April 2015 Due Date Club



  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Congratulations Robynn412, that is great news!
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm also due April (22nd). This is our first baby, my first pregnancy and I'm excited but a little nervous about all the unknown!

    Like Robyn, I saw and heard our baby for the first time yesterday. It was a very special moment and of course I couldn't stop the tears :) I'm 13 weeks! The doctor wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl, although at first he said it was most likely a boy... but then he said he couldn't tell for sure. We'll have to wait until our 20 weeks u/s to know. I honestly don't know what I'd prefer, as long as baby is healthy I don't mind one bit. I just can't wait to start buying stuff ;)

    Looking forward to get to know all of you, feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! xx
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm also due April (22nd). This is our first baby, my first pregnancy and I'm excited but a little nervous about all the unknown!

    Like Robyn, I saw and heard our baby for the first time yesterday. It was a very special moment and of course I couldn't stop the tears :) I'm 13 weeks! The doctor wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl, although at first he said it was most likely a boy... but then he said he couldn't tell for sure. We'll have to wait until our 20 weeks u/s to know. I honestly don't know what I'd prefer, as long as baby is healthy I don't mind one bit. I just can't wait to start buying stuff ;)

    Looking forward to get to know all of you, feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! xx
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Well... It's a good thing I forgot to grab breakfast this morning before I left the house because I got to work and it was health screening day for our health insurance. They check 5 different metrics and then for each one that we "meet" the "healthy standard" for we get a $10 discount each month. I know I didn't meet the waist circumference (women <35 inches) but she made a note next to it that I'm 14 weeks along and she said hopefully they take that into account so that I still get the discount.

    They handed out breakfast bars and orange juice afterward and I'm so happy to have gotten a little food in my tummy now!

    My doctor only does gender check after the 19th week, so we will probably find out gender in early December. I *might* be able to swing scheduling it on Black Friday because my younger sister will be home from college for the weekend and my husband will have it off school. I'd be 19 weeks and 6 days.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congrats on your first ultrasounds, ladies! I got one when they were trying to diagnose the kidney stones, but it was a bittersweet moment: my husband couldn't be there and I was in so much pain, and yet what a miracle it was to see that little human bouncing around! I was glad that it confirmed the due date I had calculated. My genetics blood test also came back all clear this week. On Wednesday the extreme nausea & exhaustion took a nosedive and I've been feeling a little more like myself. I've been eating and doing things that were impossible for the last two months. The first thing I did was make two huge pots of soup from all the vegetables that were going bad in our refrigerator because I wasn't able to eat them. The second tri did not come with this much relief for me in the last pregnancy. Hooray thirteen weeks!
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    edited October 2014
    TheLaser wrote: »
    So... it seems like I am destined to have one major hospitalization and fetal trauma per pregnancy. On Tuesday evening I went to the ER with the worst abdominal pains. I was worried that maybe I was having a miscarriage, but I hadn't had any bleeding and the pain did not feel anything like labor pain (although earlier that morning I did have what felt like some rhythmicky pressure, so I had that in mind all day). After what I would say amounted to physically cruel treatment in the ER waiting room, which I will not go into here but suffice it to say that the US medical system should be ashamed of itself, I finally got a bed two hours later. I was in tremendous pain, but they kept me dehydrated and gave me no pain relief for hours. I was just writhing on a bed in pain while waiting to go from one test to another.

    After a painful MRI, they determined I had a small kidney stone. Then I finally got some pain relief and water, which is needed to flush the stone from my system. It was seriously the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It was also sad that I had to undergo it completely alone because my husband couldn't leave our son, and it was the middle of the night so we couldn't call anyone to stay with him.

    Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about that! It's been a long time since I checked in. You're keeping a great attitude about it it seems, which is awesome. :smile:

    Things seem to be going well here.. just a little paranoia every time I get cramps or any aches since it's my first baby and I'm not sure what is normal when it's happening, but all is well. I am now 16 weeks (Due April 3rd!) and have another doctor's appointment Monday where my 20 week ultrasound is going to be scheduled.. so I'm pretty excited about that!

