April 2015 Due Date Club



  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hey all! I've been so crazy busy with work that I haven't had a chance to indulge in any MFP forum fun!
    Luckily, I'm feeling A LOT better than I was in the first tri: very little nausea, a few aches and pains but nothing major, the occasional heartburn, not as run-down... definitely an improvement! So I didn't follow up with the acupuncture. Is this the promised second tri recovery? I'd better enjoy it, 'cause it's probably as good as it's going to get.

    KathyK -what a rollercoaster! You've been in this horrible suspense for so long. It's both heartening that the medical establishment can identify potential problems, but frustrating to deal with the wait.

    Robynn -that is super awkward! Can you talk to the practitioner about how that made you uncomfortable? I know they can find the hb just as well when you're laying down.

    Mormonmomma -glad you're ok! You've been dealing with a lot on top of the nausea/vomiting stuff, but you are my positive attitude pregnancy role model!

    I am now at 17.5 weeks... eeek! The anatomy scan is next week!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I went in for a u/s yesterday to get an idea of how our little guy is doing, since the cells were just sent on Monday. They measured his brain versus fluid level, and while it is in the normal range, it is on the cusp. They feel like it has changed since our last u/s about 3 weeks ago. The doc is leaning more toward the results being not in our favor, although there still is hope. She did say she felt that he has a 30% chance at being okay. I was a total mess at the appt, my husband as usual had to speak for us, because I was crying. I honestly have no idea what to think anymore. Everything seems to give us more questions than answers, and the waiting sucks, and the thought that this little boy is not going to make it is killing me. I have been beyond busy at work, so that keeps me from dwelling on everything during the day, but it is harder when I am alone or at home. Losing our first baby because of this stupid gene was hard enough, to lose another one, and then potentially have to deal with all these stupid tests again for another pregnancy - I don't know if I will be able to do this again...
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    KathyK, I can't imagine what you are going through right now, but just take it one day at a time. Ultrasounds are not the most accurate diagnostics in the world -think about how many false positives there are on the nuchal fold test for Down's, or how many twins get missed, or how many women were told they were having babies of a certain weight and then the baby wasn't anywhere close to that. You will hopefully get more certain results soon. We are all thinking of you and wishing for the best outcome.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I agree with TheLaser - there is definitely still hope! We will continue to pray for you!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Hows everyone doing?? I'm getting SUPER excited about Thanksgiving! My younger sister is coming home for a week from college and we'll get our ultrasound a week from today! Plus I'm finally starting to enjoy eating food just in time for my favorite holiday! Yay!

    My super independent 3 year old started preschool through our local high school's child psychology program and he LOVED his first day (and mommy loved the price - it worked out to less than a dollar per hour)! I was really impressed with how smooth they have everything set up and today he got to bring home a drum they made during craft time. Having him in preschool feels like SUCH a load off my shoulders because I've been feeling like he isn't being challenged enough and needs more social interaction (he is a major extrovert). Anyways, long story short - this mommy who has been feeling like her kids aren't getting enough because I've been sick/tired/pregnant is feeling a little better today. Now I just need to figure out how to help my 1 year old feel just as happy!

    Anyways - it's been a good day! how's everyone else feeling?
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    mormonmomma - That is so great on all fronts! So glad you're feeling better and will hopefully be able to enjoy all aspects of the holiday...especially the food!! And great news about preschool...such a huge transition, so exciting that he loved his first day. And I suspect, even though your 1 yr old is so little, having you all to his/herself for a bit while big brother's at pre-school is going to be pretty fun and exciting! Especially with momma feeling better! Happiness all around!!

    I've been feeling really good...wish I'd get off my hiney and start exercising more, but oh well...not going to dwell on that. We are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow for Thanksgiving week, which I'm torn between excited and missing being at home, which probably sounds dumb cause why wouldn't I be excited?? My hubby likes to "run away" in a sense for the holidays...partly because we have extra time off work, and makes it easier...but more so to get away from family drama and being torn between who we're spending it with, blah, blah, blah! I enjoy the family chaos and just being together...and only a few weeks until Christmas for all of that!

    This is also kind of like our last getaway as a little family of 3...so I'm going to pack my bathingsuits...ugh! And enjoy every second I can while we're there, and take advantage of this stage where the energy's high, the bump is looking cute, and I'm not quite waddling everywhere yet. Haha! I don't think we'll be having such an exotic vacation for a while as it is, so better enjoy!

    Oh yeah, and I finally gave into maternity pants...boy, I forgot how comfy those darn things are. But no getting used to, will be just as happy to get rid of asap! :)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Robynn -I wish I were off to Hawaii! It's just getting really cold here and I'm not ready for it!

