October 2014 -- Say NO To Late Night Snacking



  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    mrJRamos wrote: »
    Oct. 18:

    ME: 10
    LNS: 8*

    I missed logging yesterday (the 18th) for the first time since joining MFP. Things have been crazy here with my partner's (Art) birthday today (Sunday). He's turning 70 years old and we're having a party to celebrate his milestone. All the party preparations have us both on the edge and it's been easier to just give in to LNS when it rears its ugly head. It's just excuses -- I know I could have stayed on task but after being restrictive the past two months, it was actually nice not to have to log my food intake and not exercise. My body feels like yuck though and after the party today - it's back to the more familiar regimen of exercising and logging.

    For many years it's been a tradition for me and Art to celebrate all 10 days in between our birthdays (my birthday was on the 9th) which means special dinners, Baskin Robbins, pizza in town (we live in a rural area outside of Tucson), birthday cakes, pretty much anything goes for those 10 days. We indulge all of our cravings and use the excuse that, "Well, it's our birthdays, so why not?" Next year will be different though, it's time to start new traditions!

    Thanks for the tips ZaZa! I have never made a cut off time because I nearly every night have something right before brushing my teeth. Usually it's just a piece of fruit but the last few nights it's been ice cream. Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream with a little bit of Crème de Cacao liqueur drizzled on top has been my downfall. I ran out of my Hershey's Dark Chocolate bar a few nights ago and just a little sliver is enough to sate me right before falling asleep. I guess I should make a cut-off time. It's another habit to learn...

    One thing that I have come to realize is that I can't be on a "diet". I need to make changes I can live with for the rest of my life. I could also learn a little moderation because for me it's been all or nothing and that's a hard way to live. So that's another habit to learn.

    One last thing - Art and I were shocked at the 9th Circuit Judge declaring that the ban on same-sex marriage in Arizona was unconstitutional on Friday. So now for the first time since getting married in California 6 years ago, our marriage is now valid in our home state as well. We thought about getting married again here in Arizona but we're already married and we can rest easier knowing we have the same equal rights and protections as opposite sex married couples have traditionally enjoyed. Even if they take away our marriage sometime in the future, we will still have our commitment to each other every day as it has been for 25+ years; the government can never take that away.

    Sorry for the long post - I probably should have put all this on a blog page instead. My apologies for going off topic here. Continued strength to all participants in the LNS fighters - Let's do this thing right!

    Jeff :D

    Don't apologize. A lot of the struggles with LNS and overeating are emotional ones, too. I need to realize, too, that it needs to be a lifestyle change and not a "diet." Ice cream is definitely my downfall, too, and I like to use food as a reward. I think that's our inborn tendency. It sounds like you have had a lot to celebrate in your life recently. It's okay to indulge I think. The hard part is stopping the food party...I know that! Tomorrow, tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and I say "well I screwed up so I'll start tomorrow." Then the vicious cycle keeps going. I think it's important to take 1 day at a time and baby steps. Habits don't form overnight, and people aren't perfect, unfortunately. :-( It's nice to know that we are not alone in this fight and that it can be done...one...day...at..a...time.

  • mrJRamos
    Oct 20th:

    Me: 12*
    LNS: 8

    Thanks for the sound advice, LamLam! It's very easy to play the "tomorrow" game. I need to un-learn it now and just take responsibility for my actions. I do want to lose the weight and that ultimately is what motivates me to continue. It's not just vanity - it's my health at stake. I don't have the best genetic background so I need to do all I can (that I can control) to help me live a healthy life.

    Just for today...I stayed in control.

    Jeff :D
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Oct 21

    LNS: 8
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    mrJRamos wrote: »
    Oct 20th:

    Me: 12*
    LNS: 8

    Thanks for the sound advice, LamLam! It's very easy to play the "tomorrow" game. I need to un-learn it now and just take responsibility for my actions. I do want to lose the weight and that ultimately is what motivates me to continue. It's not just vanity - it's my health at stake. I don't have the best genetic background so I need to do all I can (that I can control) to help me live a healthy life.

    Just for today...I stayed in control.

    Jeff :D

    Glad you had a winning day!! :D
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    zaza54 wrote: »
    Me: 11
    LNS: 5
    I'm hanging in there at night. Now I just have to do better during the day!

    Jeff, some ideas for avoiding the late night snacks:
    -Floss and brush teeth at your cut-off time
    -Put bleach strips on your teeth - then you really can't eat!
    -Watch TV or do something on a different floor or room that is far from the kitchen

    Good luck!!

    Those are great ideas, Zaza. I will have to remember them, though I tend to want to munch when watching TV.
  • mrJRamos
    Hey everyone,

    I love all the tips I get from you all. Every tool helps!

