Yeah right!?

Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
So who is in? I sure want to lose 10 lb by new year. That seems reasonable for once in my life.



  • I'm in!
  • proudmomy
    proudmomy Posts: 1 Member
    what kind of stuff is going to happen to help us make this happen?
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I'm in B)
  • Brookesmom
    Brookesmom Posts: 3 Member
    I am in!
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    I'm in too. What's the plan?
  • I so want to lose 10lb plus need some help here x
  • 4u6u570
    4u6u570 Posts: 1 Member
    Well, I need to lose like 45 lbs till january. We'll see...
  • aekph
    aekph Posts: 3 Member
    Is this an open group anyone can join? I am kind of new to making use of this app. Looking for motivation ! I am definitely in or atleast will give it all I've got :D
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    I'm new as well. So I am thinking we should adjust our goals on our home page to meet the 10 lb loss by jan 1st to start with but what else would be helpful?
  • Meandlife
    Meandlife Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in ... So how do u guys plan to do it
  • I'm in. Is there a plan or should we just all talk about it as we go our own way?
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    1. Weekly weigh in
    2. Maybe weekly challenges. Like 10 situps a day, so on and so forth.
    3. Optional daily check in.
    4. Tracking of our exercise and food logging
    5. Maybe we can have a spreadsheet where we can enter daily whether we've stayed under calories or done an exercise. Maybe we can also have our weight age height info there, along with the pounds lost so far. So we can see a pattern.

    Others can modify, add, remove or even reject all. But I thought we should start somewhere.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    edited October 2014
    10 Pounds by the end of the year? WE CAN DO THAT! Think of it as one pound a week. taking weight off slow like that makes us more likely to keep it off.

    I like the weekly challenge idea, I don't know if I am organized enough to work on a spreadsheet, but I do have a few suggestions to add:

    Brag- if you resist a temptation that day (or eat less of one), if your belt gets tightened by a notch, if your shirt stops creeping up over your belly, if you notice someone noticing you, if you start being able to look yourself in the mirror, if you walk around the block for the first time in a while, if you burn calories washing your very dirty dogs (yes, I count that. I get sweaty and work muscles in my arms, legs, and torso as I wrestle the two 50 pound dogs, and the very reluctant barrel shaped lab mix into the shower and constantly move her 78 pound butt back under the water flow. I reach and stretch as I massage my long bodied terrior from pointy head to scruffy tail, and I bend over in a deep stretch (think yoga, almost downward dog pose) as I wash the mud from beneath the toes of my compact snow white pitty, getting my face extra clean as she returns the favor since my face is down so close to her tongue anyway. That is a lot of work and usually takes over an hour for the three of them. Half of that is in the wrestling.), or if you remembered to take your vitamins, or slept more than 5 hours, or drank enough water that day. Share the little things, they add up to big things and can be fun to share!

    Be positive-offer support and encouragement to each other without criticism or unsolicited advice (solicited advice is great though). Kind of like they do in 12 step meetings.

    Laugh- it boosts your immune system and burns calories

    Ask- If you start getting down on yourself, come here and ask for some props or inspiration. Life sometimes gets in the way of seeing the best in ourselves. let others help you with that.

    Remember- the numbers on the scale can vary about 5 pounds from day to day. Don't let that scare us. Tomorrow may be even less than yesterday.

    Share a new favorite fruit or vegetable that you discovered or cooked. If we want to change our lives, we need to change how we experience food. We need to get creative and inspired. Let's inspire each other! (homemade pickled kohlrabi anyone? Yum!)

    Ten pounds off to start a positive new year? Sure, together we can do that!

  • Hi everyone!! I'm in! Love the ideas so is just another suggestion:
    - Post one healthy meal that you enjoyed that day (include recipe). As peacehawk mentioned above - "if we want to change our lives, we need to change how we experience food" I don't know what kohlrabi is, but you can bet I'm going to Google it to find out! lol - I didn't know I liked avocado either, turns out I really really like avocado!! I have the "Flat Belly Diet" book - some of the stuff in there had me turning my nose up instantly but after a few days of eating the stuff I was comfortable with I decided to branch out a love for avocado was born! Heh. My point is, you never know until you try - what do you have to lose besides a few bucks for the food you didn't like or a few pounds for the ones you do!
  • aekph
    aekph Posts: 3 Member
    I love the weekly challenge idea. It will help to keep this fun! Yes, we should weekly check in for sure.
  • ldjwheat
    ldjwheat Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I just cancelled my WW membership and would love to lose 10 by the new year. I'm in!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    edited October 2014
    I like the spreadsheet idea, the weekly check in idea and the weekly challenge idea.
  • I need help and support! I just started today and could use some friends
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    Love all this Peacehawk! Let's brag! Also, I am thinking I will weigh in every 10 days and do a 3 day average to get a more accurate value. It can really mess with my head when the number is higher or lower than I expected. Does that make sense?

    peacehawk wrote: »
    10 Pounds by the end of the year? WE CAN DO THAT! Think of it as one pound a week. taking weight off slow like that makes us more likely to keep it off.

    I like the weekly challenge idea, I don't know if I am organized enough to work on a spreadsheet, but I do have a few suggestions to add:

    Brag- if you resist a temptation that day (or eat less of one), if your belt gets tightened by a notch, if your shirt stops creeping up over your belly, if you notice someone noticing you, if you start being able to look yourself in the mirror, if you walk around the block for the first time in a while, if you burn calories washing your very dirty dogs (yes, I count that. I get sweaty and work muscles in my arms, legs, and torso as I wrestle the two 50 pound dogs, and the very reluctant barrel shaped lab mix into the shower and constantly move her 78 pound butt back under the water flow. I reach and stretch as I massage my long bodied terrior from pointy head to scruffy tail, and I bend over in a deep stretch (think yoga, almost downward dog pose) as I wash the mud from beneath the toes of my compact snow white pitty, getting my face extra clean as she returns the favor since my face is down so close to her tongue anyway. That is a lot of work and usually takes over an hour for the three of them. Half of that is in the wrestling.), or if you remembered to take your vitamins, or slept more than 5 hours, or drank enough water that day. Share the little things, they add up to big things and can be fun to share!

    Be positive-offer support and encouragement to each other without criticism or unsolicited advice (solicited advice is great though). Kind of like they do in 12 step meetings.

    Laugh- it boosts your immune system and burns calories

    Ask- If you start getting down on yourself, come here and ask for some props or inspiration. Life sometimes gets in the way of seeing the best in ourselves. let others help you with that.

    Remember- the numbers on the scale can vary about 5 pounds from day to day. Don't let that scare us. Tomorrow may be even less than yesterday.

    Share a new favorite fruit or vegetable that you discovered or cooked. If we want to change our lives, we need to change how we experience food. We need to get creative and inspired. Let's inspire each other! (homemade pickled kohlrabi anyone? Yum!)

    Ten pounds off to start a positive new year? Sure, together we can do that!

  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    I need help and support! I just started today and could use some friends
    I'm in steeler girl, friend me :)