Post your recent results - Part 2



  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I ran Cardiff Half Marathon yesterday and set a new PB (by 8mins!) running it in 2:06:21 I started running last year (my first 5k was November) and this was my 4th HM of the year. My first took me 2:40:10 so have taken 34mins off in about 14 weeks! Sore this morning though :ohwell:
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Saturday - Ursula Rains Balboa Boogie (Masters) - 17:15 (Results not posted but I think I was top 10)
    Sunday - Raptor Ridge Half Marathon - 1:27:59 3rd OA
  • ProfessorYaffle
    I ran the Michelob Ultra Half Marathon in Atlanta. I liked this one; it was perfect weather, the event was well organized, the course was great (but very hilly), and the finisher's medal and t-shirt are both very nice. I finished in 1:53:37, about average for me.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Saturday - Ursula Rains Balboa Boogie (Masters) - 17:15 (Results not posted but I think I was top 10)
    Sunday - Raptor Ridge Half Marathon - 1:27:59 3rd OA

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    On Sunday, the Clarendon Half Marathon ( in 2:07:57.

    First half marathon attempt and I'd only got the all clear from my GP to run it a week before. Six weeks of reduced mileage left me a bit under-prepared.

    Lots of lessons there to learn.
  • cmcostello23
    cmcostello23 Posts: 23 Member
    Wineglass Marathon Corning New York
    Sunday, October 5th 2014
    26.2 miles
    5 hours and 3 min
    goal: to finish
    This was my first marathon and I also had an injury (posterior tibial tendinitis with possible tear) so I think I did pretty good! I can't wait for next year...I'd like to get closer to a 4 hour finish time. :)
  • SecretAgent27
    SecretAgent27 Posts: 57 Member
    Memorial Hermann 10 for Texas
    October 11, 2014
    10 miles

    260/2,247 Overall
    199/925 Gender
    20/78 Age Group

    This was my first 10 miler and my longest race to date, having done mostly 5K's and two 10K's. This had been my big goal race since May. After some good 5K's in June and July, I set an ambitious goal of 1:20:00, but as the race got closer, I realized that wasn't going to happen. I ran an awful 10K last month where I wanted to average 8:00 miles but I went out too fast and had to end up walking a lot because I was just too exhausted. I was really disappointed in that. But my training had been good the last month. The weather here has been low-mid 70s in the morning. But last Saturday it was 62, and when I did my long run, it kind of morphed into a "practice race" and I ran 10 miles in 1:22:30. With the temperature being back at 73 today, I didn't think I'd be able to do that well again. I was just expecting to beat 1:25:00 and get as close to 1:22:30 as possible. So I'm extremely pleased with the result.

    My first race was a 5K on March 29, with a result of 28:08, 9:05/mile pace. It feels like I've come a long way in the last 6 months.

    My next big race will be my first Half Marathon in February though I plan on doing at least a Turkey Trot 10K and a 12K's of Christmas race before then.
  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    October 11, 2014
    5K trail... Up a ski hill.
    First female!! My first ''win''. It was pretty cool to hear everyone cheering me with: FIRST GIRL!! GO GIRL! :)

    I went into that race with no expectations as I am not used to trail races... Just wanted to have fun and give a good effort. I'm happy with it. It was a great race, well organized. I will do it again next year, with the goal to beat that time.
  • kjloiselle
    kjloiselle Posts: 101 Member
    edited October 2014
    Octoer 12, 2014
    Goodlife Fitness Victoria Half Marathon (first 1/2 marathon)
    2:48:15 about 10 min slower than expected, but was running with someone and wanted to stay close to them.
    I felt really good during the whole thing, but the local support and organization were lacking compared to other runs I've done in the city (lacking adequately spaced water stations, people that knew what was going on, poor expo). The swag was excellent though
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    First full marathon
    Newport, RI on 10/12/14
    3:59:08 PR
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    October 12, 2014
    Dayton Corridor Classic Half Marathon
    1:43:55, 7:56 pace-PR! Surprising result-very excited!
  • TomZot
    TomZot Posts: 165 Member
    Maine Half Marathon, 10/5/2014. 1:41:40. PR.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Defiance 50K
    Tacoma, WA 10/12/14
    4:59:13 PR
  • warriordude07run
    warriordude07run Posts: 64 Member
    Firefighter's 5k, 10/12/2014. 20:55 and a 25 second PR. Felt good to get in a sub 21 before my first marathon this Sunday. Knocking on that sub 20 door.
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    Oct. 5, 2014
    Twin Cities Marathon
    4:24:41 about 10 minutes slower than my best that happened in July but the way training was this summer I'm pretty happy with the results. Best run marathon I've been at (only 4 so far) well organized, great expo, great volunteers, awesome course/spectators.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Oct 18, 2014
    Baltimore Marathon
    4:43:43. Came in 11 mins slower than I planned, but the ~7 miles of more-or-less continuous hills on the second half killed me! I've never ran so many consecutive ups and downs in my life! My cramps had cramps the last couple miles! But the race was well-organized, well-staffed and the crowd support was awesome. Not too shabby for a 1st full marathon!
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    Columbus Marathon (my second full)
    Columbus, OH on 10/19/2014
    Chip time: 4:50:55
    Perfect even splits: 2:25:27, 2:25:28
    PRd by half an hour
    Never hit the wall
    It was a great race- well organized, fantastic volunteers, well timed aid stations.
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    edited October 2014
    10/19/14-Des Moines Marathon, paced for a friend of mine......Had a fantastic time and felt great throughout the race, managed to push her past the "I don't give a sheet" stage at mile 25 to finish in 3:59:03. She made her goal with 56 seconds to spare. It felt great to be the pusher! and how I felt after finishing gives me confidence that I could handle a 50K!
  • warriordude07run
    warriordude07run Posts: 64 Member
    Columbus Marathon 10/19/14- My first marathon!!
    Ran a really solid 18 miles and then the wheels started to come off.. went through the half in 1:51 flat and ended in 3:49:16. Hey it's a PR, right?

    I'm a marathoner!!!
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Detroit International Half Marathon 10/19/14
    Finished in 2:27:04, PR by just over 9 minutes, beat my goal of 2:30!

    As always, it was well-organized with lots of great volunteers. There was a lot less congestion on the Ambassador Bridge, they got the wave start timing just right.
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