November Chat



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Leaving for the green symposium in D.C. early tomorrow morning. We are up for an award, so keep your fingers crossed for us.

    Symposium is only 2 1/2 hours long, and then I'm done. As long as I'm there, I will stay until Sunday evening for a mini-vacation. Will be a nice weekend get-away.

    I will be careful, but not obsessive about my food. There are a lot of great bistros and cafés where I can get a great meal, but not crazy! As long as we have our smartphones, we are only a click away of being able to look up calories and make good choices. Love MFP and all of my friends here!

    Have a good week!

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Your encouraging words, everyone, are so helpful. When we're going through the inevitable life changes, taking care of ourselves is vitally important.
    Each of us is setting her own goals in her own ways, using intelligent resources to pin down what works or will work for us. For me, trying to find the positive no matter what is occurring helped me get through crises, and I can draw on that in the future. Charts can help as guidelines, and awareness of how our bodies differ (more muscle, larger upper frontal edowments) help us know whether we're proceeding toward our target.
    Our biggest asset is our brains, and it's apparent we all have plenty of those!
    Can't get my ticker to display today, but it's showing as much improvement as my clothes size.
    Log on ladies.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Charlie, good luck! Will be waiting to hear how things went. Sounds like a really fun holiday. Isn't it so nice to go to it now that you feel and look so much better and have so much more endurance to enjoy it! I do remember all of those feelings, and plan to be back there!

    Sharon, I agree about the power of the group support. One of the things I have learned at this point in life is the power of positive energy and the power of words. I realize now that the subconscious is the inner child that listens to all the negative things I say about myself and everyone else! That is why I find it helpful to start the day with my gratitude list. During my last year of a long and horrible job (the last couple of years of it, sinking business that was later sold), I spent my 14 miles driving to work reciting a gratitude list every day. It did not save the job, but it saved my sanity and established a valuable habit which I have kept for the five years since!

  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I met my husband's cousin when she was 98. She was in a nursing home. Her daughter had put together a photo album of her home. Pictures of the outside, backyard, each room, items of furniture her mother really liked. She had me look through it and told me about her life. It was a wonderful visit. She died a few months later. I was so grateful I had had a chance to meet her. I don't know if this would be of value to your mother or not, but thought I would give you this info. That is such a difficult condition to deal with. My first husband died after a long, long illness. You lose so much of the person as the illness takes over. I will pray for you and your family. Joni <3
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Today we ate out again, treating ourselves to lunch at Roberto's Taco Shop. Searching for the item we ordered made me appreciate the stores that make full, proper nutritional information available.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    A new spot reduction method for all you snow country folks :D

  • IndianaPapaw
    IndianaPapaw Posts: 31 Member
    If it were only that easy. :\
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Thank you, Wooken3, for the perfect cartoon. and for the link, again, to the ticker bbcode link.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Too cute Wooken3
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Back to normal today! Had a great 3 days in D.C./Alexandria. I wasn't as careful as I should have been, but the food....ahhhhhh. Walked a lot and hit several museums and sites. Was cold except for yesterday. I gained a couple pounds.

    We did win the award for our category so that was nice. But was nicer to be off on my own after the symposium Friday afternoon. Nothing like a few days away. A day and a half of work and then off for Thanksgiving. I do have to work on Friday and Saturday though.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    We did win the award for our category so that was nice.

    Certainly is, congratulations!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    It's so good to be home! I look back at this trip, though, and reflected on what I gained..
    • Four quality visits with my mother
    • Three great visits with my brother, and one with SIL
    • Realization that I hadn't totally forgotten how to drive in icy, wintry conditions
    • Completed at least eight Kindle books, and listened to four more while driving
    • Knowledge that the inflatable mattresses aren't too bad (especially when electric blanket is added into mix)
    • Confirmation that moving to Texas fifteen years ago was the right thing for me (it's 68 degrees and sunny right now here and 14 degrees and snow where I was staying)

      What I DIDN'T gain was any weight, which makes me very happy under the circumstances!

      Have to figure out what I'm doing for Thanksgiving meal and go fight the hordes at the grocery store today since our cupboards are pretty bare..

      Happy Wednesday!!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :D May not get a chance to get on too much tomorrow, with last minute baking and traveling to dinner etc. We are getting our first snow of the season, just to make it really seem like the start of the holiday season! I'm feeling strong and have a plan for tomorrow's meals. Above all I am feeling grateful for this group, which has given me focus and just been plain fun. Thanks to all of you!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Ker, gratz on going home and not gaining any weight! I also understand what its like to go home and appreciate the cold weather for a few days knowing you are going to leave it! lol

    Charlie, congratz on winning the award!

    Wooten, if losing weight were that easy in snow country I would move back! lol

    Everyone, hope you had a great Thanksgiving and I know we will all be back on program tomorrow!

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Looking over the reports from the ladies, it's impressive how well we're staying on track during the season. Well done, all!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2014
    Does anyone else every get annoyed that along the right side of the your home page, where they show current forum topics, you end up see this:
    • Person above you: How wild (1-10)?
    • Should the user above put on more clothes?
    • Why did the person above you dump you?
    • Pass, Hug, Spank, Dance, Marry or Date part 2
    • Yum or Yuck
    What does any of this have anything to do with anything? animated-sign-smiley-image-0191.gif

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    In reply...
    1) Bet Charlie is level 8 wild!
    2) Absolutely no more clothes - less would be suitable now that you're down so far in size :flushed:
    3) Because I insisted on eating protein shakes and bars as meal replacements :wink:
    4) Hug, because a)I like boys and b)if I did any of the other options you would toss me across the room easily due to all the exercise you've been doing
    5) ummm..... errrr... how can I answer that without ummm... well of COURSE since Yuck wouldn't be an option, it would have to be Yum!\

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  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    ker95texas wrote: »
    In reply...
    Was that a helpful reply?

    Love the replies!lol-049.gif

    And Charlie...that's just one example of why I'm hanging out with the "60 years old and over" group!
