it in mind that I wanted to drop some weight before going to a wedding. Ultimately, I want more than that of course...but the wedding is a baby step along the way to my ultimate goal. The wedding is this coming Saturday, so as long as I keep losing I'll meet that mini goal. I bought myself and new dress for the occasion. Having this wedding to attend next Saturday will definitely keep me on my best behavior this week!
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Not as much progress as I would have liked to have made, but tomorrow is a new day and we have another 10 days ahead of us. I start level 3 of the 30 DS tomorrow, only 10 days left - hopefully this last 10 days will help meet my goals. Am going to try to cut way back on the carbs and up the protein for 2 days this week. This kind of change usually helps jump start my efforts - we'll see.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    Jeez sorry I forgot to post yesterday. I can't get used to these new forums. anyway, I wish I could record my inches lost instead of pounds because for me that has been a bigger success for me. I have lost 2 inches but not so many pounds, I have actually had the scales go up! but my goals remain the same. do my 21 day fix, walk my two miles, do my mile on the treadmill, my 4 minutes on the ellipitical and the circuit training I burn 1260 calories with my full work out and determined to lose this weight!
  • awesomekaty
    awesomekaty Posts: 40 Member
    I love these small goals from week-to-week. It's definitely helping keep me at a manageable pace. Let's go team!
  • neckbonetwo
    neckbonetwo Posts: 20 Member
    I have been so off for the past few days. I really need to find a good work like balance. However, I have been watching what I eat and exercising. So it's a total lost cause.
  • Icoza87
    Icoza87 Posts: 111 Member
    I've been way off for a while now. Trying to re-gain my motivation. Also, sorry for the late weigh in. I'll set myself a reminder for the next one :smiley:
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    well not at 20% but 18% isnt so bad!!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I've had a couple not so great weeks, but I'm at 14% lost so I'll take it for now!
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    I went backwards! Time to focus and get my head in this! Good job everyone!
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    I'm at 19.35% . I need to step it up some. As long as I don't gain weight I am happy :) I did not put the weight on in one day. Slow and steady weight loss is the way to go. I have found if I lose too much too fast; I gain it all back and some extra as well. Praying the next weigh-in will be GOOD for ALL of us :)
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Lol! Nearly back to my starting point now...feeling positive about these next 10 days
  • bstevens87
    I had a rough weekend as far as sticking to my goals. However, I still didn't have a gain with my weigh in. Back at it and plan to have an excellent weigh in at 30%. Time to get serious again!
  • tanek747
    tanek747 Posts: 37 Member
    edited October 2014
    So finally had a moment to enter my values for 20 days in. Frankly a bit surprised by my progress. In the 20 days I've dropped 16lbs from 245 to 229, so that's 53.3% of my 30lb goal already. Expecting to slow down or get some sort of plateau as I get closer to my ultimate goal weight of around 185-190.

    Just going to keep doing what I'm doing. Eating vegan, as much whole natural home cooked foods as possible. Eating good carbs like brown rice really seems to help with my energy levels for exercising especially next day. Log every morsel and bite. Walk with the dog, track UP24 steps and keep my motivation high when I swim. Doing this with my partner is a huge help, she's brilliant. Oh I love green tea too, well all tea really, I am british after all :D