Episode Discussions **Spoiler Alert**

I wanted to create a board for us all to discuss the episodes together. I figured if there is a central location then maybe it will avoid spoilers to someone who may be behind on watching the episodes but wants to check into their team board, etc.

With that said, who do you think is in the woods with Daryl?


  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Has to be someone new. He wouldn't hide carol or Beth.
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    Could it be who got Beth to begin with? Maybe they have Carol now
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Also, does anyone read the comics? I think I know who has/had Beth! And if I'm right, we're coming close to a part of the series I really don't like but won't say why :(
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I don't have a clue who is with Daryl, but the look on his face wasn't good :(

    I can't wait to find out what's going on! I'm afraid they are going to start Beth's story next week and not even touch on the Daryl issue til mid episode or later.. that would totally suck!
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    I think it's Morgan. I mean, Carol would come right out if it was her. Or maybe it was Beth, and she was scared cause she looks like her memory is wiped in the sneak peek. Maybe the show next week will show us what she's been going thru, and then Daryl finds her and brings her back? Hopefully...
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    The commercials for next week kinda make it sound like he saw beth but didn't bring her back with him, though that could just be a trick of editing...I agree, though, I don't think he'd hide beth or carol behind him, and the look on his face when they asked "where's carol" wasn't a good one...
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    I am fearful Carol is in trouble. The look on his face was creepy. I think this upcoming episode will be a flashback showing us where Beth has been.

    Maybe it's Beth with him as well as other people he saved and Carol stayed back to protect them while Daryl went ahead. Lol Idk I am all over the place! :smile: Stupid cliff hangers!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I'm sticking to my theory that it's ppl we haven't met. And that carol is perfectly safe and kicking *kitten*. I'm about as invested in Beth as Maggie seems to be, so I don't honestly care one way or another where she is.
  • strangewebby
    I agree that I don't think it's either Beth or Carol, probably someone completely new to us. I don't think it's Morgan, but I hope he meets up with the group soon and we can see how crazy he's become.
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Im sticking with Beth being with Daryl. I think she might be injured from whatever she went through while she was gone and maybe Carol is helping her through the woods, thats why they were staying behind Daryl.
    Meeting new people right would be too much for me right now. It seems every time we meet new people, s*#$ goes wrong!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    julebg79 wrote: »
    The commercials for next week kinda make it sound like he saw beth but didn't bring her back with him, though that could just be a trick of editing...I agree, though, I don't think he'd hide beth or carol behind him, and the look on his face when they asked "where's carol" wasn't a good one...

    The commercial is playing the clip from last season when Daryl met up with the group. In the woods...I think it's somebodies new with Carol and Beth. We just lost Bob and the Terminites. And Abraham took that group away. So for them to come back in one episode they have to bring some new characters with them. That and if Beth was being held with anyone else, They would not leave anyone else behind.
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    I don't think its Carol, but at the same time, how did Daryl and Carol get seperated? Only a day has passed at this point, right?

    It's also not Beth, although I am not sure what to make of the clip of her in that hospital. Is she back in Atlanta?

    It *might* be Morgan, but the only reason I don't think it is is because of the way that Daryl said "Come on out." There was a air of almost disappointed familiarity, a sort of chiding...like he was telling a naughty dog to come. I don't remember him meeting Morgan, so that level of familiarity wouldn't exist with them.

    I almost think its someone that we've forgotten. Is there someone that broke off from the group but we never got confirmation that they've died?
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Also, I don't think it is Morgan or someone new because Daryl walked out of the woods FIRST. Daryl is smart; there is NO WAY he would keep his back to someone he didn't know or trust.
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    Okay I know I shouldn't read too much into this, but AMC just tweeted that Emily Kinney (Beth) will be on Talking Dead on Sunday. Obviously that doesn't always mean that character will die, but I've got a funny feeling about this one.

    I haven't read any of the comics but here's my theory about what they'll do next week: Daryl will start telling Michonne (and the others) about chasing the car, and finding Beth, and it will turn into a flashback told from Beth's point of view for most of the show.

    But yeah, his creepy behavior at the end of last week has me worried. :-(
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    It really leaves us thinking, that's for sure. I just don't want Carol to be AWOL again. We waiting 3-4 episodes before she showed up last season. I want to think its Morgan. BTW,what a coward Gabrial is!! I say he is walker meat. Why the heck did Glen and Maggie leave??! There was no longer a threat lingering. They could have waited.
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    Also, I don't think it is Morgan or someone new because Daryl walked out of the woods FIRST. Daryl is smart; there is NO WAY he would keep his back to someone he didn't know or trust.

    Good points. Maybe it's Carol who is leading/carrying Beth. Maybe, as someone above said, Beth has lost her memory, or her mind, and they had to basically kidnap her to get her back to the group.

    Argh!!!! It's only Tuesday. It's going to be a long week for me. :-)

    Oh, and SaraAlexadre, I agree with you about Glen and Maggie leaving. It was not necessary at that point, except they had no idea how long it would be until Daryl and Carol were found. Weird, though, that no one seemed to actually be out looking for them.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Ya, that's true that they didn't seem bothered that they left. Oh that Carol and Daryl, up to their shannanagins again. ???
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Ya, that's true that they didn't seem bothered that they left. Oh that Carol and Daryl, up to their shannanagins again. ???

    I think that out of everyone, the group trusts Daryl & Carol to be out on their own. Daryl & Carol have the strongest instincts, and Rick (and by proxy, everyone else) trusts that they can fend for themselves and come back when it's safe.

    The theory that next week might be Beth's story leading up to Daryl bringing her back at that moment makes sense...BUT if we see the story from Beth's side, then we KNOW that Daryl rescues her and brings her back, essentially ruining the reveal to Michonne. I don't think the writers would throw the buildup of that moment away by having it conclude exactly how we expect it to, having seen Daryl rescue Beth.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I guess Maggie has completely given up on Beth...considering she is willing to expedite her trip out of town by hopping on a bus to D.C.
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Also, does anyone read the comics? I think I know who has/had Beth! And if I'm right, we're coming close to a part of the series I really don't like but won't say why :(

    I think I know where you are talking about...starts and ends with 'A'?