I have to be doing something wrong!

esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
I am having the hardest time losing anything going low carb. I was a low-carber in my early 20's and it was great! And then I didn't even know about macros and counting my protein, fat and sodium. I have been up and down the same 3-4 pounds and back up today. I had a few cheats over the weekend but I don't think enough to put me right back where I started. (actually a pound more)
I have been doing this about 2 weeks but only been strict and serious about it the last week.
About 6 months ago I lost 25 pounds doing low cal/low fat. It was easier and came off faster than doing low carb. I got off track and gained about 10 pounds back so I figured I'd go back to low carb again. I must be doing something wrong and I'm so frustrated!!


  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Also I drink a ton of water....usually over the 8 glasses "rule"
    I probably need to exercise more but even so I feel like I should be losing and not staying the same or gaining.
    My diary is open if anyone has nothing better to do ;-)
  • LoraKay131
    LoraKay131 Posts: 58 Member
    ive only been doing this for a short while. i generally need to eat less than 20 grams net carbs. :)
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Maybe it has to be that I only have 10-12 pounds to lose so I need to lower my calorie intake also. I was around 1500calories per day but just changed my goals to 1300 calories. Which will be hard to do considering you are supposed to eat so many fats!
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    edited November 2014
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I am having the hardest time losing anything going low carb. I was a low-carber in my early 20's and it was great! And then I didn't even know about macros and counting my protein, fat and sodium. I have been up and down the same 3-4 pounds and back up today. I had a few cheats over the weekend but I don't think enough to put me right back where I started. (actually a pound more)
    I have been doing this about 2 weeks but only been strict and serious about it the last week.
    About 6 months ago I lost 25 pounds doing low cal/low fat. It was easier and came off faster than doing low carb. I got off track and gained about 10 pounds back so I figured I'd go back to low carb again. I must be doing something wrong and I'm so frustrated!!

    Not to be a "smart azzzz" but the reasons you are "...having the hardest time....." really aren't hidden very deep beneath the surface.

    First, you're probably not "...in my early 20's..." any longer and things change. Happens to us all and completely normal.

    Next, "...up and down the same 3-4 pounds...." is ALSO "completely normal" on a day to day basis and why one should focus on much longer term "trends" (weeks, not days).

    No such thing as "...a few cheats...".
    They are almost "always" more than a "few", and NO, I am not questioning your veracity it's just that "any cheats", especially when first becoming adapted to the LCHF diet are very likely to set you back to square one.

    The "...I have been doing this about 2 weeks but only been strict and serious about it..." probably should include the words "sort of".

    61, 77, 47, 38. 36, 27. 83, and 44 total carbs/day over the last week isn't, exactly, "strict and serious".

    Finally, water and exercise (neither of which have much impact on your situation for now) are not the issue - carb intake and the "cheats" (and maybe total cals), ARE.

    Please don't let me frustrate you further and don't give up. ANY reduction in carbs (and simultaneous increase in fats) is a good thing as long as you continue to advance toward your goals.

    Indeed, it's not impossible that you "might" actually become adapted with carb numbers only somewhat lower than they are now but it would likely take MONTHS - not weeks.

    I'd suggest you set a "reasonable", short term carb goal (maybe 50 TOTAL) and focus on hitting it EVERY DAY.

    When you can, lower it by 10 or so, increase fats, rinse and repeat. If it takes a week or so on each step you'll be at 20 in a month and well on your way.

  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    LoraKay131 wrote: »
    ive only been doing this for a short while. i generally need to eat less than 20 grams net carbs. :)

    I have such a hard time going that low....I'm usually between 30-50!
    Maybe I need to at least try :-)

  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I am having the hardest time losing anything going low carb. I was a low-carber in my early 20's and it was great! And then I didn't even know about macros and counting my protein, fat and sodium. I have been up and down the same 3-4 pounds and back up today. I had a few cheats over the weekend but I don't think enough to put me right back where I started. (actually a pound more)
    I have been doing this about 2 weeks but only been strict and serious about it the last week.
    About 6 months ago I lost 25 pounds doing low cal/low fat. It was easier and came off faster than doing low carb. I got off track and gained about 10 pounds back so I figured I'd go back to low carb again. I must be doing something wrong and I'm so frustrated!!

    Not to be a "smart azzzz" but the reasons you are "...having the hardest time....." really aren't hidden very deep beneath the surface.

    First, you're probably not "...in my early 20's..." any longer and things change. Happens to us all and completely normal.

    Next, "...up and down the same 3-4 pounds...." is ALSO "completely normal" on a day to day basis and why one should focus on much longer term "trends" (weeks, not days).

    No such thing as "...a few cheats...".
    They are almost "always" more than a "few", and NO, I am not questioning your veracity it's just that "any cheats", especially when first becoming adapted to the LCHF diet are very likely to set you back to square one.

    The "...I have been doing this about 2 weeks but only been strict and serious about it..." probably should include the words "sort of".

    61, 77, 47, 38. 36, 27. 83, and 44 total carbs/day over the last week isn't, exactly, "strict and serious".

    Finally, water and exercise (neither of which have much impact on your situation for now) are not the issue - carb intake and the "cheats" (and maybe total cals), ARE.

