Week 1: Join the group!



  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    That's great, cherirana! I hope things are going great with your Halloween challenge!

    How is everyone doing this week? We are almost to the weigh ins... Tomorrow starts recovery week of my Insanity program. I'm so glad to have month 1 done. I can't wait to see my results after month 2!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Just a quick hello,
    I am having to log my food at work. My internet at home is down till Friday. I call it cow pasture internet. I'll check in with my weight Friday am...sorry. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • fatpug14
    fatpug14 Posts: 2 Member
    I find the mantra progress not perfection helps me in my journey...rather than look at it as an all or nothing type of thing. : ) Also thanks for doing this HP2!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    SW: 210
    CW: 209
    GW: 200
    Not a stellar start but it is a loss
  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    raindancer- A loss is a loss! I'm sure you did better than me! I think I probably gained but I know that I kicked but on my exercise and that's what matters! Keep your chin up!

    pug- Progress not perfection is a good mantra... especially when someone is just starting out. It's easy to get discouraged by the scale. I'm having this problem right now, myself.

    Remember, when you start any new workout routine your muscles are injured and retain water. Don't be discouraged if you gain a few pounds over the first few weeks before you start to lose!

    Today is weigh in day for a lot of us. Good luck everyone!!!