April 2015 Due Date Club



  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I have been feeling okay too. I actually did some house work last night after work (I admit usually I am too tired and my hubby has been doing almost everything!) Still waiting for news, but have been trying to keep busy. I appreciate the support and prayers from all of you. It is nice to know that I am not the only one praying for our little guy.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Mormonmamma: thanks for the middle name idea -it could work, except that my husband doesn't have a middle name! And he's weirdly against middle names! When I picked out our son's name, I proposed that, since the first name had been my suggestion, he should pick out the middle name. He said, I pick no middle name!

    Missxlisa: yay for 17 weeks! Glad you are doing so well! Are you starting to show? Have you felt the baby kick yet?

    KathyK: I envy you your housework! I still don't have any energy. I get wiped out from the lamest things. I think about your little guy every time I log onto mfp, which is every day!

    I have my next midwife appointment tomorrow! I'm less nauseous and able to eat more foods, which is such a relief. Things still don't taste quite the same and they probably won't until after I give birth, alas, but pregnancy just doesn't seem to agree with my digestive system and that's how it is. Now that I'm feeling a little better, I'd love to start exercising, but I'm just so worn out all the time and still feel nervous about doing much of anything. If I need a two hour nap after just walking around the zoo with my son for 2 hours, what will a workout do to me? Is it worth spiraling myself into a possibly worse sleep deficit? What do you think?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Halloween!

    How is everyone feeling? I think I'm starting to make it around a corner on nausea! Still feel icky, but haven't really throw up since Sunday! YAY! I can deal with feeling yucky if I'm not actually throwing up!

    Went to my first Zumba class on Wednesday with my mom, aunt, and cousin. It was a blast - but by the second 30 minutes I was shuffling instead of jumping.

    Set our anatomy scan for black friday and SO excited to know if we are preparing for boy #3, or for our first girl!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Spoke to soon? I tried skipping a dose of my diclegis over lunch... BIG MISTAKE.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    TheLaser wrote: »
    I have my next midwife appointment tomorrow! I'm less nauseous and able to eat more foods, which is such a relief. Things still don't taste quite the same and they probably won't until after I give birth, alas, but pregnancy just doesn't seem to agree with my digestive system and that's how it is. Now that I'm feeling a little better, I'd love to start exercising, but I'm just so worn out all the time and still feel nervous about doing much of anything. If I need a two hour nap after just walking around the zoo with my son for 2 hours, what will a workout do to me? Is it worth spiraling myself into a possibly worse sleep deficit? What do you think?

    I'd say a 2 hour walk with kiddo in tow is DEFINITELY a work out! That would wear me out too! Do you have an xbox kinect or wii? We have one and on days that I'm feeling like I want to do a little something, but not alot, I toss in a kids dance game with my littles and rock out with them. It helps them get the wiggles out and gets my heart rate up a bit at least... maybe start with something easy like that?
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Hooray for Halloween!! Although the grumpy cowgirl in my household didn't start the day off on the best note...so mad at me for forcing tights on her because of cold & rain...how dare I care about her being warm and destroying her costume. Geez. And this is only 7... what am I in store for in a few more years? Makes me secretly even more happy baby bean is a boy, haha!

    Mormonmomma - I can just feel the difference between your 2 posts...the excitement that maybe, you just might possibly be moving past this horrid part of your pregnancy...and then right back to where you were. I'm so sorry you are still dealing with being sick, and hope some relief from it comes VERY soon!

    2nd trimester screening blood draw this morning...not sure if I should feel worried or not. I'm actually not...feeling like the outcomes from 1st tri blood & u/s's were so good, that it would be surprising for something to suddenly be there. But I realize it does happen, just going to focus on the positives...we've made it this far, doing & feeling great, the excitement is building to meet this little guy. It's so nice to have it done too...like there's this satisfaction in eliminating all the blood & u/s orders they gave me in my 1st appt. Next up 20wk u/s on 12/15 & 2nd glucose test probably not far behind. But easy peasy, and once these 2nd tri results come back I can ride out the rest of this with ease and no what if's.

    As of this morning's weigh-in...I've gained 7lbs so far, a couple days shy of 16wks. Not feeling too bad about it. Even though almost 2 of those lbs is just from this past week...I mean really, WHY do we need to buy Halloween candy early? And I thought starting just a week ago we'd be safe, yeah right. We'll never learn. But I'm back on the walking bandwagon, going about an hour almost everyday...at a pretty decent pace too. Always start out strong, get myself huffing & puffing a bit...and ease back down toward the end. Physically I'm feeling really good, and could probably add in some other forms of exercise, but I just don't want to...lamest excuse in the world! Those dumbbells are sitting there right in front of me...would it kill you to just pick one up? Oh well...maybe as energy increases I'll get a burst to do more, but am pretty proud I'm getting my butt out on the trail as it is.