    Please don't let me frustrate you further and don't give up. ANY reduction in carbs (and simultaneous increase in fats) is a good thing as long as you continue to advance toward your goals.

    Indeed, it's not impossible that you "might" actually become adapted with carb numbers only somewhat lower than they are now but it would likely take MONTHS - not weeks.

    I'd suggest you set a "reasonable", short term carb goal (maybe 50 TOTAL) and focus on hitting it EVERY DAY.

    When you can, lower it by 10 or so, increase fats, rinse and repeat. If it takes a week or so on each step you'll be at 20 in a month and well on your way.

    Thank you...yes I know my carbs should be lower. It just seems like cutting sugar, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, fruits and whatever else I can't think at the moment, I'd at least lose some.

    I guess I need to give it more time and really be diligent making sure I really am at LEAST under 40. Then like you said lower maybe every week.

    Let's see if I can't cheat anymore at all!
    I appreciate your time and suggestions :-)

  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member

    Not to be a "smart azzzz" but the reasons you are "...having the hardest time....." really aren't hidden very deep beneath the surface.


    some of us don't need to try :)
  • memelizzy
    memelizzy Posts: 101 Member
    Deansdad, thank you! You always have very encouraging and helpful things to say. Thanks for saying it straight. It's a clear sound!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's been a short time AND you have very little to lose. Even going low carb you're only going to lose about 0.5LBS a week.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    esaucier, do keep trying! It is a slow process to get carbs down and keep them there. I have been trying for more than a year, and still have not been consistently low enough to lose the last 5 lbs! but I feel MUCH better most of the time (except for the carb flu that hits after I slip up).
    For inspiration, take a look at this video by Dr. Steve Phinney

    He reminds us to keep at it, and why it pays off. hang in there!
  • Lindseymofo
    Lindseymofo Posts: 9 Member
    I also had a hard time doing low carb for WEEKS, and then figured out i was doing it all WRONG. I read "keto-adapted" which is GREAT if you can get it and read it. Google "keto calculator" to see what macros you should be eating to lose weight. For weeks I had been eating way too much protein and not enough fat. I eat about 130 grams of fat a day, and about 80 grams of protein, 20-25 carbs. Also, when you do it "right" I really think you won't be tempted as much. Once I started tracking my macros, I didn't cheat. it was all of a sudden SO easy! Don't give up!!!!! :)
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member

    Thanks....he is very insightful! Great read.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Thanks for the link... looks like a good group to follow. I am one of those who is probably over-consuming some days, as the Japanese foods I have here are sometimes harder to find in the database.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited November 2014
    I find it accurate. The link isn't working on here so copy and paste! :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    camtosh wrote: »
    Thanks for the link... looks like a good group to follow. I am one of those who is probably over-consuming some days, as the Japanese foods I have here are sometimes harder to find in the database.

    I joined the group. He doesn't post much, but what he does say is spot on. And not judgey- and nippley as is often the case.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I also had a hard time doing low carb for WEEKS, and then figured out i was doing it all WRONG. I read "keto-adapted" which is GREAT if you can get it and read it. Google "keto calculator" to see what macros you should be eating to lose weight. For weeks I had been eating way too much protein and not enough fat. I eat about 130 grams of fat a day, and about 80 grams of protein, 20-25 carbs. Also, when you do it "right" I really think you won't be tempted as much. Once I started tracking my macros, I didn't cheat. it was all of a sudden SO easy! Don't give up!!!!! :)

    Thank you!

  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    I find it accurate. The link isn't working on here so copy and paste! :)

    Thank you....I used this one yesterday. I think I'm set correctly:
    10% carbs 20%Protein 70%fat

    I am not eating the total carbs because it gives me 33grams. Trying to stay 20-25 or lower.
    The only other percentage to choose was 5% and that gave me a much lower crab count to eat, 18 I think. But actually maybe I'll change it because the last couple days I was 19 or under anyway. Hmmm

  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    I find it accurate. The link isn't working on here so copy and paste! :)

    Thank you....I used this one yesterday. I think I'm set correctly:
    10% carbs 20%Protein 70%fat

    I am not eating the total carbs because it gives me 33grams. Trying to stay 20-25 or lower.
    The only other percentage to choose was 5% and that gave me a much lower crab count to eat, 18 I think. But actually maybe I'll change it because the last couple days I was 19 or under anyway. Hmmm

    You are (IMO) making the "right" decision re "net vs total" carbs.

    It really doesn't matter, one way or the other because if 50 "net" is too high for you and if 50 net = 70 total (or whatever) you simply have to reduce either number to what is "right" for you.

    It is, however, just less confusing to stick to "total" (again, IMO) but whatever "works" for you.

    If you really do want "pin down" the number for your diary, go here:


    Click the "Learn More" button
    It will take you to a list of available add-ons.

    The last one will let you enter macros in absolute numbers (as opposed to the 5, 10%)

    Hope it helps

    Oh, and BTW....."crabs" are a GREAT addition to your menu.....low carb and they taste delicious <VBG>

  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Thank you so much! I will do this when I get home. I can't install Google Chrome on this computer.

    And yes...I LOVE crab. My fiancé brings home King crab legs every couple weeks...yum!