Extreme Accountability! ~ November 2014 edition



  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    I think it is awesome that you review and revise your goals!!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    For the rest of this week I will:
    drink 100 ozs water daily
    exercise daily
    stay within my 1200 calories
    I will revisit this post daily
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    1. Give self a gold star on calendar on days I avoid added sugars altogether
    2. Be prepared by making breakfast/lunch/snacks the night before
    3. Give self a silver star on calendar on workdays I skip offered sweet treats that aren’t my favorite
    4. After a splurge, get back on track with next snack or meal
    5. Don’t take more than one day off from exercise in a row

    1. No gold stars yet. I actually have been LOVING this 20 calorie, fat-free hot chocolate that has just 4g sugar. It’s very cozy and warm and delicious. Plus helps me feel full when I drink it. It’s a little treat I can have daily, I keep the box at work.
    2. I did food prep three days last week. And made all my work meals and snacks except one, when I knew we were having a bagel breakfast and I had it as a treat. Y
    3. FIVE SILVER STARS—one for each workday last week. I wasn’t offered any sweets this weekend. And when my husband went to the market on Saturday, I wrote on top of the list: No Treats. I Mean It!
    4. I did have my pizza splurge meal on Friday night and it was heaven. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had pizza in a long time, but the pie that I had was seriously perfect. I froze the leftovers and am sending in my kid’s lunch.
    5. I definitely took more than one day off exercise in a row last week, but went for a bunch of mid-day walks.

    DterMined, weight loss is 80% fork and just 20% feet. So give the 80% your 100%!

    1. One gold star! How did I do it? Why, I was too lazy to go out and buy sweets since I don’t keep any at home.
    2. I did food prep three days last week. And made all my work meals and snacks and have backup lean cuisines at work. Booyah!
    3. Four silver stars. One day last week I had a single, chocolate covered strawberry at work. It was good but not great.
    4. On Saturday my husband really wanted fast food so we had it…was good but for all those calories I’d rather have something better.
    5. I definitely took more than one day off exercise in a row last week, but I also came up with a little weekly chart (yes, like I am in elementary school) that serves to remind me to TCB. And since I was making the chart I added:
    6. Eat within an hour of waking up
    7. Move for at least 5 minutes every day
    8. Log all calories (even when I don’t like it)
    9. Layout workout clothes the night before.
    BONUS: Check in with Daily Workout Partners

    I’m excited to make my goals since they are just setting me up for healthy habits. I love healthy routines! November, I’m coming to kick butt!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Revised plan for November, since I re-joined the gym and will re-start running.

    1. Stick to cut calorie goal, on a weekly average.
    2. Nothing(!) before ab & glute work in the morning M-F! No coffee, no wifi, NO THING!
    3. Full body strength per week. Still working on split plan. Mostly at gym, but might do shoulders at home with dumbbells.
    4. Run 1km ~3x/wk for a week and when ready, increase to 2km, and continue adding 1km per week.
    5. 10,000 steps daily 4x/week (although I will go easy on this while I'm adjusting to running again--meaning I won't pace the apt to get the steps if my legs are sore, but most of my steps will be gotten in my normal routine)
    6. No chips for the month.

    Continuing calf exercises and stretches.

    My week goes Mon-Sun, buuuut......

    1. So far, so good.
    2. 3/5 (missed Wed due to splitting pms headache; missed Fri due to sick kid)
    3. Check! Not just once, but one and a half rounds, and will hopefully get most of the other half tomorrow--for 2 rounds. Totally optional to do it twice thru, but I prefer it on weeks where I'm feelin' it.
    4. Ran 3x, but not 1km ea time. I ran 1km once, I ran for less than that once, I ran intervals once. Achilles still bother me daily, and I just desperately want to be "normal", so I can start over fresh and get back to running regularly. I think I just need more time. I'm afraid that if I just keep "jumping the gun", I could delay full healing forever. :(
    5. Check! Was easy this week.
    6. So far, so good.

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Ended up with 3100 deficit for week, instead of 3500. Not bad.

    Keeping goals the same, but running will depend on calves/ankles. Interestingly, I gave up on a sleep goal, but have been doing pretty well at it. :)
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    FHOO you are awesome!! I love how you revisit your goals! I just CAN NOT stay on track :( I told my hubby last night that I refuse to put bad food into my body EVER AGAIN!! I need to get my eating under control and then the rest will follow ie., exercise! I know it is a bad time of the year to try to focus on dieting but guess what ...Thanksgiving is only one day, one meal, one time of the year! I just got to stay focused!! B)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Dtermined, I've found that I do best when I set several types of targets and then keep in control of the ones that I can, rather than to wait for every single thing to line up. For example, I could never commit to cardio and strength and low calorie and clean eating and >10,000 steps per day and 8hrs sleep all together. BUT, I can commit to strength a few days per week, 10,000 steps a few days per week. Then I can balance between low cals and sleep and a simple goal like "no chips" instead of "clean eating". If I set the targets too high, I end up failing at everything. But if I cut out chips for one month, that's better than *trying* to eat clean and failing and then stuffing my head into a bag of chips for a week Maybe you can start with one small target that will make you feel proud and motivated when achieved? Then when you get that under your belt, add something complimentary that you think you could also achieve. But anyway, there's no one way to get there. You can do it!!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Laura6887 wrote: »
    As far as goals go this is pretty vague, but my November goal is to pull it back together as far as my eating goes. Nourish my body. No excuses. :)

    Working out is the easy part for me so I don't worry about that.

    This is going fairly well. Starting November 10 my trainer made me promise to cut out sweets & start working on better quality of food. Wasn't worrying about the number of calories, but how I was getting those calories. Last night a couple hours after my session with my trainer he sent me a text saying this week control portions every day, except Thanksgiving meal & that day I can have a little extra.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    Last week was rough. I think I ended up succeeding at 2/3 of my goals, but the biggie (calorie goal) I failed so bad, that it tarnished everything else. sigh.

    Anyway, dusting self off.

    Revised plan for November, since I re-joined the gym and will re-start running.

    1. Stick to cut calorie goal, on a weekly average.
    2. Nothing(!) before ab & glute work in the morning M-F! No coffee, no wifi, NO THING!
    3. Full body strength per week. Still working on split plan. Mostly at gym, but might do shoulders at home with dumbbells.
    4. Run 1km ~3x/wk for a week and when ready, increase to 2km, and continue adding 1km per week.
    5. 10,000 steps daily 4x/week (although I will go easy on this while I'm adjusting to running again--meaning I won't pace the apt to get the steps if my legs are sore, but most of my steps will be gotten in my normal routine)
    6. No chips for the month.

    Continuing calf exercises and stretches.

    1. Will probably be over this week. Attempting damage control now. Will still be a cut, but not as deep.
    2. Failed this week. Gotta get back on the wagon for my a.m. Abs n glutes!
    3. Check.
    4. Not quite ready for this yet. Continuing rest and exercises. Feeling much less fragile and like a normal uninjured person. Soon, I think.
    5. Check!
    6. Check! Almost blew it last night but then realized it was still November, haha. The urge passed, so might keep this up, modified to allow for weekends.

    Not included, but sleep has been good this week. Timing has been unorthodox, but I've been gettin close to eight hours per day.

  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    November ended and I'm afraid the last week was the least consistent. I was traveling and eating out and family fun and not great options, etc. But I did the best I could and am glad I had these habits getting started. December, I'm coming for you!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    November was a bad month as far as my "be healthy" plan, as was October. December didn't start well either, but I'm going to try to make it a good month.