Eating Primal/Paleo

vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
I will be eating clean as soon as my "Primal Blueprint" arrives! I have completed a Whole 30 (this past January) and have gone 4 weeks of NO wheat &sugar but when I saw the scale had not moved I was ticked off & went back to junk food eating. I did not look at what else the clean eating had done. The brain fog is back, the rash on my hands is back the depression is back, the irritability is back, the bloat is back and the list goes on! I will do this but this time I may cut back on portions & the nuts. I have gained 15 pounds since the Whole 30 & I feel like the marshmellow man & not the lean mean cave man! I want to eat clean but give up some of my hard core workouts that have been making my back & knees hurt so bad!


  • sarabeth624
    sarabeth624 Posts: 33 Member
    Good job! Listen to your body and experiment. :smiley: If you are doing hard core workouts that make you hurt... might you have gained some muscle while doing the Whole 30?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    No it's NOT muscle. That would be nice to think but I can feel the fat!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    No need to wait.... since you already have experience with the lifestyle. I do find it interesting that some people need a specific day to start... almost like there will be a "stop" day too. This lifestyle needs to be a permanent commitment (not meaning that you won't ever enjoy a non Paleo food from time to time of course). You will probably find Paleo a bit more effective than Primal, depending on your tolerance of dairy and the quality of the dairy you choose. However, I think Mark Sisson is more holistic in his approach which is AWESOME.

    I found W30 to be a fail for me, a bit too much all or nothing. My first one was great but since my second one (both were well over 30 days) I have difficulty eating healthy to my goal of 95%. I end up at 75% maybe and that doesn't work for me. I find a long term consistent approach a bit better, which was giving me success before my last W30. I've struggled much this year but have NOT gained much fat back fortunately compared to if I went back to eating the way I was pre-Paleo. Thanks to a majority of healthy food in my diet to offset my frequent derailments.

    One more word of advice: change the self talk. I acknowledge that I've had struggles this year but I don't feel like a failure and I don't allow any thoughts like "I feel like the marshmallow man". I know you are joking and referring to inflammation but it's still negative self talk and it's not healthy/helpful.

    Do nightshades affect your joints? I did have to eliminate them for a short time, and now just be cautious, to finally eliminate joint pain. I can squat for the first time in my life repeatedly and all after the age of 40. :) if you are over-doing it with exercise it would be good to tone it down though.

    The main thing that keeps me on track through thick and thin, the only rule I never break: "never cheat with wheat". (Even though I don't see food as cheating, I still like that mantra.)
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome back, as you have already noted, it is not all about losing weight, it is about health and weight loss will come with it. If going in with both feet is too scary or difficult easing into it is not a failure either, but like Akima said dump the wheat and other grains first this will clear your head and that will motivate you like nothing else.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Akimajuktuq & ClutchBone! I agree soooo much on the NO wheat & sugar! They definitely make a person sick and addictive!! As for nightshades, I do not eat much potato items but I do tomato & peppers & I don't think they bother me but I will watch for it though! I know to start "today" attitude but we have/had two functions to attend that are not paleo/primal but I will do my best!! I do not eat milk or it's products but on rare occasions so the cut of dairy should not be tough!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Started my day primal!
    Question for any of ya. Where do you buy unsugared bacon, jerky or sausage? I think I will get my brother inlaw who does LOT"S of butchering to grind me plain pork so I can add my own seasonings again. It tasted good & would be something I could get use too. I did buy some romaine lettuce to make wraps for either morning or later!
    I went to a Keto web site where they calculate your grams for the day & mine read as this:
    Daily CALORIC intake = 2520
    Daily PROTEIN = 72 grams
    Daily CARB intake = 20 grams
    Daily FAT intake = 239 grams

    Does this look about right? 20 grams of carbs is not much but I could see that this is where the weight would definitely drop!!
    Also what are you using for salad dressing? I do not care for balsamic vinegar & have tried the homemade mayo & could not stand that (but hubby loved it!).
    Thanks for being here & helping us new people out!!!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    edited November 2014
    If you have any kind of joint pain after you get back on track you should try eliminating nightshades for a month. You don't know if they bother you if you don't completely eliminate them. Many people think sore joints is normal, a sign of aging and it's wrong. I had a "disease" in the cartilage of my knees ALL of my life, I could never squat, I had many times as a kid that I couldn't even walk up some stairs. Potatoes were what's for dinner every single night too. After going Paleo I had much improvement but still had sore knees. I quit nightshades (which meant only tomatoes, peppers etc since I was already avoiding potatoes) by accident and suddenly I realized one day that I had no knee pain. Good thing I was tracking because I could see that the only thing that I had done is had no tomatoes and peppers. I eat them now, but not every day, and limited.

    All the meat I buy comes from a supplier in Alberta Canada. Noting is sugared and the animals are all grass fed/free ranged. If you live in a more populated area you should be able to find farmers and meat suppliers that will have healthier options. Don't expect to get healthy food in the supermarket.

    You can easily make your own jerky and sausage (with or without casings). Remember, store bought food is still processed food and one can't totally trust the ingredient list. If you, or a local makes it you can have more control.

