Season 5 - Episode 1 - Season Premiere - 10/12/14

AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 10/12/14 episode.




  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I wanted to hug my TV. So many warm and fuzzies.
    Carol is a bad *kitten*. That is all.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Ooh, you can't say the a-word anymore. Ha.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Wow! THAT is got to me at the top of my all-time favorite WD episodes. Carol is super badass. She's come so far from the first season when she was so scared and abused. Loved seeing Sasha, Carl and Rick reunite with their loved ones.

    Gotta say I knew that guy they tied up in the cabin was bad news. Never let the victim talk. They're going to get under your skin and find ways to manipulate you like he did to Tyreese.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Seeing the backstory for Terminus gave me some compassion for them, but eating people?! That's really going off the deep end.

    I saw the leader (forgot his name) get shot by Rick, but we know he ends up with Rick's group at some point later in the season. That's going to be interesting to watch.

    I totally don't buy the bs explanation given by Eugene. And to say it's classified is funny. The whole world order has collapsed. The concept of classified doesn't exist anymore . Are we afraid the Russians are going to get their hands on this info? It's the living against the walkers. Race, color, religion, country ..all of that goes out the window in a post-apocalyptic setting.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I don't even know where to begin!

    This is one of the best premiers I have ever seen. I think my daughter said it best while we were watching, she said "I always feel nervous while we're watching TWD, like I'm about to jump out of a plane, I don't want anyone to die yet!"

    The Terminus backstory was good, still don't feel sorry for them. There is never an ok reason to do what they were doing. For me, the fact that they had these slaughters so scheduled and practically down to the minute was seriously terrifying. It was like they were assembling parts in a machine shop, not hacking up people *shudders*

    And how awesome was the Daryl/Carol reunion?! And also how happy Rick was to see her as well? I loved when he asked her "did you do that?" She is a serious badass for sure, love her!
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    This episode was amazing!!! What a way to start the season. I think the best moment was when Carol and Daryl reunited. Following closely by Rick and Carl being reunited with Judith. Not going to lie….I shed a few tears.

    I’m glad to see Tyreese stepping up and doing what he needed to do. I don’t think that guy expected him to kill all those zombies outside that house they were in.

    I don’t think it can be said enough that Carol is a bad *kitten*!!!!! She definitely saved the day. Although I thought it was a bit odd that she told Tyreese that she wouldn’t be staying with the group once they got to Terminus. Even though Tyreese forgave her for killing David and Karen she still felt the need to be exiled. Hopefully now that the entire group is reunited she won’t think that way.

    I actually screamed when I saw Morgan at the end. I thought for sure he’d be holed up somewhere losing his mind. At first I thought maybe it was Gareth escaping from Terminus.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Wow! THAT is got to me at the top of my all-time favorite WD episodes. Carol is super badass. She's come so far from the first season when she was so scared and abused. Loved seeing Sasha, Carl and Rick reunite with their loved ones.

    Gotta say I knew that guy they tied up in the cabin was bad news. Never let the victim talk. They're going to get under your skin and find ways to manipulate you like he did to Tyreese.

    I couldn't believe that Tyreese kept turning his back on him and Judith!!! I was not surprised when he ended up grabbing Judith like that. I was surprised that Tyreese stepped up to the plate and first of all killed all the zombies outside the cabin/house that they were in AND that he actually did what needed to be done to that guy.

  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I don't even know where to begin!

    The Terminus backstory was good, still don't feel sorry for them. There is never an ok reason to do what they were doing. For me, the fact that they had these slaughters so scheduled and practically down to the minute was seriously terrifying. It was like they were assembling parts in a machine shop, not hacking up people *shudders*

    Someone else pointed out to me (I would have completely missed it otherwise) that the crazy tattooed guy that Rick & crew released out of the shipping container may have been the captor in the last flashback that tells Mary "no it's not going to be ok." I think that Terminus's back story just goes to show that even good people can to do bad things when provoked. Definitely not an excuse but they did what worked for them.

