November Chat



  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    ker95texas wrote: »
    (we're having a cold spell in our neck of the woods & it's only going to get to 68 degrees today :sunglasses: )

    LOL isn't that too bad! ;)

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    IndianaPapaw, great work! Just yesterday I drove around mapping out some longer walking routes, so I can increase my distance. And I had another blood test yesterday so I too am anxious to see the results.

    I also tried out walking with my bamboo ski poles last night. I have read that the additional arm motion increases the effectiveness of the walk. I'm not sure about that or whether walking carrying weights is better. But it's all part of trying to "mix it up."

    I am using my indoor Nordic Track and I have visions of skiing again this winter once the snow starts to stick. I love cross-country skiing and have missed quite a few winters of enjoying it.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    mxchana: You would laugh if you saw me walk the track. I move my arms. Punch the air in front of me. Raise them and punch the air overhead. Move them like a train. Move them up and down. I don't use weights at this point, but it does seem to be improving the flab and it helps me raise my heartbeat. I just keep my arms moving. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm nuts, but I don't care.

    The poles make sense as do light weights! I agree with the "mix it up" philosophy.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    I'm sure everyone thinks I'm nuts, but I don't care.

    One of the perks of being 60+ is getting that feeling of freedom! That's the spirit!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Thank you Wooken3. Your cartoon made my day. :D
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Wooken3 wrote: »
    Have a great weekend everyone!


    I'm moving my mom from TX to CO so won't be around much this week. The first snow storm is just starting up. Earlier we were doing our daily walk and it was 62, when we got within two blocks of home, the clouds hid the sun and a mighty gust of wind started up, blowing leaves all over the place. A couple of hours later it is under 30 degrees now. Winter has raised its head.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Safe travels, retirehappy!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I've put my husband on notice that even though I won't be at goal weight, and even though I may just get a couple of 'wears' out of it - I'm buying something new and cool for his business Christmas party. Some of those folks I haven't seen for a year, and, well, I want to look as good as i can b-wink.gif
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ker: You bet you need to buy something smashing for Christmas!. I can see you in something red! I think you have a sassy "red" personality! Right? >:) (he should be red!)

    I cleaned out my closets yesterday. Laundered everything. Kept one pair of "before" pants. A few cozy sweaters that are just, too, cuddly for around the house on a winter morning. Otherwise, it is all gone if it didn't fit. Sold the best items to a resale shop. They only want the better brands and had to be bought within the last two years so I didn't have a lot. But heck, I made $40. The rest will be a Goodwill tax deduction. Might use the $40 for a massage when I reach the overweight range at 158.5.

    Speaking about "overweight" has anyone else run into this? People will comment on my weight loss and then find it hard to believe that I still want to lose 45 pounds. That will put me smack-dab in the middle of "healthy." In 2011-2012. 44% of people in the USA were overweight, 35% were obese. That's a total of 69%! I guess we have become so accustomed to people being overweight that overweight is viewed as "normal." I must admit, even when I look in the mirror when dressed, I don't feel overweight anymore (naked is a different story), although technically, I'm still obese.

    I'm really working on the stress relief. Been meditating. Lights out. Classical music. Only 5 minutes 3x/wk. But, I'm getting good at it. I decided to wait until January for the Tai Chi so I can take it in my own town. Besides I already had some other Tuesday evening commitments.

    Going to a Green Symposium next Friday in DC for work. Flying out early in the morning, as I just need to be there for the afternoon. Of course, since I'm going anyway, I'm extending the trip until Sunday night, so I'll have Friday night, all day Saturday and until about 3 p.m. on Sunday to play! I love Alexandria and have a favorite hotel with free shuttle around town and to Metro and airport, full breakfast, and free snacks 24 hours/day (even protein bars!) Better yet, the price is right for an unexpected long weekend.

    Everyone gearing up for Thanksgiving?

  • IndianaPapaw
    IndianaPapaw Posts: 31 Member
    Well, I saw the Doc today for six month checkup. He and nurse both did a double take when looking at my weight. Lost 30 lbs. since May. 20 of it since starting with MFP 60+days ago. Cholesterol and glucose both took major drops. Can't wait to get the next 20 off!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    That's GREAT news Papaw!

    @Charlie - let's talk about those blasted normal/overweight/obese charts. 1) They suck 2)They're a guideline 3)They suck. Not that I feel strongly about them or anything lol-049.gif

    I'm average build in every way. Not muscular and certainly not large breasted. If anyone should fit into those dumb charts, it will be me - and my goal weight is the top of the 'normal' in the chart. My husband thinks I'm crazy to be aiming 'that low', but I've been ten pounds less than that in my adult life (and btw, was gaunt as all get out - not an attractive look), so I'm thinking it's probably realistic.

    You, on the other hand dear Charlie - from what you've said, you take an.. ummm.. errrr... larger cup size than we who are less endowed. You are also building serious muscle. BOTH of which are going to affect, based on common sense, your placement on the silly chart. Personally, I don't know that you will need to land smack dab in the middle of normal, because, well.. you aren't :blush:

    Sounds like you have some wonderful plans - hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Nice post for the Veterans Wooken. We went to my granddaughters school for a Veteran's Day Program. It was wonderful!!! Very moving experience. Weighed in this morning, stayed the same. Not going to let it get me down. Saw a great movie, "St. Vincent". 9,200 steps today. Wish I had realized I was that close to 10,000. Too late now, it's bedtime. In January, I am going to set the 10,000 steps a day goal.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Ker: You bet you need to buy something smashing for Christmas!. I can see you in something red! I think you have a sassy "red" personality! Right? >:) (he should be red!)

