Daily check in - NoVEmbeR give up!



  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    You ladies are rocking it!

    Squats - Still nothing! I did the bar again and it still hurt.
    Bench - 4x5 @ 65lbs, 1x4 @ 65lbs. A guy had to come over and almost help me. I felt lame! I did manage to get it reracked on my own.
    Rows - 5x5 @ 80lbs
    Adductor machine 4x12 @ 100lbs - I am REALLY feeling this one today!

    Hoping to get in again Thursday and Sunday and then next week is a rest week. We are having our annual trade show in Seattle so I will be working LONG days and eating delicious dinners after for a couple days. And then Saturday my oldest turns 5! How the heck did that happen?!?
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today was such a grind. I've been awake since like 4am (spilled water on my bedside table, had to turn on the light, my night was over :/) and I am still mighty sore!

    Deadlift 5/3/1 did happen and I got a better result than last time, despite everything :) I'm pretty happy!

    215x6 (from 4 last week!)
    165x12 (all double overhand because GRIP WORK!)

    2 reps every 20s for 3 mins of: seated vertical jumps

    3 rounds of 1 arm 25lbs KB
    - power clean x 5
    - push press x 5
    - rack/farmer lunge x 15 (did rack for as many reps as possible and finished farmer-style)

    2 reps every 20s for 3 mins of: step broad jumps (it was getting pathetic by this point lol)

    For time: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 of
    - shoulder tap push-ups
    - trx bw rows
    - KB american swings (all the way overhead) @ 45lbs (20KG)

    Sooooooo hungry now...

    @canadianlbs you'll get that triple digit squat soon enough. Believe in yourself! Second-guessing your abilities holds everyone back! Like hey, 215 is frickin heavy and last week I couldn't even break it off the floor on my first attempt. Went in with a winner attitude today and it made all the difference. Wether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right! ;)
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    Workout B kind of kicked my butt today. I had to way scale back on accessories.

    Squats: Warmups 1x8 @ 45 lbs, 1x8 95 lbs, then 5x5@ 115 lbs. These still feel pretty easy.

    OHP: Warmups 1x8@ 45 lbs, then 5x5@70 lbs. The wall is looming. I can feel it. I think 75 lbs will be my Waterloo.

    Deadlifts: 1x8@ 60 lbs, 1x8@95 lbs, then 1x5@130 lbs. These are also getting harder. Whoo-ee.

    Accessories: 3x5 assisted pull-ups@54 lbs of assist between squats, 3 40 second planks between OHPs. I was going to do more but realized that if I didn't cut out the planks between OHPs there was no way I was going to make my last set.

    Then 20 mins of intervals on the treadmill -- 2 mins 15 secs @6 mph, then 45 seconds at 7.5 mph, repeat 5 times, then 5 mins @ 6 mph. I was really flagging toward the end and made the mistake of trying to reach over my body to change the song on my phone. I ended up sort of falling over and doing a skip-hop move off the treadmill. Ended upright but looked very stupid doing it. Oh well.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    Crazy busy couple of days means I missed my workout yesterday and may not have time to do it today. Grrr. Not happy.

    Workout B today.
    Deadlift 1x6@135 -- got to the 45lb plates! Yay!

    FANTASTIC! Yay for Big Girl Plates! :)

    squats: if i even get to 95 by the end of this month i'll be pretty happy since i'm gunning to squat triple digits like @crabada by xmastime.

    bench: i need to go re-find that power-lifter's youtube of him teaching some noob how to bench and review all the form tips.

    rows: i did them, in the full pendlay form.

    AWESOME! Yay for triple digits and doing your rows! (And with crackles and pops and stuff, have you considered seeing a massage therapist -- it's done WONDERS for me.)

    If you find the bench press video, will you post the link, please?

    symba1130 wrote: »
    Squats - Still nothing! I did the bar again and it still hurt.
    Bench - 4x5 @ 65lbs, 1x4 @ 65lbs. A guy had to come over and almost help me. I felt lame! I did manage to get it reracked on my own.
    Rows - 5x5 @ 80lbs
    Adductor machine 4x12 @ 100lbs - I am REALLY feeling this one today!?

    Sorry you're still having trouble with the squats, but glad you're not pushing too hard. I've been thinking of going back to re-read Starting Strength and hunting down some form videos to see if any of them talk about the adductor. I'll pass along whatever I find.

    And don't feel lame re: BP! You're doing so well, and it's actually kind of nice that someone was willing to step in to help. Most peeps at my gym would probably just let me lay there with the bar on my boobs until I squeaked out a "help!"