    Oct. 23 ~
    ME: 14*
    LNS 9

    My goal is to make these last days of October 100% - 8 days straight no LNS.
    I feel like I'm more focused again on what works for me...

    Best of STRENGTH for all of us!
    Jeff :p
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Has been a very stressful week, moving my parents into assisted living. We are not out of the woods yet, but my kidney stone is acting up and the pain/nausea from that eclipses other stresses.
    Haven't been paying attention to this challenge. Have to force myself to eat something now and the to take pain meds. So, I've lost a pound or so, but not the way I wanted to.
    Here's my best guess on this challenge:
    LNS: 8
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    A couple days in the hospital really made me lose track of this challenge. I will be compensating for any LNS by not eating/drinking anything today since I may have surgery this afternoon. Will speak to dr later to find out the schedule.
    Best guess for the challenge:
    Me: 16
    LNS: 10
    Hope you are all doing well. Halloween is right around the corner - so many temptations.
  • mrJRamos
    zaza54 wrote: »
    A couple days in the hospital really made me lose track of this challenge. I will be compensating for any LNS by not eating/drinking anything today since I may have surgery this afternoon. Will speak to dr later to find out the schedule.
    Best guess for the challenge:
    Me: 16
    LNS: 10
    Hope you are all doing well. Halloween is right around the corner - so many temptations.


    So sorry to hear of your stressors (big ones!). It's so hard to stay on track when you have so many things going on but I know from experience that as long as you're following your plan the majority of days and you don't go too crazy when you don't, that you will continue to lose weight. So many nights for me of LNS yet the pounds are still coming off albeit slower than I would like. You have to be kind to yourself and allow for life's challenges as well. Hope you feel better and check in when you can.

    p.s. Those darn Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are tripping me up this time of year -- that and Homemade Caramel Corn. Moderation, I guess....

    Oct 26:

    Me: 16
    LNS: 10*

    Getting there....

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Oct 26

    BINGE: 12*

    Today will be better. Pre-logged and sticking to it.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    edited October 2014
    zaza54 wrote: »
    Has been a very stressful week, moving my parents into assisted living. We are not out of the woods yet, but my kidney stone is acting up and the pain/nausea from that eclipses other stresses.
    Haven't been paying attention to this challenge. Have to force myself to eat something now and the to take pain meds. So, I've lost a pound or so, but not the way I wanted to.
    Here's my best guess on this challenge:
    LNS: 8

    Sorry you've been going through this stressful time! Hubby has passed a kidney stone before, so I understand what you're going through. Taking care of elderly parents can be hard, too. Hang in there, my dear!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    edited October 2014
    Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Oct 28

    LNS: 13

    Finally no LNS today!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thanks so much Jeff and IamIam for your kind support. I am feeling better for now. I backed out of the surgery since I did pass some fragments and was finally feeling better. I was a little feverish after leaving the hospital and I just didn't want any more poking, prodding, headaches, etc - just wanted to be left alone.

    Yesterday was a gorgeous day - warm enough to be outside without a jacket. I had a nice visit with my parents at the assisted living, came home exhausted and slept soundly for 3 hours on the sofa.

    Needless to say, those LNS were very tempting, but I prevailed, I kept thinking of this challenge and I wanted to be able to write today that I won. So, I did not give into temptation (can't say that too often - ha ha)!!
    Me: 17
    LNS: 11

    I know it's Halloween, but let's try to finish this challenge strong. We can't open those candy floodgates at night!!
  • mrJRamos
    Oct. 30

    Me: 19*
    LNS 11

    Our Halloween tradition is to make homemade caramel corn so I'll end up 19-12. A victory anytime I have more days on plan than bingeing in a month.

    Thanks everyone for your support this month...I'll try to limit the caramel corn but it's so darned good. :)

    Glad your feeling better ZaZa - good job at staying strong!
    LamLam - thanks for your continued support and inspiration!

    See you all again next month!

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited October 2014
    Even though it's Halloween, I intend to battle LNS tonight! I've been getting stomach aches at night when I eat too much so I really have to show LNS who's boss. Also, my hospital stay, etc jump-started some weight loss and I don't want to lose that momentum.
    Me: 18
    LNS: 12
    Happy Halloween!!!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Final October score:
    Me: 19
    LNS: 12

    Looking forward to doing better in November!
  • mrJRamos
    Oct 31:

    ME: 19
    LNS: 12*

    ZaZa - we're tied! I'm looking forward to doing better in November - other than Thanksgiving and a few potlucks/brunches, it should be a good month for staying under my calorie goals for the day.

    Thanks LamLam for setting up this challenge!