    Lately I have really been struggling with my diet. Exercise isn't even in the picture with work and the 18 month old right now, so even if I didn't owe it to the new baby to eat right, I should at least be eating right for my own health and weight. I still have a little nausea, which seems to build throughout the day and manifests itself in an icky taste in my mouth. So I've been eating sweets for some (fleeting) relief. At first it was a just here & there, but now it feels excessive. When I first joined MFP, I gave up sugar entirely (!!!), and I still believe it's terrible for people --so why can't I practice my own beliefs? I don't know, and I'm so frustrated. Pregnancy just seems to undermine my will and any sense of control I have over my body.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies! We find out if we are getting another brother or our first sister on FRIDAY! I can't wait!

    @TheLaser - I can relate on the sugar trouble! Something happened moving into the 16th week and all the sudden I'm an addict! Ice cream, cookies, brownies, oreos... the work place has been a nightmare because of all the goodies everyone's brought in to share! Hopefully once the nausea is gone I can get back to better eating too! And if not, I remember an IMMEDIATE change in my cravings/food aversions/nausea the minute my boys were born, so at least there is an end in sight (even if it's not til April! LOL).

    @robynn412 - maternity pants just in time for Thanksgiving are something to be grateful for!!

    @kathyk519 - Do they have aprojected date for when the tests will come back? Is the additional testing you are waiting on definitive? Still praying!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, ladies!

    Had my u/s today and everything is looking good! The placenta is a little low, but it should move up as everything expands and I should be able to have another natural birth --very happy about that!

    I also found out today that a dear friend just got pregnant on her first round of IVF! SOOOO happy for her! Lots to give thanks for!
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    HI All. We got the results from the test, and they are not good. My boy definitely has the gene. We are meeting with the doctor on Tuesday to make a plan for the next step. These genetic tests are reliable - they splice up a bunch of cells and look at each gene. So at this point, there is nothing that I can do to make it better. The fluid is already starting to build up, and if it goes like last time, his little brain will be completely consumed by fluid in a couple of weeks with no chance at survival - no operation, no get him out so he is premie in a few weeks, no options.

    I am pissed and mad at the world right now, but also thankful that I had at least this much time with him. His little soul existed, and cannot be undone. I may not be pregnant this time next week, but today, I felt his little heartbeat under my hand when I was laying down. I saw his little body in the many many ultrasounds that I had. Soon, he will join his big brother.

    Thank you all for the prayers and kind thoughts you have been sending our way. We did not broadcast our pregnancy, so being able to share all this, on this site has helped me cope with the stress. I wish you all luck, and you all will be in my thoughts and prayers, for healthy pregnancies and babies.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Oh, Kathy, I am so deeply sorry :( What a terrible, terrible thing to endure. You are right to look at the positive side of this experience -you are a mother to this baby and his brother, and no one can take that away. I wish you all the strength and courage you need to get through this difficult time.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Kathy - my heart is broken for you. I will continue to pray for you and your sweet babe. I fervently believe that in the next life we will have the chance to raise our babies that didn't survive their pregnancies and childhoods. I hope that you have enough support in real life as well, and if you EVER need to vent or talk I'm always open to being leaned on during your hard time.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Kathy, my heart if just aching from your news...so, so sorry. You have been amazingly strong through all of this, and like laser said, he & his big brother will always be your little boys...you will see them and hold them close one day. I have 2 angel babies myself, we created them, I carried them, and they were real. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I'm due on the 24th April with our first, a little girl we found out this week. I haven't been using MFP for quite a while and since finding out that I was pregnant (2 days after my wedding!) I haven't really done any form of diet or tracking food, I've just been trying to eat healthily and have lost 10lbs so far. I'm not really trying to lose, I just want to not gain loads although if I do happen to lose a little as I go along I'm OK with that.

    I'm 20 weeks this week and like I said, I've lost 10lb since we found out when I was 6 weeks along. That's much better than I expected and it's starting to slow so that I go up and down within the same 2lb range at the moment so I know that it's getting to a point where I am going to have to be more careful if I want to keep that gain off. I've been really struggling with my energy levels too so I've decided to watch my iron and vitamin c, which is why I'm back really, as the midwife said that it might help.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hello caroline_g!

    If you are trying to up your Iron intake I HIGHLY recommend Cream of Wheat! Yum!

    I'm also 20 weeks and found out we are having our third little boy! My boys are excited now but in the u/s room when the tech showed us his little boy bits and we said "Another Brother!" my 3 year old practically broke down crying and said "but I wanted a GIRL SISTER!". It was kind of precious and made me glad that we want 6 kids - hopefully we can give him a little sister down the road. But in the meantime, I'm SO THRILLED not to have to buy new clothes/blankets/etc... this time around!