    Also I was so sad to see that poor guy from last season first in line to get butchered. He and his little hippie girlfriend were so cute. I was hoping to see him again since they didn't really show what happened to him but not like this.

  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    edited October 2014
    So when Morgan was following that trail in the woods, did Rick and Co leave those marks on the trees? It doesn't seem like they would.

    Yeah, the first guy released was one of the bad guys who mistreated the Terminus people.

    LOVED Carol and Darryl's reunion. :heart_eyes:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    So when Morgan was following that trail in the woods, did Rick and Co leave those marks on the trees? It doesn't seem like they would.

    Yeah, the first guy released was one of the bad guys who mistreated the Terminus people.

    LOVED Carol and Darryl's reunion. :heart_eyes:

    I wondered that too. At first I thought maybe it was something that he and Rick had worked out when they first met in Season 1 but I don't think that's the case. I'm not sure who is leaving those symbols or what they lead to.

  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I enjoyed the Daryl - Carol reunion, since Darly has not been one to show much emotion. I like how she left Mary to be eaten by the walkers - seems fitting to be eaten as she was doing the same to the living.

    Not sure what to make of Morgan's return, and what's with the face mask unless he uses to avoid walkers. He was pretty ingenious with his last lodging at rigging up traps for the walkers.

    See the into of Fr. Gabriel in the previews. Haven't heard much about his character, so it should be interesting. I'm ready for the men to clean up and shave off all those beards (except for Glenn, of course)
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I don't even know where to begin!

    The Terminus backstory was good, still don't feel sorry for them. There is never an ok reason to do what they were doing. For me, the fact that they had these slaughters so scheduled and practically down to the minute was seriously terrifying. It was like they were assembling parts in a machine shop, not hacking up people *shudders*

    Someone else pointed out to me (I would have completely missed it otherwise) that the crazy tattooed guy that Rick & crew released out of the shipping container may have been the captor in the last flashback that tells Mary "no it's not going to be ok." I think that Terminus's back story just goes to show that even good people can to do bad things when provoked. Definitely not an excuse but they did what worked for them.

    Also I was so sad to see that poor guy from last season first in line to get butchered. He and his little hippie girlfriend were so cute. I was hoping to see him again since they didn't really show what happened to him but not like this.

    Wow, I totally missed that too!

    I can see see doing bad things like killing everyone that forced you out/beat you etc. However, I would like to believe I personally would never make the leap to cannibalism. Rick and crew faced almost the same situation at the prison, and never contemplated that route.

    And omg, I didn't even recognize him! I'm definitely going to have to go back and watch it again. I thought he looked familiar, but couldn't place it.

    And Morgan at the end, YAY!!! And even in that tiny clip of him, he already looked more sane than when we last saw him.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Does anyone else wonder how they often they change Judith's diaper? :D When my child was that young, she went through 5-6 diapers a day. We'd go through a big box of diapers from Costco pretty fast. I don't think they're doing cloth diapers because those have to be disinfected and dried somewhere. Can't do that since they're on the move. So who is carrying a big box of diapers for Judith?!
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    Does anyone else wonder how they often they change Judith's diaper? :D When my child was that young, she went through 5-6 diapers a day. We'd go through a big box of diapers from Costco pretty fast. I don't think they're doing cloth diapers because those have to be disinfected and dried somewhere. Can't do that since they're on the move. So who is carrying a big box of diapers for Judith?!

    Haha, definitely! And what are they feeding her? I know they could scavenge for formula, but we saw how hard it was for them to find any when she was first born. And that was with a group of them searching for it. With all that Carol and Tyreese have gone through lately, having the time to search for formula doesn't seem likely.

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    edited October 2014
    Does anyone else wonder how they often they change Judith's diaper? :D When my child was that young, she went through 5-6 diapers a day. We'd go through a big box of diapers from Costco pretty fast. I don't think they're doing cloth diapers because those have to be disinfected and dried somewhere. Can't do that since they're on the move. So who is carrying a big box of diapers for Judith?!