    My first go round with the adductor machine seems to have helped, even with the low weights. I'll be starting at 80 lbs. next time and moving up, so we'll have to compare horror stories about how sore we are after. :)

    krokador wrote: »
    Believe in yourself! Second-guessing your abilities holds everyone back! Like hey, 215 is frickin heavy and last week I couldn't even break it off the floor on my first attempt. Went in with a winner attitude today and it made all the difference. Wether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right! ;)

    Words of wisdom from the mighty Krokasoreus! You're so rad!

    meglo91 wrote: »
    Squats: Warmups 1x8 @ 45 lbs, 1x8 95 lbs, then 5x5@ 115 lbs. These still feel pretty easy.

    OHP: Warmups 1x8@ 45 lbs, then 5x5@70 lbs. The wall is looming. I can feel it. I think 75 lbs will be my Waterloo.

    DAAYUM! You're a bada$$ with those easy squats and that insane OHP! WOW! Have you considered fractional plates? That way you can move up 2.5 lbs. instead of 5 lbs. I got mine for less than $20, and so worth it.

    Awesome job, Ladies! Keep it up!

    :) C.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    @canadianlbs you'll get that triple digit squat soon enough.

    yup. never said that i wouldn't get it. just said that yesterday wasn't the day that i would be doing it. 95 felt like it was going to make me wet myself just the tiniest bit as i came out of the hole, and that's a price i didn't feel like paying in a public space :D
    I ended up sort of falling over and doing a skip-hop move off the treadmill. Ended upright but looked very stupid doing it.

    :D:D i so sympathize. i found i can trip myself on a treadmill just by moving my eyes from one location to a different one. terrible terrible balance/coordination issues.
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    crabada wrote: »

    DAAYUM! You're a bada$$ with those easy squats and that insane OHP! WOW! Have you considered fractional plates? That way you can move up 2.5 lbs. instead of 5 lbs. I got mine for less than $20, and so worth it.

    Awesome job, Ladies! Keep it up!

    :) C.

    First off, thanks for the kind words. You are always so encouraging.
    I work out at a gym that does not have fractional plates. While I'd love a home gym, we don't really have the space for a squat rack at the moment (we live in urban DC). But I think it will be fine in any case. I'll just do combo sets of 70 and 75 or 75 and 80 or whatever I need to do to get stronger.
    Yeah, I keep wondering if I'm doing my OHP right given how relatively easy it's been up to this point. I actually looked at some form videos and even compared with a push press video just to make sure I wasn't doing those. Nope, my legs are pretty straight (not locked, but I'm not using them) and I'm not really muscling them up using my back. I just have, uh, giant shoulders. Always have. Always will. But a reckoning is coming...
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited November 2014
    meglo91 wrote: »
    First off, thanks for the kind words. You are always so encouraging.
    I work out at a gym that does not have fractional plates. While I'd love a home gym, we don't really have the space for a squat rack at the moment (we live in urban DC). But I think it will be fine in any case. I'll just do combo sets of 70 and 75 or 75 and 80 or whatever I need to do to get stronger.

    You can always just drag your own fractional plates with you TO the gym. It's what I do. I have a string bag full of my own goodies that sits by me all the time so I can use it if I need it.
    - jump rope
    - fractional plates (I only carry the 1lbs & 1/4 plates but I do have 1/2 and 3/4 plates back home)
    - straps
    - kettllebell arm guards
    - resistance bands
    - lax ball
    - pen & notebook
    - chalk
    - liquid grip
    - watch
    - towel
    - water bottle
    - bite guard (although I need to remodel it, so I don't use it lol)
    - tissues

    Not saying you should carry all that crap with you if you don't need it, just that it's really not that cumbersome if you find you'd like to :) drawstring bags are great ;)

    (So to anyone who would like to be my workout partner: I am prepared for EVERYTHING! lol)
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    edited November 2014
    Had a cold over the weekend and skipped Sunday's lifts and unfortunately got on a MWF schedule this week but today's work out (triple digit squats!) was great despite a crowded gym.

    5 minute treadmill jog to warm up then did 10 mins on the elliptical after seeing both racks were being used.

    Squats: 1x5 empty bar, 1x5 65lbs, 5x5 100lb! I was so excited to try these today after feeling pretty good on 95lbs on Monday. These were difficult but not impossible so I'll be trying 105 on Friday.

    OHP: 1x5 empty bar, 5x5 55lbs. It was hard as heck getting the last reps in each set but I managed. Will try 57.5 next time and see what happens.

    Deadlifts: 1x5 95lbs and 1x5 140 lbs. Felt hard but awesome. I think deadlifts are my favorite. Can't wait until I can do my bodyweight.

    Question regarding deadlifts, do you guys think a warm up set is necessary when I'm only doing 140? If not, when does it become necessary? The plates are incredibly hard for me to get on and off of the bar when its on the ground so a warm up sets are a drag, especially when adding having to stack for the smaller plates.