    You'd think having to put a hair rubberband on my jeans button today might motivate me a bit to do a little more, haha! I technically "could" button them, just a tad uncomfortable. And as long as I can get away with it w/out anyone noticing yet, I'm doing it! So not ready for maternity!!

    Wishing you all a very Happy & Safe Halloween!! Next year we'll all have to stock up on Baby's 1st Halloween gear! Can't wait.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey y'all!

    Just checking in - woke up with some odd pain in my upper left abdomen... not sure if its from taking the full dose of both medicines 3X a day now or what, but it was a tight/bulging feeling about 2 inches below my rib cage. Seems to be fine now, but it was weird. There is always something to talk to the dr about at the next appt, right?

    Anyways... hows everyone doing? We've been a quiet bunch lately!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi All. Prepare for a rant/stream of consciousness...First, I am still waiting for my CVS results. The place that is growing my cells keeps telling the doctor (i.e the hospital where I had the test done, but not my OB) that they are not growing as fast as they would like and have not sent them out to the other place that will do the actual test. They were supposed to send out the cells on Monday, but now want another week. There is no guarantee that the cells will be ready with another week. The doc at the hospital that did the CVS, now suggests that I come in this week for an amnio so that they can send the fluid directly to the second place for the test. Now, I want these results to see if my boy is okay, but I don't think that it can possibly be safe to have another invasive test where they are putting a needle in my belly for the second time in 3 weeks. I have placed a call to my OB to ask that they follow up with both the hospital and the cell place, because I feel like I am getting the run around. I am going to be 16 weeks on friday, I haven't been enjoying pregnancy because I am so scared that my baby is going to have the same issue as last time, where they tell me that there is no hope for survival, it was hard enough last time at 22 weeks. This time we know what to look for, and I am doing everything within my power to find out ahead of time, or at least before 22 weeks, and things are not cooperating with me. My head is preparing for the worst, my heart has some hope, but I am literally all over the place.

    On another note, before I found out this news at 5:00 last night, I had an OB appt in the AM, and things look good as far as the OB is concerned. I am measuring where I am supposed to be. She did ask if I was eating and drinking enough - is this a typical questions, or should I be worried? I mean I feel like I eat when I am hungry (sometimes I eat when I just craving), and I have been drinking water.

    I went to vote last night, and saw my BF's mom at the polling place, and she looked at me and said "Congratulations." Um, we haven't told anyone yet, and she just said that I look pregnant...great...I was hoping for fat, since I don't want to tell people especially if the news whenever we get it is bad. Maybe I should just say "F" it and tell everyone, but not my MIL, she is so sensitive and gets depressed easily.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi all! I'm glad to say that the nausea is more or less gone. I'm still exhausted and I wake up A LOT at night and can't fall back asleep; my midwife recommended acupuncture to alleviate it. Have any of you tried that for sleep issues? The price tag is huge since my insurance won't cover any of it, so I'd like to know it's worked for some people before I invest time & money.

    Mormonmomma: Sorry to hear you're still struggling with pregnancy sickness. You're so active and you have such a great attitude -I definitely need to learn from you! I'm sure that weird pain was just one of the usual inexplicable pregnancy pains. I can tell you from experience that lower right abdominal pain can be appendicitis, so you probably don't have that!

    KathyK: How incredibly frustrating that you have to wait so long! Why wouldn't they have done the amnio the first time if the test results are just as conclusive? That does seem fishy, and you are smart to have your OB follow up!
    I wouldn't be worried about the OB's question! Does she know that you were on a diet and lost a lot of weight before?

    Robynn: That's a great weight gain for where you're at! I was shocked to see how much I'd gained at my last appointment. I'm trying to add more physical activity into my life again now that I feel better (walking, too -that's all that feels ok).

    I suppose all of us are firmly in the second trimester now! Hooray!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Mormonmomma - I woke up last night (about 2 am) with a pain in my stomach, and a burning sensation in my chest. Luckily it went away, but it took a while. For me, I think, it was heart burn and built up gas (maybe?). Does anyone else get this? I have never had heart burn before. This thing scared me since I was home alone, and not sure what it was at first, because it literally woke me up from sleep.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Kathyk519: Yes! I think mine is gas buildup too :( The Zofran causes constipation, and not to be too gross - but it's been a few days since I've had a good movement. I'm sure that's messing me up inside! I'm on a product my dr approved to try and loosen everything out and flush my system, but nothing yet. Oh well.