    Haha, definitely! And what are they feeding her? I know they could scavenge for formula, but we saw how hard it was for them to find any when she was first born. And that was with a group of them searching for it. With all that Carol and Tyreese have gone through lately, having the time to search for formula doesn't seem likely.

    I wondered about diapers, too (I've got a 16-month-old). Judith looks like she might be old enough to get by on something other than formula, but what could they possibly be feeding her? My little guy has molars now and still can't chew soft meat well yet. It's not like they could give her beef jerky :wink:

    The scenes with Judith always put me on edge, though! I know Tyreese isn't going to let anything bad happen to her, but when that guy put his hands around her head/neck, I was freaking out! Glad to see Tyreese do what needed to be done.

    I loved the reunion with Carol/Darryl and Rick/Carl/Judith, but I had totally forgotten that Tyreese and Sasha are brother and sister, so that was a nice addition, too.

    I don't remember seeing anything about Garrett (Gareth?) showing up later in the Season 5 preview. I thought Rick shot him. Super psyched that Carol is back, and I was very, very excited to see Morgan at the end. I hope he's "good" and helps Rick and Co because he is not someone I would want to be on the bad side of!

    We don't have cable, so we buy the seasons on iTunes. When the credits came up for this episode, I waited until the end to see if there would be scenes from the next episode or something. Thank goodness I waited, or I'd have missed Morgan :smiley:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Gareth is definitely not dead. I think I remember seeing him in the church with Rick and the rest of the group. I imagine that he will give Rick some sob story about how he was just trying to be the "butcher" instead of the "cattle." Rick will probably sympathize with that considering he ripped some guy's throat out with his teeth to protect his son. I know eating people is a more dramatic step but Gareth and his group probably just thought "hey I'm doing what I need to do to survive" which is exactly what Rick and his group are doing.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Gareth isn't dead. In some clip for this season, he was shown with Rick's group. Maybe in the church as Ana mentioned. Rick warns Gareth not to mess with his group or else. I don't trust Gareth though.

    Loved seeing Morgan. He's such a great character.

    Since they all know that Walker gore keeps other Walkers away, they should all put on Walker gore on some raincoat when they go outside. I'm sure it smells really bad, but it's great protection so suck it up.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    That was just an incredible episode! Possibly the best ever. I absolutely lost it with all the reunions (Carol and Daryl's especially). I cry over fictional characters, it's true. I've always been a huge Carol fan and I loved that it was her that burned Terminus to the ground in just one episode. Amazing!

    I was fairly pissed off at Tyreese, though. I mean, the rat *kitten* from Terminus flat-out told him that he would kill him and the baby both and Tyreese still had to be provoked to the point that Judith's life was in serious danger before he would deal with the issue. When an infant depends on you for protection, you compromise your personal integrity before you allow things to escalate to that level! I felt like the moment that guy started running his mouth, Tyreese should've taken him outside the cabin and ended him.

    The "Then" scenes were something I could've done without as well. I couldn't really get the motivation behind them. Their being brutalized doesn't translate to the monsters that they became. It doesn't make them more sympathetic and why would you even want them to be more sympathetic? They deserved far worse than what they got.

  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    It was said the theme for the season will be about good people having to do bad things (hunt or be hunted). I wonder if Tyreese's hesitation to kill the termite means he will be doing things this season he'd never thought he'd do. Like Rick biting out the guy's throat was a turning point for him.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    The "Then" scenes were something I could've done without as well. I couldn't really get the motivation behind them. Their being brutalized doesn't translate to the monsters that they became. It doesn't make them more sympathetic and why would you even want them to be more sympathetic? They deserved far worse than what they got.

    I agree, I could have done without those scenes as well. I think we as viewers are not yet invested in the Termites enough to give a crap about their backstory. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

    I wonder if they'll somehow make Gareth a sympathetic character. I don't see how he could be redeemed, but TWD has surprised me before!