Wednesday, November 19, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    Marla, good luck. I didn't know you were down in a below-ground shop, like that. That would be very difficult on mood and energy level. But at least it's good that you're keeping busy and taking things to do while there.

    april, I used to have a protein shake at night. That reminds me that I need to go buy my protein again.

    Well, my calories were much much better yesterday. For one thing, I remembered that I have to manually log my gym workouts. duh! That helped my calorie situation, but also I did excessive walking last night while doing errands in the neighborhood and ended up with plenty of calories burned.

    I haven't done abs/glutes today, but I also haven't eaten or had coffee yet either. I've mostly slept because my whole body is sore, and I have a splitting headache. It'll be a gym rest day, and thanks to the headache, I'm just going to postpone abs and glutes too. If DH doesn't have too much work after work today (he's been swamped lately), I'll let him take son to tkd and might be able to squeeze in some abs & glutes then...IF this headache is gone by then!!

    Still have a couple more runs to get this week, so hoping today's rest&recovery goes well.

    Have a good one!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry - I hope your headache goes away! Those can be basically debilitating.

    I had a victory yesterday. I had a very long day where I basically was running around all day without much of a break. I made dinner...but for a family from our church who just had a baby. Then dropped it off, and brought my oldest to piano lessons (all with 3 kids in tow). By the time it was all done, it was almost 7 and I didn't even have dinner started for the rest of us. I was sorely tempted to eat out that night...but hung onto the fact that the kitchen was a mess and I would still need to go clean it up. So might as well make dinner while I'm doing it. So we ate sloppy joes at home instead of going to Panda Express. That was a big triumph for me! :)

    Another crazy day today, This whole week is packed with errands to run, meetings, and events. Now to just stay on top of my eating through it all!

    Have a great Wednesday! Happy hump day!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Last day...I can do this! lol
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Hang on everyone through your difficult times! Hope you feel better, Sherry!

    I can't stay on much today, but I am getting my exercise in, staying healthy, and (barely) staying within my calorie goal.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Walked at park during tutor. Had to take son to tkd, plus usual shopping errands while he was there, despite still having a headache. :( got plenty of steps tho (>15000 so far). I don't think my abs n glutes minded the rest. ;)

    Well done val! (*)
    Hang in there Marla. <3
    Keep it up Donna! :)
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Great threadstarter!

    Sherry, looks like you’re on the upswing with calories and booty moving!
    Valma: Winner winner, sloppy joe dinner! Next time you’re making dinner for someone else, maybe you could make a double batch for your family too.
    Marla: You’ll be the first to get your Xmas cards out.
    Donna: Looks like you are keeping your healthy priorities front and center.

    Last night I ate only around 80 calories above my goal. I consider that a big win! Eating within my calories is definitely the hardest challenge for me. I was a little bit hungry after dinner but also tired so I just went to bed early.

    I was up from 2:15-4 this am so woke up cranky and definitely did not get up and workout. Which was fine. Even though it was very cold, I bundled up and went for a lunchtime walk with a colleague. Felt good to move.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't been around much. Just off kilter lately, a bit. Eating is going really well & workouts keep chugging along. Hope everybody is doing well. Valma your surgery has to be coming up very fast -- hope it all goes well!