    I had bad heartburn in the 3rd tri with my boys (and yes, they came out with TONS of hair). I took Zantac and Prilosec to combat it. Hopefully it was just a one time thing for you!!

    Any update from your doc on the testing? Still praying!

    TheLaser: I've heard GREAT things about acupuncture, in fact, I keep meaning to schedule an appt to see if it can help my nausea - but I never remember to do it. Do you have a massage therapy school nearby? Even some Health sciences schools offer acupuncture, for instance my husband's chiropractic grad school also offers a program in acupuncture certification and they have a clinic where students finishing up their program do low-cost sessions where the teacher oversees the application and therapy, but you are paying much less because you are at the school.

    Also, if you have a FSA account through your or hubby's employer you may be able to use those pre-tax dollars to pay for alternative therapy medicines if your doctor/midwife writes a referral prescription.
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    Hey, just checking in since I haven't been here that much.

    I'm 19 weeks currently, and have my 20 week ultrasound in 6 days! Here in Canada, at least in my province, they cannot and will not tell you the gender during the ultrasound, and will also not tell me if everything is going well or if anything is wrong. I have a doctor appointment 5 days later where she will have the report from the u/s tech to tell me. So although my husband can come to the scan, I will be finding out the gender alone at the dr office. :neutral_face: Anyways, I'm praying there's no bad news to report either as I'll be alone. I really wish they would just tell us in the actual ultrasound. I am quite excited to find out the gender though! I THOUGHT it was a girl, but now I think boy.. so basically, I have NO idea. haha.

    I also booked my 3D ultrasound for the end of this month where our families can be there with us, and that is where everyone else will be told the gender. I will be 22 weeks at that time. We just moved to our new apartment and have lots of stressful things happen, but I'm trying to let things go for the sake of baby's health and mine. We just need to focus on getting settled and the fun things like finally being able to set up the nursery!

    As far as how I feel, I'm great! I really feel like I've gotten lucky with my pregnancy so far because I feel fairly normal! I've been able to continue with my same workouts, just lighter lifting and less days per week. I even was able to run for an hour for one of my workouts this week, and actually felt GREAT while doing so. I'm enjoying this now because at any time things can change and I've been told to brace myself for what lies ahead later when I reach third trimester! haha

  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    The nausea has pretty much stopped, and I am feeling so much better!
    I still take Diclegis at night -- just in case.

    In about two weeks, I get the anatomy ultrasound.
    I am thinking about bringing my two older kids. Not sure yet.

    I've been having some problems with (sorry if TMI) excessive discharge so I was having ultrasounds every week to check the amniotic fluid levels. They were consistently okay.
    I got a really awesome 3D shot of the baby at 16 weeks.

    I'm just glad to finally be feeling half way normal again!!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    So.. Has everyone already had an u/s? My doctor doesn't do one before the anatomy scan unless she can't find a heartbeat, so I haven't seen peanut yet. But, I've started feeling a TON of movement. So much so that I feel like either my kid is huge (reaching both sides of my belly at once) or there *might* be two in there. But I'd already know if it was twins, right? My doctor would have said something if she suspected - or we would have heard 2 heartbeats or SOMETHING right? I don't remember feeling like maybe it was twins with my prior pregnancies. Anyways, nothing really new with me!

    @brilliantwords - sorry you're husband won't be there when you find out. Excited you get to see your LO in a few days though!

    @tacticalhippie - good call on staying on the Diclegis. I've tried coming off a couple times and it was a BIG mistake.
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    edited November 2014
    So.. Has everyone already had an u/s? My doctor doesn't do one before the anatomy scan unless she can't find a heartbeat, so I haven't seen peanut yet. But, I've started feeling a TON of movement. So much so that I feel like either my kid is huge (reaching both sides of my belly at once) or there *might* be two in there. But I'd already know if it was twins, right? My doctor would have said something if she suspected - or we would have heard 2 heartbeats or SOMETHING right? I don't remember feeling like maybe it was twins with my prior pregnancies. Anyways, nothing really new with me!

    @brilliantwords - sorry you're husband won't be there when you find out. Excited you get to see your LO in a few days though!

    @tacticalhippie - good call on staying on the Diclegis. I've tried coming off a couple times and it was a BIG mistake.

    I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks... I can't imagine being this far along (almost 20 weeks) and not having seen the baby yet, or not having it confirmed that it was just one baby in there! Surely they would have noticed two heart beats if it were twins though.