    I was also planning on doing some pull ups on the assist machine but someone was using it so I called it a day for weights and did 20mins on the stairs.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    So with travel, holidays, and a scratched cornea, I determined that I will be in the office a total of 5 days in November! Which is awesome (except for the cornea thing.. that blows) but it's also thrown my routine for a loop. I think I'm going to work out when I can which means mostly cardio on travel and vacation and lifting when I can at home (deloaded of course).

    I'll be unable to make progress as intended so I think I'm going to wait until things settle down (post holidays) to start a new program. Will probably do Starting Strength as I have begun reading the book. Plus, 5x5 got really long and difficult for me as the weight increased so will be good to cut the volume a bit. 2015 is going to be a great year, I can feel it!
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    meglo91 wrote: »
    (So to anyone who would like to be my workout partner: I am prepared for EVERYTHING! lol)

    Holy smokes. Prepared does not come close. Interesting idea about carrying the frac plates with me. Hmm. Will ponder that one. Just yet I haven't needed them but I will keep this idea in my back pocket. Thanks!
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    Btw, fractional plates are not easy to find. I looked for them in a few sports stores around me and none of the stores carried them. I ended up buying a pair for a few bucks online.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    krokador wrote: »

    You can always just drag your own fractional plates with you TO the gym. It's what I do. I have a string bag full of my own goodies that sits by me all the time so I can use it if I need it.
    - jump rope
    - fractional plates (I only carry the 1lbs & 1/4 plates but I do have 1/2 and 3/4 plates back home)
    - straps
    - kettllebell arm guards
    - resistance bands
    - lax ball
    - pen & notebook
    - chalk
    - liquid grip
    - watch
    - towel
    - water bottle
    - bite guard (although I need to remodel it, so I don't use it lol)
    - tissues
    I really, really love this list! I'm going to start needing these for my OHP and bench soon, seems like a good opportunity to stock up on a nice kit =)

    Is anyone else a bit crooked/uneven? I lost a lot of muscle on my left shoulder from an injury a while back, and I find I'm still successful on my barbell bench/ohp, but you can really tell the weakness when doing dumbbell presses (my group conditioning does these). I'm fairly certain it's not too discernable most of the time, but when it's bad I can definitely tell. I think it may have not improved as the right arm is merely overcompensating. I have noticed that doing dumbbell bench once a week has helped a bit though; I'm thinking every second bench session I may use dumbbells instead (and see how this translates to OHP).


    @nancy276 - this may not be helpful whatsoever and it may be obvious - but I used to struggle with getting 45's on and off but lifting the bar helped a bit. Then to get the last 45 off, I'd pick up the bar and just slide off the 45. But, the app starts giving warmup sets at 155 (warm up 135lbs) if that helps any.
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks arrrjt! I do lift the bar but the plates don't like to move haha. I guess this is why no one uses clips at my gym. Just changing the plates is a workout sometimes. Did you pay for the warmups? I've been using only the free stuff on the app and have not seen warmup sets.

    I am noticeably uneven on OHP and bench sometimes. My left side will go up slower than my right so I have to really think about keeping both sides balanced. My husband says i am imagining things but I feel like my left bicep shadow looks smaller than my right when I flex. I should prob do some dumbell exercises but have been too lazy to figure it out.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I definitely have uneven sides. My left is smaller than my right, because I'm right dominant. I want to start adding some unilateral exercises if I have the time.

    Today's workout:
    Squats: 5@70,85,95,95
    OHP: 5@45,50,55,60
    DL: 5@95,105,120,140 (PR 1.3xBW)
    Inverted rows: 3x8 (I really need to work on these lol)
    Bench dips: 3x8
    Single leg glute bridge: 1 min each side

  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hey guys, great lifting going on.
    I was(am) in kind of a funk. Monday's lifting sucked, moved Tuesday's to today, sucked. Blah blah blah.

    OHP warm up then 55 lbs x 5 60 lbs x 5 65 lbs x3 then 55 lbs x5

    I think I am just going to repeat 5 week next week instead of deloading. If I deload it will take me 3 months to get back to where I was last month and that is just *kitten*. I also think I am going to change my accessories to 3x10 instead of 5x10 at least for a little bit.

    I had so much determination for close to 18 months and now I am just full of ick and blah. I almost feel like I am going through a stint of depression again. It's been almost 2 years since I was seeing a therapist regularly, maybe it's time to call her up again, still too early to jump to that conclusion though.
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    edited November 2014
    Nice job everybody!

    Warm up:
    20 min stationary bike
    10 min row
    BP 1x10@45, 2x5@55, 2x5@65, 3x5@70
    SQ 1x12@45, 2x5@65, 1x5@85, 1x5@105, 2x5@135, 2x5@105
    DL 1x10@45, 1x5@65, 1x5@85, 1x5@95, 1x5@115, 2x5@135, 1x5@115

    Tried using gloves but made the bar more slippery so maybe i need real gloves. Any suggestions?

