October Challenge - The Power of Positive Thinking



  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Hi all. Cat here. I did my first-ever Spin Class yesterday and I sure am feelin' it today. It was hard, especially the standing-up parts. I could only do, like ten seconds max of stand-up cycling. But, hey, I was there.

    Actually it was half Spin class and half TRX. I did pretty well on the TRX, till it came time to get on the floor and put toes or heels in the loops, so I just modified. Ohh, my butt bones from the bike seat, and oww, my chest and triceps. But hey, I was there, the old, slow one getting through the entire class alongside the young, perky ones. Good for me.

    Reminds me of these quotes I heard recently:
    -Pain is your fat crying.
    -Doing nothing is easy. But who wants nothing?

    Your Friend,
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Wait, no. The correct saying is: Sweat is your fat crying. Pain just plain sucks. -Cat
  • jane21480
    jane21480 Posts: 104 Member
    3 positives today
    1) I am not perfect, but that is ok
    2) After a weekend trip out of town I actually lost 1/2 pound :)
    3) I am going to break a sweat today working out.... that's a good workout !

    Feistycat !! love your post :)
    Do you like the TRX? We are thinking of getting one for our home. I hear it is a very hard but great way
    to workout.
  • cnowotarski
    cnowotarski Posts: 29 Member
    Positives Today: I lost 0.5 pounds! Every time the number goes time I can see the hard work of tracking calories and working out!
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    Positives :
    1.) I have a pretty smile
    2.) I LOVE my hair.

    Other positives
    1.) I have lost 16lbs this go-around
    2.) I can walk farther and faster than just a month ago
  • carryncoulson
    carryncoulson Posts: 29 Member
    1) I work for myself doing my passion and answer to no boss
    2) I have the time to work on my other interests and improve myself
    3) I have loving and encouraging people in my life
    4) I am able to keep pets because of my job and they bring so much sunshine into my life
    5) I have a terrific Mom who I get along with famously
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    1) my calfs
    2) my smile
    3) my hands
  • lilyann001
    lilyann001 Posts: 75 Member
    I just joined the group last night. I know I'm late entering this challenge, but better late than never! ;)

    1. Beautiful green eyes.
    2. I love my wavy blonde hair.
    3. I love my smile :smiley:

    Glass Half Full:

    1. I have a very supportive and loving mom.
    2. I am in good health right now.
    3. I was able to graduate college, not many have the opportunity to go that far in their education.
    4. I have supportive friends.
    5. I have a great brother who loves me and supports me

    Changing negatives to positives:

    1. I may not be at my goal weight now, but I'm certainly still beautiful and doing a great job getting there.
    2. The drivers that have tailgated me: They may have someone who is sick in the hospital, they may not realize how close they are to my car, they may be suffering a lot and happen to take their anger out on anyone who is here. It's not about you, it's whatever is going on in their lives.
    3. You really look pretty today.
    4. Too bad they are in a bad mood, hopefully they will feel better soon enough. It's not about you, even though the anger is directed at you right now.

    Great challenge!
  • jane21480
    jane21480 Posts: 104 Member
    10/16 positives today
    1) My son married a wonderful girl. They cooked us a lovely dinner last night and I love that she loves my son so much <3
    2) I lost .2 pounds this morning.
    3) I love my strawberry blond hair.
  • laurensophia23
    laurensophia23 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!

    1. I love my blue eyes!
    2. I love my curves!
    3. I love my pale skin!
  • Connie2858
    Connie2858 Posts: 11 Member
    My positives for the day...
    1. I have smooth skin.
    2. I have cute toes
    3. I try hard everyday to lose weight and exercise.

  • MzOakland
    MzOakland Posts: 60 Member
    1.My natural hair
    2.My dark brown skin
    3.my full lips
  • I'm in...but I am not good at the complimenting myself thing!
    1) My eyes. Everyone says it but hey...mine are hazel. not the brown with flecks of green or whatever. "German" hazel is what my momma called it. Green with gold flecks and a circle of bright blue on the edge.
    2) My clavicles. They stick out now that I have lost weight, and it is kinda sexy.
    3) My feet. I know, I can't see those in the mirror! But see them I do. And I like them...clipped and painted ALWAYS!

    Now the true hard part will be being nice to myself! :blush:
  • Hokie8699
    Hokie8699 Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined the group as I'm trying to get re-focused on achieving my health goals.

    I love this challenge and think its a great place to start! So here are my three:
    1. My eyes- I have hazel eyes which are pretty unique and it also shows a bit of my dad's baby blues!
    2. My shoulders-I love my shoulders and the strength that they show.....there's a lot of room for improvement but I love them!
    3. My feet- I've abused them over the years with the work that I do, but I think they look great and they never let me down!

    Thanks for the challenge!
  • cmpilgrim
    cmpilgrim Posts: 44 Member
    1. My long natural honey-colored hair
    2. My ability to step outside my comfort zone to achieve my goals
    3. My now dimple-free rear end. I know that's vain but it's true lol
  • GabyOrourke
    GabyOrourke Posts: 3 Member
    Great Challenge!

    3 things I like about my physical appearance
    1 - My eyes are hazel and pretty
    2 - I'm loving my long dark hair right now, and the fact that even at 43 it is naturally dark still (very little grey hairs)
    3 - My body is in proportion - good ratios. Although bigger than I am happy with, still reasonably shapely

    Glass half full
    1 - I am lucky to live in Canada - my country of choice
    2 - I am lucky to live in a really beautiful area of Ontario
    3 - I am a mother - to 2 wonderful (most of the time) kids
    4 - I have a very strong marriage, that is surviving some really tough family and health issues right now and is a source of great strength
    5 - I have a wonderful extended family and friends, who are always there emotionally for me

    Turning negatives to positives
    1 - after a very stressful meeting with my son's school and a host of other case workers, my positive outlook is that there are so many people who care about helping him get back on track, even if he doesn't realize it
    2 - our current family situation (1 absent) allows us to focus attention on our youngest child

  • VaporeonSugar
    VaporeonSugar Posts: 117 Member
    I don't mean to sound negative, but the challenge is for the entire month instead of one day? :disappointed:

    As for my traits, I'm in love with every inch of me. I'm extremely vain and get complimented every single day so I have no negatives beside my weight. I love my curves, I have spectacular gray blue eyes, a perfect completion so I never wear makeup, I'm symmetrical, I look hot no matter if I'm my normal shade of pale or tan, my hands... Just everything. I'm gorgeous so not much of a challenge since I seduce mirrors everytime one is near. :awesome:
  • MadameMaverick
    MadameMaverick Posts: 24 Member
    3 things I like about myself physically:

    1. I love my big nose :0)
    2. When I smile at myself playfully in the mirror it always makes me happy,
    so I love that! :-D
    3. I love my body. Although I am trying to lose weight and make it hotter, I do think it's hot. ;) I would do me. LOL
  • bama6977
    bama6977 Posts: 71 Member
    Oh Hell why not! I'm "Older" but I'm not "Old". One I have no control over, the other I do.
  • fausta421
    fausta421 Posts: 8 Member
    I'M IN!!!
    I love this positive vibe!!
    Okay Here I go,3 positives:

    1. I love my legs,because I love dancing and I got some sexy moves going on.
    2. I love my eyes,I can say a million words with just a look.
    3. I love my hands,especially after a manicure!

    Bonus Positive: I have super soft silky hair.