


  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    Advanced Carol

    Cardio 170
    Strength 120
    Calories yup
    punishment...did sallys just for fun :)
    character yup
  • Lainey5051
    Lainey5051 Posts: 10 Member
    Week 6
    Beginner - Carol
    Cardio: 120/120
    Strength: 90/65
    Calories: Yes
    Challenge & Punishment: No
  • Onoiam50
    Onoiam50 Posts: 355 Member
    Week 6
    Beginner - Carol
    Cardio: 240/120
    Strength: nil
    Calories: No 5/7 days were good
    Challenge & Punishment: No

    Bad week fell off the wagon
  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    Week 6
    Beginner- Maggie
    Cardio- 120/120
    Strength- 65/65
    Calories- Yes
    Punishment- Yes
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Week 7 Beginner Beth

    Cardio - 238/120; however donating 31 minutes to @Julebg79, so net 207/120
    Strength - 85/70
    Calories - Yes (started the 5:2 Fast Diet, so cals are consistent with that, not necessarily MFP's
    Punishment - Yes (Bring Sally Up & Rotisserie Core)
    Charecter Challenge - Yes - Fit it In (on Wednesday)
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    Week 7
    Beginner Michonne

    Strength: 95/70 and donating 10 of that to julebg79, so net 85/70
    Calories: Yes!!!
    Character challenge: Yes
    Thanksgiving challenge: Yes. Oh, yes.
    Punishment: Yes
  • Week 7
    Beginner Daryl

    Cardio: 165/130
    Strength: 15/70
    Calories: Yes
    Character: No
    Punishment: No
    Thanksgiving workout: No
  • Week 7

    Cardio: 165/130
    Strength: 70/70
    Calories: Yes
    Character: Yes
    Punishment: Yes
    Thanksgiving Workout: Yes
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,545 Member
    Week 7

    Advanced Maggie

    Cardio: 162/150
    Strength: 92/90
    Calories: probably not.
    Traveling group: water yes
    punishment: no
    Thanksgiving workout: yes, first one.
  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    Week 7

    Cardio: 130/130
    Strength: 70/70
    Calories: No
    Character: Yes
    Punishment: Yes
    Thanksgiving Workout: No
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    edited November 2014
    Week 7

    Cardio 142/130
    Strength 96/70
    Calories Yes
    Character Yes
    Punishment N/A
    Turkey Day Yes 1 round
  • teresastr51
    teresastr51 Posts: 16 Member
    Cardio 515/130
    Strength 83/70
    Calories yes
    Character yes
    Punishment yes
  • Intermediate/Tyrese
    Cardio - 130/130
    Strength - 75/75
    Calories - Yes
    Character - Yes
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Week 7

    Cardio: 230/130
    Strength: 78/75
    Calories: no way, not with thanksgiving and my birthday this week!
    Challenge: no
    Punishment: exempt
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Cardio - 140/130
    Strength - 75/75
    Calories - Yes
    Character - No

  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Week 7

    Cardio: 655/130
    Strength: 81/75
    Calories: yes, just barely... over on Thanksgiving and a bit on Friday with leftovers, but luckily had enough of a deficit the other days of the week that I came in under my total calories for the week!
    Challenge: yes, though for my Thanksgiving workout I did a 5k run
    Punishment: exempt

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! :)
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    Week 7
    Cardio 130/130
    Strength 70/70
    Calories No
    Character No
    Punishment yes
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Week 7
    Beginner Michonne

    Strength: 70/70
    Calories: Yes
    Character challenge: Yes
    Thanksgiving challenge: no.
    Punishment: Yes
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Week 7

    Cardio: 600/130
    Strength: 120/75
    Calories: Yep! The benefit of not having Thanksgiving off work :)
    Challenge: Yes
    Punishment: Yes

  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Cardio - 130/130
    Strength - 75/75
    Calories - No