    I think with that many calories and as active as you are 20 grams of carbs is too little and so is that protein! I'm a big keto fan but right now I'm around 20-30 grams of total carbs and I eat under 2000 usually. I think in your case, I'd aim for 50 at least, keeping an eye on the sugar mostly. You do not want to skimp on the veggies just to be so low on carbs. I like to get at least 100 grams of protein and I'm not all that active. (I'll be more active now as during winter I have to stop driving my ATV and must walk/run for my transportation. lol)

    I don't buy commercial condiments anymore (some ok exceptions exist like Franks hot sauce). I used to have to have ranch on everything, or ceasar. I can make my own but they often go to waste because now I just prefer oil and something acidic. I love: avocado, macadamia, olive oil and red wine, balsamic, lemon juice, lime juice. Whatever combo that moves me that day. If you don't like balsamic give red wine vinegar a try, just a little. Try herb seasonings sprinkled on too. I have a Bragg's one with kelp that's great on salads.

    Have you tried baconnaise? Same idea as mayo but made with bacon grease (or even uncured pork grease is delicious). Gets firm in the fridge but is the BOMB. Free ranged pig fat ideally of course.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thank you Akimajuktuq!
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Whole Foods in your area if you have one but usually many health food stores will have Bacon without added sugar. If you live near a large enough city it should be fairly easy if not find a butcher
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    We live rural northeast Montana. I think the closest Whole Foods store is 260 miles away! My husband & his brothers butcher deer, pigs, birds & beef so I will have to put a request for NO sugar or nitrites! They are from a family of agriculture & farm over 5000 acres so them wrapping their minds around NO wheat is tough but my husband is definitely coming around
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    By MFP my day ended with 1869 calories consumed, 88 grams of Protein, 57 grams of Carbs, 138 grams of Fat, 775 grams of Sodium and 14 grams of Sugar.

    I do not think I would make it on 20 grams of carbs like that Keto site said!
  • sarabeth624
    sarabeth624 Posts: 33 Member
    Double check on the MSG in meat from the locker plant. Some still add it in bacon and ham, especially. Some lockers will do no nitrates or sugar but it varies. Call them up yourself, they should be able to tell you what their options are.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    That's an excellent macro breakdown! Maybe a tad more protein. I like to get 100 grams daily (on average) and I'm not all that active. If I were more active, even more. Your carbs are TERRIFIC and especially BEAUTIFUL on the sugar. I don't even track sodium and I eat lots and lots of sea salt because my body needs it. Salt is only an issue when it's from processed foods.

    Yeah, 20 grams of carbs is pretty low. I go there when I need to slay the sugar demon but as long as I avoid fruit, veggies (except for high starch ones) are unlimited.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    I have to say I love the primal lifestyle. I've been eating primally for about 50 days now and I feel good! I would say I'm about 85% clean. I had the occasional Icecream bar, or last night, 3 funsize candybars. I would love to get all the extraneous bad sugars out of my diet - but, I still have an addiction to greek yogurt too. Overall, I try to keep my carbs below 100 grams, and cook ahead so that I'm not cought starving, with no option to eat something paleo or primal.
    - But, I don't know how much fat I'm supposed to take in - and, many days I'll find that I have more protein than fat grams. And I've heard that eating too much protein is bad, so I'm beginning to worry about the fact that my fat ratios aren't always where they should be.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You would have to be very high in protein, and low on the other macros, day after day after day to have a problem with too much protein. You would also feel crappy too. Usually we can eat as much protein as the appetite dictates. It wouldn't be unusual for fat and protein grams to be about the same but remember that fat is still the bigger ratio of the calories (9 calories in fat, 4 in protein an carbs). I'm from the "more fat, the better" camp but at least 50% is a bare minimum though I do best at 65% plus.

    For me, I have to be concerned only about carbs, especially sugar. Other than that, I can eat fat and protein in whatever amounts my body needs.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    more often than not, my fat and protein grams have almost equal numbers. I haven't felt crappy from eating that way - but, I suspect that when I have constipation issues it may be from the higher amounts of protein in my system.
    - yes, sugar is a difficult problem. I still love fruit and I want to eat it - but, find that I have to decide whether it will be one fruit, or a yogurt as my daily 'cheat'...

    thank goodness I've begun to love vegetables or I'd be miserable. :)
  • Captaincove
    Captaincove Posts: 26 Member
    If your fat and protein grams are close to equal you are still getting a higher % of your calories from fat and that is a good thing.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I had a clean day but was short on cals & protein due to only eating breakfast & dinner tonite. I am not an early morning eater so I ate my 3 egg, bacon, vegetable omelet at around 10 a.m & then was not hungry at lunch so by the time I got home from work I ate almonds then I needed to start dinner. I will TRY to do better tomorrow!
  • dickster1961
    dickster1961 Posts: 29 Member
    vhuber wrote: »
    By MFP my day ended with 1869 calories consumed, 88 grams of Protein, 57 grams of Carbs, 138 grams of Fat, 775 grams of Sodium and 14 grams of Sugar.

    I do not think I would make it on 20 grams of carbs like that Keto site said!

    In the Primal Blueprint, Mark Sisson says that 50-100 carbs is the sweet spot for weight loss. The Keto sites all recommend getting down to around 20 grams. I set my MFP goals to be around 10-15% carbs which is around 68 grams for me.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have found where at work I can not eat my lunch until 2 pm so then I'm NOT hungry in the evenings! I am going to have to figure out something there!