New to the group! And not entirely sure what I'm doing!

klw2685 Posts: 4 Member
In the past couple years I have miserably failed at numerous and all attempts at weight loss diets and motivating myself to exercise. This is why I am currently scheduled for gastric sleeve surgey October 13, 2014, and I'm scared to death!

I am making this profile, blog, and joining support groups in an attempt to find people that can relate. Currently, I just feel like no one in my life really understand my particular struggles and upcoming lifestyle changes.


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    In a way you are right - a lot of people don't understand the changes you will be going through, but that doesn't mean they can't support you. There were a lot of people in my life who didn't know anyone who had WLS personally, so they had a lot of curiosity about everything I was going through. They were never negative though, and the more they learned through me, the more supportive and understanding they were.

    It's pretty scary when you are facing surgery. I think almost everyone in this group went through many stages of fear, excitement, doubt, but in the end, you are going to change your life for the better and you will be so happy!

    The people in this group are great, they can totally relate to what you are going through, and you will have a lot of support here!!!
  • I just had mine done last Wednesday. I have been trying to lose weight for 20 years and failing. This surgery gives me the chance to succeed, but I have to follow the rules to the letter. No cheating. Good news is I am not hungry at all, and my protein shakes are good, so I know I can lose weight now...
  • angelaanhela
    angelaanhela Posts: 111 Member
    OMG!!! That is my surgery date too for gastric bypass! Surgery Sisters! Today started the liquid diet post-op. Hope you are doing well!
  • Surgery Sisters it is! I hax the sleeve and I am doing well. Came home Friday and was able to start full liquid diet immediately. I have my first follow up tomorrow and get the staples on my abdomen out and he will check my drain site. I imagine staple removal will hurt...
  • kchaki
    kchaki Posts: 75 Member
    Most of us here can relate. I have just started the process for sleeve surgery. Went to my first appt. Last Thursday and found out that I may have to get the RNY do to a reflux diagnosis. I'm so bummed. My husband had his VSG in March 2014 and is down 100 lbs already. He has had no issues, has not vomited once! So I had my mind set on the same surgery. Of course, and as usual...I may be thrown for a loop. I've researched so much, yet didn't know that VSG could make reflux unbearable. So now I am on a mission to learn all I can about RNY.

    I'm excited for you, and am looking forward to being a fan of your success!
  • Laiknee
    Laiknee Posts: 10 Member
    Surgery triplets. My RNY is scheduled for oct 13,2014
  • Laiknee
    Laiknee Posts: 10 Member
    From what the doctors told me. The sleeve is a low pressure system and won't be good with certain esophogeal motility issues.
  • Hildabean
    Hildabean Posts: 71 Member
    Most of us here can relate. I have just started the process for sleeve surgery. Went to my first appt. Last Thursday and found out that I may have to get the RNY do to a reflux diagnosis. I'm so bummed. My husband had his VSG in March 2014 and is down 100 lbs already. He has had no issues, has not vomited once! So I had my mind set on the same surgery. Of course, and as usual...I may be thrown for a loop. I've researched so much, yet didn't know that VSG could make reflux unbearable. So now I am on a mission to learn all I can about RNY.

    I'm excited for you, and am looking forward to being a fan of your success!

    I am in the same boat. Was opting for the sleeve but was told due to GERD/Acid Reflux and they found over 100 pylups in my stomach that I now have to do RNY. Not happy but when presented it makes sense. I will be having my surgery this winter.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    VSG is the best health decision I ever made. It will work for you, too :)

    Good luck!!
  • I am also new to the group and I go in on Monday for my first visit....By my own choice I have elected for the sleeve and I do hope that the Dr will agree.. I have HBP, type II diabetes (non insulin), BMI of 46..I used to weight 350lbs and I lost down to 277 within 6 months using a fiber product.. But as of Feb this year I hit a wall and nothing lost in inches or lbs..I fear getting that big again,,, I have family members that have had the gastric bypass and have had complications and have all gained their weight back.. I have one that had the band only to expierence erosion...One has had the sleeve and has had smooth sailing all the way!! I am so excited that I can't keep my feet on the ground!!
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I am also new to the group and I go in on Monday for my first visit....By my own choice I have elected for the sleeve and I do hope that the Dr will agree.. I have HBP, type II diabetes (non insulin), BMI of 46..I used to weight 350lbs and I lost down to 277 within 6 months using a fiber product.. But as of Feb this year I hit a wall and nothing lost in inches or lbs..I fear getting that big again,,, I have family members that have had the gastric bypass and have had complications and have all gained their weight back.. I have one that had the band only to expierence erosion...One has had the sleeve and has had smooth sailing all the way!! I am so excited that I can't keep my feet on the ground!!

    Good luck!

    I had HBP and Type II diabetes pre-op. I left the hospital cured of diabetes and have had normal blood sugars since with no meds. 2 months post-op I was able to get off HBP meds. It is doable. :)
  • guif
    guif Posts: 23 Member
    Nice to meet you klw, your the second person in the past 24 hrs to have surgery scheduled the same day as me, Oct 13. They say all good things come in threes! I'm glad to have y'all to walk through this with.

  • I enjoyed readin everyone's posts. I have started the nutritionist portion but am holding of the conference. I am scared and haven't admitted that. I'm scared they will tell me no or tell me there is some other hoops to jump through. I'm excited for getting my life back. I just need to schedule the consult and see what my options are.
  • klw2685
    klw2685 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! I attempted to add you all as friends! I'm still getting use to the site, and actually just realized people replied to me lol! The big surgery day is Monday! I'm getting nervous! And I'm really craving a slice of veggie pizza, and wondering if I will ever eat it again! Lol, that sounds crazy I know, but it is really on my mind... this liquid diet is making me nuts!
  • TheCurvyJ
    TheCurvyJ Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all! I am just about 22 months out from VSG. It was the BEST thing I could do for myself and I have no regrets. It's WORK. It can be TOUGH. But I also LOVED watching my body change and adding more things to the list I can now do that I couldn't before.... like RUN.

    Any questions, I am happy to answer!
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    klw2685 wrote: »
    In the past couple years I have miserably failed at numerous and all attempts at weight loss diets and motivating myself to exercise. This is why I am currently scheduled for gastric sleeve surgey October 13, 2014, and I'm scared to death!

    I am making this profile, blog, and joining support groups in an attempt to find people that can relate. Currently, I just feel like no one in my life really understand my particular struggles and upcoming lifestyle changes.

    Most of us are here because we lack or have very little support in real life. Welcome and CONGRATS!! You are having surgery today! :smiley:
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Klw2685: Good luck on your surgery today. :)
  • NskyDr
    NskyDr Posts: 5 Member
    As I sit here reading I realize that today is the 13th of October. I am thinking about all you ladies that had your surgery today and hoping and praying everything went well for you and I look forward to discussing our success in the future as mine is in 3 days.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    NskyDr wrote: »
    As I sit here reading I realize that today is the 13th of October. I am thinking about all you ladies that had your surgery today and hoping and praying everything went well for you and I look forward to discussing our success in the future as mine is in 3 days.

    In the same day :smiley:

  • sistersoe
    sistersoe Posts: 13 Member
    I'm excited for all of you. It is the greatest having support from MFP friends and knowing you are not out there alone. I have made friends here that crack me up reading their messages. Take that big deep breath and float away to your happy place...woo sahh B)