Brag Here (and anywhere else you want)



  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    My pants are falling down and my boobs look smaller. Not sure if this is a complaint or a brag! :D
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    9 out of 10, no... that's not it...9 out of 10 MFP users agree that it's a very worthy brag. :smile:
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    awesome peacehawk! yeah that boob and clothes thing right!?! health, fitness, endurance, quality of life! these are the rewards of being diligent with our food and exercise.

    had a good snowboard day sat, first of the season. got my butt kicked but that is really no surprise. no injuries and lots of fun so win/win :)
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    I committed to another snow boarding trip with the young woman who kicked my *kitten* last weekend. I would like to believe I am brave rather than stupid :)
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    brave and smart...she's raised the bar and it's not slowing you down. :-) good luck and have a blast!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I've never tried snow boarding. I used to cross country ski, very easy trails. I went downhilling a few times in high school. I'm sure I was great entertainment for some folks. First time off the lift, dropped my pole. Got it back, went down the hill, steered toward the right where there were fewer people for me to run over, accidentally went over an invisible jump, flew through the air, landed, got excited because I wasn't dead, and crashed into, well, nothing at all except my own delight. Then, accidentally ended up on "The Wall", straight down and not a clue how the heck to get down. ski patrol thought they had to rescue me. I can't remember how I did get down. I did great on the bunny hill though. Don't even ask me about the time I tried to water ski!!!! very funny NOW. :D
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    love it peacehawk! sounds similar to my first experiences as well. i am not very coordinated, just seem to be an adrenaline junky. falling all over the place in snow and water seems to keep me out of jail :)
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    edited November 2014
    On Monday I got my 3 month diabetic check up. I lost 20 pounds in that time.
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    Wow! Bet your doctor was impressed! Bet you were pretty proud to see his/her reaction too. I hope you bought some new pants before you went since your old pants were dragging on the floor. ;)
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    I made it to onderland! I'm so excited and proud of myself. I haven't been here for a long time and I don't ever intend to leave!
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    That's fantastic news; are you beaming from ear to ear? Congratulations!!
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    peacehawk wrote: »
    On Monday I got my 3 month diabetic check up. I lost 20 pounds in that time.

    Congrats! Great work!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Just got a call that my A1c is down to 5.9. It hasn't been that low in several years. the diabetic spiral may be unwinding.

    By the way, I just keep tightening my belt, and I wore a skirt to the dr office, so the clothing weight would be similar to what it was for the summer visit. It may have even been the same skirt and different shirt. I love that skirt. good thing there is a bit of leeway with the stretchyness. I'm hoping to keep it around for a while. the fat pants are getting worn out (pun intended) and I'm starting to wear the ones that had been too tight before.
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    congrats peacehawk!!!!!!!! way to go :)
  • fitb440goal
    fitb440goal Posts: 81 Member
    Congrats peacehawk! I have to take a moment to brag... did I mention I love that you created this spot in the group forum. I'm excited because today I am wearing size 12 pants for the first time since my second child was born (she is almost 9!) I took advantage of one of the black friday sales and bought two new pair of pants. I was so excited when they arrived in the mail and they actually fit!! Yay!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Congrats peacehawk! I have to take a moment to brag... did I mention I love that you created this spot in the group forum. I'm excited because today I am wearing size 12 pants for the first time since my second child was born (she is almost 9!) I took advantage of one of the black friday sales and bought two new pair of pants. I was so excited when they arrived in the mail and they actually fit!! Yay!


    I think the last time I fit into a size 12 was when I was about 20 and weighed 125 or 130. that was like half of me ago. I still have one single piece of clothing from then, it's a beautiful simple turqois dress with a beautiful woven neckline. As a sewer, I couldn't bear to let it go, thinking it might be unappreciated, not so much because I think it will ever fit again. It's like a beautiful piece of unshown art that I would part with if only someone loved it as much as I do. I think I fit into it at about size 14 or so. maybe some day, but I'm not holding my breath.
  • WWnot
    WWnot Posts: 141 Member
    In the spirit of better late than never, chiming in to say "congrats" too! It's such a motivator when the results of hard work becomes visible. Just don't get too attached to those pants b/c they'll soon be drooping around your waist and you'll be shopping for size 10...and then... :D
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member