    I cleaned out my closets yesterday. Laundered everything. Kept one pair of "before" pants. A few cozy sweaters that are just, too, cuddly for around the house on a winter morning. Otherwise, it is all gone if it didn't fit. Sold the best items to a resale shop. They only want the better brands and had to be bought within the last two years so I didn't have a lot. But heck, I made $40. The rest will be a Goodwill tax deduction. Might use the $40 for a massage when I reach the overweight range at 158.5.

    Speaking about "overweight" has anyone else run into this? People will comment on my weight loss and then find it hard to believe that I still want to lose 45 pounds. That will put me smack-dab in the middle of "healthy." In 2011-2012. 44% of people in the USA were overweight, 35% were obese. That's a total of 69%! I guess we have become so accustomed to people being overweight that overweight is viewed as "normal." I must admit, even when I look in the mirror when dressed, I don't feel overweight anymore (naked is a different story), although technically, I'm still obese.

    I'm really working on the stress relief. Been meditating. Lights out. Classical music. Only 5 minutes 3x/wk. But, I'm getting good at it. I decided to wait until January for the Tai Chi so I can take it in my own town. Besides I already had some other Tuesday evening commitments.

    Going to a Green Symposium next Friday in DC for work. Flying out early in the morning, as I just need to be there for the afternoon. Of course, since I'm going anyway, I'm extending the trip until Sunday night, so I'll have Friday night, all day Saturday and until about 3 p.m. on Sunday to play! I love Alexandria and have a favorite hotel with free shuttle around town and to Metro and airport, full breakfast, and free snacks 24 hours/day (even protein bars!) Better yet, the price is right for an unexpected long weekend.

    Everyone gearing up for Thanksgiving?

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh my what a mess I am! The last time I was in here I said I was trying to make 50,000 steps a day, well I meant 50,000 steps a week!!!!!!! With all of my respiratory issues I was THRILLED when I made my way up to 7000 a day and I thought 50,000 a week would a geat goal! Sorry for that confusion. I am currently at about 40,000 a week and working on it! Geeeeez, what a goofball I am sometimes!

    I am finally losing, slowly, and hope that I will soon be back at point zero! I still have weight to lose that I gained when I was on the steroids but I refuse to change my starting point.

    My big accomplishment for this week is that I am getting a lot better about logging and especially logging BEFORE I eat. That is HUGE for me!

    As far as weight charts go, I don't look at them. At present I am focused on point zero and then I will focus on the 10% of my body weight.

    As far as meditation and its benefits. Huge fan there. I do reiki and its THE most amazing thing I ever discovered in my life. It was very simply a life changer for me.

    Hope you all are doing well as you are getting ready for the holidays!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    I chose a weight goal because I tend to be a goal-oriented personality. Goals drive me. I have always been that way in both my personal and professional life. If I don't have a goal I'm striving for, I feel lost and will create a goal to strive toward.

    Goals and trying to reach them help me create benchmarks that also help me navigate through life. They help me make "sense" of things. Sometimes the "sense" is that the goals are unrealistic so I re-adjust. I need to be able to quantify things.

    This weight loss journey is fun for me because it is a series of challenges that I can easily measure. So, next goal is 158.5! As Reba would say, "Onward and downward!"
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I agree with you about the goals. I don't personally select goals set by others such as weight loss charts. Now one that I do like is that 10% of body weight, which if I remember correctly is the goal that everyone is supposed to set when they join weight watchers? I do remember (if I can get there again) that there is a point somewhere between 5 and 10 when you suddenly feel as if you have made a huge step forward and you feel it! I remember it, I just need to get back there! lol

    Onward and downward is a good mantra. I love mantras and quotes. Getting dh to read an article about health is a challenge, but I can post pieces of them on the frig every month and he will read them. I also post things I snip out of magazines here and there. On the bathroom mirror it currently says "You get what you work for, not what you wish for" and there is a full size page on the frig that says "Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. Pick your hard!" When I was in NC I did a large vision board that included both health changes and the move to Florida! Well, it got left behind in the move, so I am considering doing another one!

    I just heard a weather report for the great lakes area and I feel much sympathy for people up there, having grown up in upstate NY. I hope you all have exercise bikes and yoga mats! The weather is certainly not conducive to exercising outdoors!!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Janet: I've lost 30%, but you are right, everything you read says that 10% weight loss makes a huge difference as far as health benefits. My goal is 50% loss from my starting weight. I won't even miss one of me! ;)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    My "ThriveOn" program at work had the following quote in an article about aging:

    "Some of the gain is unavoidable, because as your body ages, body fat increases as lean muscle mass and bone mass decrease. Body fat doubles over the 5 decades from age 25 to age 75. Body weight increases until you reach age 60, when it begins to decline."

    I don't think I had ever read this before as far as the doubling goes. However, look at it this way folks, we are at least in the "decline" stage! :)