Support for Week 2!

Here's a space to vent your frustrations, give support etc. for week 2! Good luck everyone! You can dooooooo it! :smiley:


  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    I think you're doing great HokeyPokey2! I can't wait to be your size. Heck, my goal weight is 153. I'm all excited about November and I'm still seeing the scale go down! It doesn't get much better than this!!! :D
  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you, cherirana! I'm trying to keep from getting discouraged too easily. The smaller I get the slower it comes off.... But I'll keep going! Hope all is well for everyone!
  • nliette
    nliette Posts: 12 Member
    This weekend I was traveling with a friend. 19 hours of driving in 45 hours... Daughter's college soccer team won their NCAA conference1/4 final match!!! yay!

    The friend I was traveling with has regained the 70 pounds she lost in 2009. Before going, she asked me to help her get refocused again. This motivated me to set an example for her. We packed our workout clothes and got up at 6:00am to workout. I made a point letting her know when I was tracking my food, and shared the apples and raw almonds that I packed. Scale this morning showed a 0.5 loss for me! Tomorrow I plan to text her and see if she went to the gym as planned.

    Helping her will ultimately help me...
  • dclem2012
    dclem2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Ditto, what Cherirana said. Closer you to goal, the slower it goes. BUT consistently watching diet will pay off in many ways. On the bright side...for me a pound seems miniscule. On you I am sure a pound or two makes a big difference. SO Keep up the great progress!!

    Nliette, isn't it funny how motivating others is often the encouragement we need.

    This will be my week 2 for this challenge, but just finishing an October one. So, I am working on a consistent week 5 of healthy eating habits.

    It has not been easy, NOR has it been hard. Just doing it. BUT the payoff has been worth it and very motivational going into the holidays.

    All of YOU have a great week 2.

  • dclem2012
    dclem2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Just planning as T-giving will be here before we know it.
    Just read an article on MFP. Liked these comments.

    "..Two rules for keeping Thanksgiving Weight Neutral: “The first rule of Thanksgiving is that it’s free. But the second is that it’s one day.” "Dedicate all your planning energy to the days leading up to and the days after Thanksgiving. Circle the big day on your calendar and start thinking about how you’re gonna get back to the kale salads on Friday. "

    "Recruit co-conspirators. Pretty much everyone feels like crap the day after a big holiday feast. Announce to your friends and family, “Hey! Who else feels like crap?! Wanna go get salads?” Perform a big, healthy ritual the day after. Take a yoga class. Lift some weights. Go for a big ol’ hike with your sweetie. Anything that reminds you how good making healthy decisions feels."

    Once Thanksgiving is over, say to yourself. "Now it’s back to being who I am: a healthy person.”
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I have had a great week I expect a better loss.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    dclem2012 wrote: »
    Just planning as T-giving will be here before we know it.
    Just read an article on MFP. Liked these comments.

    "..Two rules for keeping Thanksgiving Weight Neutral: “The first rule of Thanksgiving is that it’s free. But the second is that it’s one day.” "Dedicate all your planning energy to the days leading up to and the days after Thanksgiving. Circle the big day on your calendar and start thinking about how you’re gonna get back to the kale salads on Friday. "

    "Recruit co-conspirators. Pretty much everyone feels like crap the day after a big holiday feast. Announce to your friends and family, “Hey! Who else feels like crap?! Wanna go get salads?” Perform a big, healthy ritual the day after. Take a yoga class. Lift some weights. Go for a big ol’ hike with your sweetie. Anything that reminds you how good making healthy decisions feels."

    Once Thanksgiving is over, say to yourself. "Now it’s back to being who I am: a healthy person.”

    Relax and enjoy your day...make it about family. The food is just a plus to the day

  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    This is my plan for Thanksgiving

    Honeysuckle White - Turkey Breast, Oven Roasted, 4 oz 172
    Generic - Homemade Bread Stuffing, 1 cup 294
    Egg - Deviled, 1 half egg 64
    Rhodes - White Dinner Roll, 1 Roll 100
    Butter - Salted, 1 pat (1" sq, 1/3" high) 36
    Homemade - Turkey Gravy, Low Fat, 0.5 cup 35
    Pie - Pumpkin, 1 slice 260
    Cool Whip - Sugar Free, 3 tbsp 30
    991 calories Total

    I'll probably have the same thing for Christmas dinner. All my favorites!!! :)