    Feeling stronger and more confident but sluggish digestion all day - ick. Ate heavy today (about 2,000+) which seemed to help with overall energy, strength but concerned about being able to make my low cal day tomorrow. We shall see!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    I saw a guy do a totally nifty trick to unload his barbell, so I googled and found a video that shows what he did:

    Easy Barbell Unloading

    The guy at my gym used the small plate on both sides.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Surfing -- I have gloves, but actually greatly prefer chalk.

    @ Nancy --

    I ordered my fractional plates from RogueFitness.com -- less than $20 including shipping.

    My left side is definitely weaker than my right, and I can definitely tell when I use dumbbells instead of the bar (probably why I hate DB so much!). Doing some isolation exercises is an interesting idea -- will contemplate.
    nancy274 wrote: »
    Squats: 1x5 empty bar, 1x5 65lbs, 5x5 100lb! I was so excited to try these today after feeling pretty good on 95lbs on Monday. These were difficult but not impossible so I'll be trying 105 on Friday.

    Deadlifts: 1x5 95lbs and 1x5 140 lbs. Felt hard but awesome. I think deadlifts are my favorite. Can't wait until I can do my bodyweight.

    Question regarding deadlifts, do you guys think a warm up set is necessary when I'm only doing 140? If not, when does it become necessary? The plates are incredibly hard for me to get on and off of the bar when its on the ground so a warm up sets are a drag, especially when adding having to stack for the smaller plates.

    WOOHOO for TRIPLE DIGITS! Nice job!

    And yes, we all love those deadlifts! Great job.

    I agree that messing with the plates is a total pain in the *kitten* (see above for easier ways), but I've found that doing a warm-up set (usually ~90 lbs) really helps get me focused and locks in my form. I'm a little paranoid about deads, so I find it's definitely worthwhile. As already mentioned, the 5x5 program recommends that you start warm-ups when you get to 155 lbs. (but that's likely male-centric). I'm sure other folks will have better advice.

    Again -- awesome job!

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2014
    Last one for the night, and while it might be more of a "chit chat" post, I wanted to put it here because you all are my peeps. Bear with me --

    This has been an incredibly hectic week. I had to interview someone for 2 hours on Tuesday, had a paper due today, have a presentation tomorrow, and another one Saturday. This is on top of the normal workload of hundreds of pages of reading and ten hours of research assistant work every week. It's one of those weeks when it feels like it's not all going to get done, and when I have to just be OK with not making it to the gym.

    But tonight....

    I NEEDED to go to the gym. It wasn't "Oh well, let's go ahead and mosey over there." It was, "I don't have time, I have a million other things I should do in that hour, it might not be the smartest use of my time right now -- but I NEED my workout!"

    So I went. I blew off some school stuff and had the most fantastic night at the gym. Everything clicked. I felt strong and solid and focused. I upped all my weights and hit all my reps.

    And in the middle of it all, I realized that I'm not f*cking around anymore -- this isn't a fad. This isn't something I'm doing for right now, knowing I'll most likely fall off the wagon next month. Working out, eating well, and losing weight are finally, finally! my top priority.

    I have been waiting so long for this moment. I've spent YEARS, more than a decade, wondering why -- when I wanted to lose weight SO BADLY, when I could say without hesitation it was what I wanted MOST IN THE WORLD -- I still couldn't make it a priority. And today -- today is that day. I'm not sure I can actually describe my emotions right now, but I can tell you...

    I feel AMAZING.

    StrongLifts 5x5 / Workout A

    Squats - 5x5 @ 115 lbs.
    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 77.5 lbs.
    Rows - 5x5 @ 80 lbs.

    Abductor machine - 1x12 @ 80, 90, 3x12 @ 100
    Adductor machine - 1x12 @ 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
    Skullcrushers - 3x12 @ 20 (First set w/ 1x20 lbs. dumbbell, second and third sets w/ 2x10 lbs. dumbbells - trying to figure out a comfortable grip)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    @llama - (((hugs))) to you hun. Maybe worth making an appointment - be proactive and just go and see if it helps. What have you got to lose? xx

    @crabada - you rock!!! Seriously that post is the *kitten* and was a great thing to see - you got this Hun!! Woop woop!

    Blah to today

    Squat 5x5 @ 140lbs working back up
    Bench 5,5,5,4,3 @ 85lbs I'll get you next time bench!!
    Row 5x5 @ 85lbs

    Bedtime now - can't be bothered eating my planned snack, I'll take the deficit - was well over 140g of protein today so not needed.