    Mine was a dating ultrasound that my doctor sent me for even though I KNEW when I conceived and I was right based on the u/s measurements within 2 days. I think around here it just depends on the doctor because my sister-in-law has 3 kids and never had an u/s before 20 weeks! She even lost two babies to miscarriage this past year, and despite this, they still would not give her an early ultrasound. Yet someone like me who didnt even need the early one got it.

    I cant wait to feel movement. I'll be 20 weeks in 2 more days, and havent felt a thing yet, not even flutters. Its my first pregnancy so Im reminding myself that it's normal for it to be a bit later, but then other people I know felt MORE than flutters by 18-19 weeks. It worries me, even though I've seen my baby AND have heard the heart beat twice, and one of those times was only 2-3 weeks ago.

  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Took a fall on the ice yesterday and moved my doctors appointment up so I could hear the heartbeat and double check that everything is fine. Of course it was - but I was having a pretty good panic attack about it.

    Anyways. Feeling pretty good - just can't wait until our ultrasound at the end of the month!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi Ladies - Still have no news. Supposedly my cells are being sent to the other place for the test today - so another 7-10 days to see if my lil bean is okay.

    Since i am high risk due to my history - I am 17 weeks tomorrow and have had 4 u/s. I will have my anatomy scan in 2.5 weeks. Because I am high risk, it was suggested that perhaps I get an u/s once a month.

    Brilliantwords - My last pregnancy, I felt butterfly flutters sometime between weeks 20 & 22, but I wasn't sure at first if it was the baby. I have not felt anything yet this time. I think that it depends on where your placenta is in relation to the front of your belly. If you have one (like me) that is in front (anterior placenta), it will take longer for you to feel anything since the placenta will act as a cushion between you and the baby.

    So although I am in maternity pants, I still have that ever present muffin top )the visible split between my baby bump and belly. can't wait for that to even out - anyone else?
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Mormonmomma - How are you feeling since the fall last week? I know that you said that the doc said everything was okay, but how are you? How is the pregnancy sickness? Has it gone away?

    TheLaser - did you look into acupuncture?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm feeling just fine - I did go in and get a chiro adjustment and my arm is still sore from attempting to "Catch" myself, but other than that I'm perfectly fine. I've been slowly reducing my anti-nausea meds - and although I still feel a little nauseated, I think I'm doing pretty well. The constant constipation as a side effect was REALLY starting to be an issue.

    Anyways, just counting down the days until our ultrasound now! Black Friday is going to be a great day!

  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Kathy - I don't know how you're doing it...I think I would be going out of my mind on the Dr's by now. You're patience is amazing! I just can't believe there's been no news this whole time, especially them knowing you're history. I hope you hear soon, and can move on and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy with no fears.

    We had our 1st appt w/new OB on Friday...discovered from other doc, the hospital my medical group has me assigned to is a Catholic hospital...and knowing this is my last baby and will be a scheduled C-section, I want to have tubes tied at the same time. Well, it didn't sound like the hospital was going to approve that, and I'm just not high-risk enough for an exception. So, since it was open enrollment, we decided to switch plans and are now with a much better group...and the new hospital has a pretty new L&D, guaranteed private rooms, and only 5min from home. Happy we made the switch.

    Now, funny/humiliating dr appt story...so we go in, meet w/doc who was great, and they have me sitting on the weird chair the reclines into the exam table. When she's ready to listen for heartbeat...she reclines the chair a little, not much, so I'm still in a semi-sitting position. She then proceeds to basically lift up my previous C-section skin flap (the one I've never really been able to make much progress on, and is only more pronounced as I'm growing), and she's like...can you just hold this up for a minute? Oh my God! Sure...let me hold my fat out of the way. Mortifying...in front of my hubby, I was so embarrassed. But she knew exactly where Baby Bean was, and we could hear the HB w/in about 5 sec of her checking. That made it all better...although the embarrassment hasn't quite faded completely.

    But for someone who's overly stomach self-conscious...that was the worst. And that dumb C-section flap is such a trouble area...for those of you who've had multiple C-sections, did that change at all? Get worse from being sewn up twice (or more)? Any success reducing over time? In all my weightloss, I made progress there...but always a little bit of an overhang because of the scar, so annoying!

    Hope everyone is doing well...we're so close to halfway there, unbelievable how fast time is going. Feeling lots of little pokes now...finally feeling a bit bonded, or at least happier about what's going on. Life is so busy, it's kind of been like, whatever's going on in there is just happening on the side...wasn't really connected or emotionally involved up to this point.