How Do I Get Started and Other Q&A's
How Do I Get Started and Other Q&A's 1. Choose a Fitness Level and a Character to follow on the Sign Up Sheet thread. Any sign ups after the show airs on Sunday October 12th will have to PM me or one of the team captains to unlock the thread and latecomers will have to follow the Walker Horde as they have the advantage of…
Sign Up Sheet
CHOOSE YOUR TEAM Current Advanced Cindyinpg vamaena jennbeaudry Zombieinkpot Angimom MisterDazzler Ceratopsy GiGiBeans aprilyankee tj1376 tinkermommc sawjan harrybeanbag666 cardbucfan zombiebrandy0112 CupcakeCrusoe Advanced Missing for 2 Weeks/Presumed Dead Rames221 Littlekitty3 Dnfenton Advanced Missing for 1 Week/Feared…
Beginner Team Chat Board
Intermediate Team Chat Board
Weekly Winning Teams and MVPs Trophy Case
Every Monday, winning teams and MVPs will be announced on this thread along with their rewards and their chosen punishment exercises for the other players.
Advanced Team Chat Board
This will be the team I will play on, so I will introduce myself here. I am almost 46 and I live in Prince George BC. I am married and have three dogs. I've lost about 100lbs so far. I believe in strength training, exercise and having a diet that is a lifestyle, not an exercise in misery, lol. I practice IIFYM which boils…
Weekly Challenge
The First Challenge will be posted here. Challenge begins October 12th.
This is where players post their challenge results each week. Deadline in Saturday's Midnight Central. You can post a day or two early, but not later.
Team Beth
Hi Team Beth! Have you done the first weeks workout video? I did 2/3rds of it this morning (had to stop and get ready for work!) MAN, that 2/3rds WAS a workout! I must be out of shape or something, because I was sweating, and grunting, and barely breathing, haha! I have only been doing walks/jogs with my dog for the last…
Episode Discussions **Spoiler Alert**
I wanted to create a board for us all to discuss the episodes together. I figured if there is a central location then maybe it will avoid spoilers to someone who may be behind on watching the episodes but wants to check into their team board, etc. With that said, who do you think is in the woods with Daryl?
Team Maggie
Hey all you Maggies - just wanted to create a thread for our girl and our sub-group! She's always been a favorite, and it was SO good to see her up and rarin' to go this week. Feel free to discuss the character, the challenge, and post questions about our role as members of her team. Or just awesome pics of her.
Team Daryl
Hey all you other Team Daryl's! I just wanted to create a discussion board for our character in case we had on character challenge specific questions or in case we just wante to chat about how awesome Daryl is... p.s. I so loved the season premier! I think this is going to be a very good season!