    My second trimester has been good so far. There's definitely a bit more energy, depending on the day. Some days I have all kinds of energy and just WANT to jog and get in a good workout (doctor approved of course), and other days I just know that I need to rest, because hey, I can barely lift my butt off the couch. :smile:

    Considering I've had a fairly normal appetite since day one, with the exception of some very very mild and infrequent nausea, I'm amazed I've only gained TWO POUNDS. I figured without the major morning sickness or loss of appetite, it would be more. Im planning to keep active as long as I can, and continue eating healthy and not using pregnancy as an excuse to overindulge in too many unhealthy foods. haha. It really shocks me, the attitude people have had when talking to me about nutrition in pregnancy. I'm hearing many things like "You've had enough greens, time to eat all the junk food you want for 9 months!" Eeeeeek! To me it feels EXTRA important to continue eating well.. not worse, haha

    I hope all you other April Mommas-to-be are doing wonderful if you're currently in second trimester or heading there soon!
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    kathyk519 wrote: »
    Thanks ladies. I am waiting to find out when my CVS will be scheduled. Hopefully this week. Trying to stay positive, but the unknowns are draining me of energy. Will keep you all posted. Thanks for your kind words.

    I just read your previous post.. that sounds so terrifying, and I'm sorry you've already gone through a loss. :( I hope you get results that are healthy and positive! Keep us posted!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    So, after a few relatively blissful days of not much nausea and a bit more energy and a bit more sleep, WHAM: I start throwing up today. I'm 13 weeks. Are things getting worse instead of better? Am I on the path to Hyperemesis Gravidarum? I am so scared.

    Brilliantwords: I cannot believe anyone would tell a pregnant woman to eat all the junk food she wants for 9 months!!! That attitude is indicative of the sad state of our culture and why we need mfp in the first place.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm with you TheLaser... with the anti-nausea medicine I'm on I was finally feeling like I was getting a break from being sick and then today I woke-up just in time to start throwing up... which totally sucks because mornings were when I felt the LEAST sick. BAHHH. I feel grumpy and don't want to be at work today because of it.

    As far as HG - just watch your weightloss. If you lose more than 5% of your pre-pregnancy body weight call your doctor. There are several really good meds out there these days - the one I'm on is Diclegis, although if your dr doesn't have samples you'll want to try other things first because its $300/month. However it's just 10 mg of unisom and 10mg of B6 (so you could combine them yourself for way cheaper) - I take one in the morning, one at lunch, and two in the evening - so maybe ask if you can get those at the drug store and take it yourself.

    I'm in the 15th week now and even though the nausea seems to be getting worse, I'm just grateful my SPD hasn't kicked in yet. In fact I even made it to the gym with my little family on Friday. DH and I did some racquetball and then some weights (YAY FOR LEG PRESS! I've missed it.) and then I did a mile of the treadmill before we picked the kids up from the daycare center. We did it right before their bedtime so before we got in the car we changed them into jammies and put them in bed the minute we got home. I think we might make that our date night tradition as long as the SPD keeps at bay.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    HI All: I had my CVS on Thursday. They went through my abdomen (had my eyes closed the entire time). It wasn't so bad. It felt like mild cramping when the needle was in. I have been taking it easy all weekend, and feel fine. No more cramping or no bleeding, and no fever. I should know the results in a couple of weeks. It is hard to stay positive, I admit that I am expecting the worst, but I am trying not to overthink it.

    As far as the nausea talk - I have been having nausea, and threw up for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It seems to be on and off for me depending on the day. Hoping this day brings everyone relief!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Kathyk519: I am glad they got you in to do the CVS. It's terrible that you have to wait several weeks for the results; I'm sure those won't be easy weeks, but if there's anything we can do to support you just let us know. I guess it's psychologically better to be prepared for the worst -I would be the same way. I just hope you'll be able to heave a huge sigh of relief in a few weeks with good results.

    Mormonmamma -I have heard of that unisom + B6 combination! I hope it does not come to that for me, and I hope your suffering ends soon. You are a stronger person than I am -I barely got off the couch for a few weeks except when necessary, and going to the gym seems like an impossible fantasy! The throwing up part is the really weird new aspect of this experience. I never threw up before, although there were the weekly dry heaves. Why does pregnancy have to be so rough?
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    I so feel for you ladies battling nausea, no fun at all! Hopefully it will subside and you can enjoy the rest w/out having to deal with any of that!!

    Kathy519: I don't understand at all why those types of test results take so long...that is just torture. I know it will be impossible to do, but take it one day at a time and stay positive. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way.

    14wks today, and at this point I kinda wish my body caught up and looked a bit more preggers. I thought with subsequent pregnancies you would show so much sooner...at least that's what all my multiple time mom friends said. But it just doesn't seem to be the case for me...which in some ways has been good, I'm not quite ready for it. Clothes are still fitting, and I can certainly tell there are some physical changes in my lower abdomen, but I wish that annoying middle indent along my belly button would round out and just be more obvious.

    Oh well, in due time I guess.