    At my last appt I was up about 4 lbs - I go back in next week and we will see where we stand at that point. I gained about 50 pounds with both prior pregnancies. With the 1st I was able to work all of that off, but I was still hanging on to about half of it from my 2nd going into this pregnancy so I'm trying to keep weight gains minimal this time around (at 20 weeks with both priors I was already up about 20 pounds).

    Still throwing up 1-4 times a day, but it's generally much less dramatic/intense than it had been so WAHOO for small victories!
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Hello caroline_g!

    If you are trying to up your Iron intake I HIGHLY recommend Cream of Wheat! Yum!

    I'm also 20 weeks and found out we are having our third little boy! My boys are excited now but in the u/s room when the tech showed us his little boy bits and we said "Another Brother!" my 3 year old practically broke down crying and said "but I wanted a GIRL SISTER!". It was kind of precious and made me glad that we want 6 kids - hopefully we can give him a little sister down the road. But in the meantime, I'm SO THRILLED not to have to buy new clothes/blankets/etc... this time around!

    At my last appt I was up about 4 lbs - I go back in next week and we will see where we stand at that point. I gained about 50 pounds with both prior pregnancies. With the 1st I was able to work all of that off, but I was still hanging on to about half of it from my 2nd going into this pregnancy so I'm trying to keep weight gains minimal this time around (at 20 weeks with both priors I was already up about 20 pounds).

    Still throwing up 1-4 times a day, but it's generally much less dramatic/intense than it had been so WAHOO for small victories!

    What's cream of wheat? Today's my first day of tracking and my iron intake is shocking, I'm starting to think that's why I've been struggling so much with my energy levels.

    Aww bless, your little one's reaction is so cute. You want 6 kids? You must be crazy! I don't blame you for being glad about the buying stuff, it's bankrupting us at the moment.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Here's a link to Amazon for the cream of wheat - not sure where you live, but it is available in most US Grocery stores. 1 serving contains half of your daily need for iron! And I just love the taste/texture. I had actually forgotten all about it until about a week ago and I'm on a kick with it!


    And yes, we want 6 - but my husband comes from a family of 8 boys, so we are downsizing a *little* bit! hahaha.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome Caroline! And congrats!!

    And congrats to you too momma...that is very exciting! Although they told us off bloodwork at 12wks baby bean is a boy, I'm really looking forward to our next u/s on the 15th to see him again.

    Last night I went to my first Mom's In Motion water aerobics class...well, that's at least what the flyer from my OB promoted...but it was more like, a regular water aerobics, and they thought...hmm...maybe we'll get some extra participants putting it out there to pregnant gals. As I was the only preggers one among about 8 other sweet grama's. But I really did enjoy it, heated pool felt wonderful, and got my heart rate up a bit. Planning to do that 2-3x a week, plus as much walking as I can the other days...think I can be proud of that amount of exercise.

    Starting to see visible kicks from the outside...so amazing and creepy at the same time. Finally feeling like I'm really connecting to him, and dream about holding him in my arms. My 7yr daughter thinks I'm just nuts when she hears me talking to him, but she's warming up to it all...she does like to hug and give him kisses...think she's constantly processing what all this means. Life is certainly going to change.

    Had a great Thanksgiving vacation in Hawaii...only brought 4lbs back with me, which I thought was pretty darn good. Tried to make as best choices I could...lots of fish and fruit. Unfortunately, had an un-tameable brownie craving on Sunday and baked a family size batch with choc chips & chocolate fudge frosting...OMG, they're gone...in 2 and a half days! Yikes!! Thank goodness not all by me, but I certainly ate my share, and they were delicious!!! Haha.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    I'm in the UK, I'm not sure that we have that here. I've never seen it anyway, never even heard of it before you mentioned it!

    They can tell off blood work? Wow! I didn't know that. We did a private scan at the weekend and found out we're having a little girl, we've got our NHS scan on Tuesday so will confirm then.

    I really want to do the aqua natal class but here all the things like that are during the day when I'd normally be at work. I've been signed off work for a few weeks though so I think I'll try to go for the next 3 weeks before Christmas week and see what I think of it, they might be able to tell me about an evening class somewhere.

    When is it you're due Robyn? I haven't felt any movement yet but when I saw the midwife on Monday she told me that I have an anterior placenta so because it's at the front, it cushions movements so I won't feel much until a bit later on. I'm looking forward to getting strong movements and being able to share them with my husband.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congrats, and welcome to the group, Caroline! Your due date is the day before mine!

    The more general name for Cream of Wheat is farina, which you should be able to find in the UK. I take the liquid Floradix iron supplement, which I wish I'd done with my first pregnancy.

    At my u/s last week, they said that the placenta is touching the edge of the cervix, which means that if it does not move by the time I'm in labor, I'm stuck with a c-section. Usually they move, but it's hard not to be worried. At least the baby looks healthy.