Not So Fast! Coconut Oil not as healthy as we have been lead to believe!

Or at least that was the headline to my Headline News Podcast this morning. I clicked on it and heard how because its a saturated fat it MAY cause heart attacks and clogged arteries like other saturated fats when added to the SAD of fast foods and highly processed foods. And is ok only in small amounts, just like dairy and red meat. Oh, and we need to eat low fat and then only non saturated fats but only in small amount. :wink:

I am skeptic by nature and don't buy into "nature" healings and "alternate medicine" or even the whole "organic" craze. Studies have shown its baloney and mostly a marketing scam. I choose a LCHF meal plan after talking to people who study early humans and primates. They said this is what we ate and what our bodies evolved to consume. We at fat mostly for energy and protein to develop our brains to today's modern humans. Other primates settled on more leaves and fruits. So its in out genes! So to hear the same old garbage about how fats is killing us and we should eat like cattle being fattening up for slaughter, well it pisses me off!

On a happier tone, its Friday and I have a three day weekend with my son! :smiley:


  • leicesteralex
    I eat lCHF as well but don't really care. If something fits in my macros I'll eat it. Some foods give me cravings and I avoid those but somebody else might just do well with it.
    Some folks tend to forget that nature doesn't care whether we are healthy and get old or we die of cancer with 50. Nature just cares that we get old enough to have some offspring and maybe a few years more to care for our offspring to be old enough to survive on their own.
    It's not about the survival of the individual but the survival of the species.
    I do believe we can increase our chance to stay healthy and become older when we watch how we eat and do some exercise. But I do also believe that your ancestors would had liked doughnuts, sugar and junk food if they had had it. It is in our genes to eat whatever is available. Is grass fed meat better than grain fed meat? I don't know. I live in Britain and most of our beef is grass fed (lucky for some) but we have the same health problems as others as well. I believe that if it fits in your macros just eat it. If someone likes a HCLF diet its just as fine with me if it works for that person.
    I feel great on a ketogenic diet. It's like driving a car. I don't have to know how the engine works and why it's built a certain way but I have to know to use the right stuff on the petrol station.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    Or at least that was the headline to my Headline News Podcast this morning. I clicked on it and heard how because its a saturated fat it MAY cause heart attacks and clogged arteries like other saturated fats when added to the SAD of fast foods and highly processed foods. And is ok only in small amounts, just like dairy and red meat. Oh, and we need to eat low fat and then only non saturated fats but only in small amount. :wink:

    Hahahaha you had me there for a second. I thought maybe a new compound was recently discovered in coconut oil or something. *wipes brow in relief*
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    MistressPi wrote: »
    Or at least that was the headline to my Headline News Podcast this morning. I clicked on it and heard how because its a saturated fat it MAY cause heart attacks and clogged arteries like other saturated fats when added to the SAD of fast foods and highly processed foods. And is ok only in small amounts, just like dairy and red meat. Oh, and we need to eat low fat and then only non saturated fats but only in small amount. :wink:

    Hahahaha you had me there for a second. I thought maybe a new compound was recently discovered in coconut oil or something. *wipes brow in relief*

    First let me say that I agree with pretty much everything each of you have said in this thread.

    Coconut Oil is probably as close to the mythical dietary "magic bullet" as one can get.....BUT....

    Like most things, just because it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, doesn't (necessarily) mean it actually IS a duck.

    After reading the previous discussion on the WallyWorld incarnation I have to admit it almost sounded too good to be true (price-wise).

    But, since I actually like the taste of coconut (unlike those who do not and for whom the lack of taste is a benefit), I figured I'd just stick with the more expensive stuff.

    The curiosity cat though got the better of me and I decided to try and find out exactly why/how the taste was removed and why the great price differential.

    While it's not a "newly discovered compound..." it does appear that there actually IS a reason for both (taste and price).

    The LouAna brand has a couple of MAJOR differences when compared to the more expensive stuff.

    First, it is NOT cold pressed, virgin oil.

    It's actually a second level oil "...made from hardened coconut by-products called Copra after all the "premium" coconut content has been removed for other uses (like shredded flakes). It is heated up, bleached, refined, deordorized and then processed with lye." (per this post at MDA)

    Coconut oil has MANY benefits ranging all the way from being probably the BEST source of "good" saturated fat of all the oils commonly consumed to (mostly anecdotal) reports of it curing everything from "thinning" hair to hangnails.

    For external body use (hair, skin, etc) and maybe even in some cooking applications it absolutely makes sense (for the cost benefits) but for actual consumption, I'm not so sure.

    Read the thread above in it's entirety (especially the post that reprints the company response) and decide for yourselves if the savings is worth the nutritional trade offs but for me, I'm sticking with the 100% MCT (combination coconut oil and palm kernel) if it goes in my mouth.

    While still not exactly "cheap", this is my choice as a reasonable compromise between quality and cost. (although I'd actually like it better if it had MORE of a coconut "taste")
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    edited October 2014
    Not to the OP, just for more general info for lurkers. :smile:
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Saturated fats!!!! :o (gasp!)
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    The majority of my energy comes from saturated fats. I feel great and have lost some weight. I think I will continue with my daily coconut oil and all the other fats I eat!
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    The majority of my energy comes from saturated fats. I feel great and have lost some weight. I think I will continue with my daily coconut oil and all the other fats I eat!

    I was being sarcastic :)
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    crisb2 wrote: »
    The majority of my energy comes from saturated fats. I feel great and have lost some weight. I think I will continue with my daily coconut oil and all the other fats I eat!

    I was being sarcastic :)

    Lol. I was speaking in general and not responding to your reply.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thanks for all the above posts being relative new to this (started 7 Aug 2014) with main goal lower joint pain. So far very happy but the first 4-6 weeks were a wild ride. Learned the term Herxheimer effect. :( Actually it is starting to be a way of life. Not being starved all of the time really helps to say on track even though the house is full of junk food with two 17 year olds. The wife is interested but has not bought in yet. I have decided to lead by example hoping in time my results will become strong enough to get them to try.
  • BansheeCat
    It's a too ironic having a showcase of attempted debunking articles whenever the public finds a health benefit that isn't connected to big Pharma.

  • JerryHowell88
    Wow, my post went a bit wild without me around.
    Sorry, had to go to CQB training and requilifying and got a bit of the stomach bug from the hard training and cold weather and extra stress.
    But back and back at it.

    First, I was making fun of the podcast and its warning. Its seems like the health officials are so scared to go against the government standards. And then to scream about what might happen seems weird. Almost like its a coverup.

    And as for extra virgin and cold pressed oils over the Wally World LouAnn varity, except for the company that pushes them I haven't seen any good scientific evidence that proves it is better.

    Night all....
  • aireseneca
    aireseneca Posts: 9 Member
    Tracking net carbs....Is there any setting to get to that? I'm new here and not the most tech savvy but if there is no way to track the net carbs, would everybody mind asking for that here? If you have a minute.....