    This was not a good food choice weekend for me, desperately trying to get back into the exercise thing, afraid I will have gained 10lbs between these dr appts. Ugh. Brought my workout clothes to work, going to change and go straight to the trail. Anything's better than nothing!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    robynn412 wrote: »
    This was not a good food choice weekend for me, desperately trying to get back into the exercise thing, afraid I will have gained 10lbs between these dr appts. Ugh. Brought my workout clothes to work, going to change and go straight to the trail. Anything's better than nothing!

    Did you make it to the trail? Hope it was great! Oh, and I can totally relate about the indent! If that would round out I'd look pregnant and not just fat :/

    Anyways - feeling a bit better this morning than yesterday so hoping that I at least get a good solid block of my day without getting sick. If that's the case I might try to meet my mom and aunt at the gym over my lunch break... I seriously love leg presses and want to go in just to do them and calf raises. I have no motivation to do arms even though that's the part of my body that I like the least and needs some serious toning. Oh well, maybe that will come once I'm in the third trimester and the HG subsides.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Did you make it to the trail? Hope it was great! Oh, and I can totally relate about the indent! If that would round out I'd look pregnant and not just fat :/

    Yes! I did make it and was so glad I did. I'm in CA near Sacramento, and we finally had a bit of rain late in the afternoon which lead to the most beautiful full rainbow I've ever seen...was covering me the entire walk! Ready to go again!!

    I admire you mormonmomma for even thinking about heading to the gym while dealing with being sick...it's the last thing I want to do, and I've been pretty lucky in that department! Way to go...hope you get those leg presses in!

  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Didn't make it back to to the gym yesterday, had a dr appt and now I'm on the maximum dose of zofran again + the diclegis. I've been throwing up 2-4 times a day, but I'm learning to cope with it again. I know I complain about it alot - but it becomes the new normal and you learn to deal with it. My doctor isn't concerned about any health issues for baby due to the HG beacuse I haven't lost weight from my starting point. In fact I'm 14w4d and up 4 pounds so the doctor says everything is looking great. Yesterday it took her FOREVER to find the heartbeat and I started to panic- but then I remembered I wouldn't be THIS sick if baby wasn't doing well in there. She found the little bugger hiding and baby sounds good. So I guess it's a blessing in a way.

    Anyways- have you ladies picked out names? We've got our girl name picked out (Brinley Jo or Brynlee Jo) but for boys names I'm stuck. We have a Brigham and Bryson. So we want to stick with Br names (or at least B names). I'm leaning towards Britton - but my husband doesn't seem sold. If anyone has some good Br boy names - send them my way :)
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Got my butt in gear today, and actually went the gym during lunch. Nothing too crazy, but some elliptical, a little treadmill, and some weight stuff (squats, lunges, etc). I can feel it in my thighs!

    Mormonmomma - we have a Brett and a Brady in my extended family. What about Braden, Brandon, Brody, Bruce? I would check out behindthename.com - you can search for names and meanings.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Mormonmomma: If I had HG, I would be complaining A LOT! I definitely did not learn to deal with the "new normal" of my extreme nausea. You continue to impress me with your strength. Thankfully, my nausea seems to have downgraded itself to the "mild" category so I am no longer nonfunctional, but things still taste weird and I still tire very quickly.
    Br names: Brian is a popular one in my family.

    We've discussed names but I'm not 100% satisfied with the ones we both agreed on. One of the issues is that all of us have E-names, and neither of the names this time are E's. Will this child feel left out of the family in some way with that?
    I'm excited, though, that we are going to be surprised by the birth. With my son, I HAD to know & I'm really glad we found out early, but this time around I wanted a different experience.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    TheLaser - Growing up I had the first inital in the name my dad goes by (his middle name), next sister had the first initial in moms name (which is also the first initial in my maiden last name), and baby sister got the first initial in dads given name. Could you look at your middle names or last name and find a letter that still ties in with one of those? That might alleviate any left out feelings?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey y'all!

    Made it back to the gym last night with my hubby (working on his certification to be a personal trainer). It was fun to lift together, but I think I lifted a little too heavy, although dr said as long as I'm not grunting she is comfortable with lifting heavy. My pecs are SORE and even typing is kind of painful. I'm only going about once a week right now, but my aunt wants me to go to a zumba class on either Wednesday or Friday so if I have the energy I might try that.

    I'm still feeling nauseated but I haven't thrown up since Sunday. *FINGERS CROSSED*
    Maybe I'm turning a corner? I need to call the hospital today to schedule our 20 week anatomy ultrasound! YAY!

    Hope you are all doing well! Especially you Kathyk519 - been hoping and praying for your little one.
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    Hope everyone gets a break from the nausea in th second trimester!! Still praying for Kathy!

    I'm 17 weeks today and feeling great. Midwife appointment (finally!!) on Thursday. It's always such a relief to hear the heartbeat.