How much weight have you lost on keto and how long did it take?



  • KaroshiQueen
    KaroshiQueen Posts: 213 Member
    12 lbs in a month, including a 4 lb gain & re-loss thanks to a serving of evil bread pudding
  • middleagedmeh
    middleagedmeh Posts: 104 Member
    I have been a discipline dieter for about 14 months. lost more on keto in 4 months than in the previous 8 months of calorie restriction. 14kg in 4 months (about 30lbs).
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    Okay, I'm going to ask. What happens to the loose skin? Does it shrink? I know it doesn't all go away but is it a problem for anyone?
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    I have only been on it for about a month, still trying to balance my %, My carbs are still too high,(can not seem to let go of fruit, going to cut down to 2 a day, then work my way to two a week.) I have no problem with bringing my fats up! I got that. have a little problem bringing my protein up to the right %. Not a big protein eater.

    But the best thing I did learn on this diet is the importance of fats! and the dangers of sugars!! kudos to keto guys for bringing it to the forefront and which fats are healthy.

    Doing it right this time :) going to find the best balance for me, and Love myself :)

    My best advice for you would be, listen to as many people who have been there and done it, and got the T-shirt, but their T-shirt might not fit you, you need to hear the whisper of your own body. Love & peace, Grace :)

    ps: and log everyday, that helps you see things you would not believe about your eating!!
    and Congrats to all victors on this weight loss & gain health, journey, cheers to all of you :)
    And the rest of us still on this journey, May God grant us the love and the strength to complete our journey and achieve victory.
  • I have lost 61 lbs since June 17th!!! My husband hasn't lost as much but his A1C levels are back within normal range. This is our new way of life. Yes, even at 50 you can make changes to better your life!!
  • SteveKroll
    SteveKroll Posts: 94 Member
    From 10/16 to 11/14 I lost 8 pounds on the Mayo diabetes diet, but my blood glucose didn't really drop much at all. So I decided to try keto. Since then I've lost another 21 pounds. The weight has literally been falling off me even though I eat about 1800 calories a day and don't feel deprived. Best of all, my blood glucose levels are now in the 80-95 range and don't spike at all.
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    I am 55 years old and I weighed 205 pounds on January 2, 2014 and on October 8, 2014 I hit 140 pounds. So 65 pounds in 9 months. I'm VERY happy! I've been good at maintaining it, too, even with pigging out at Thanksgiving. I go up a little, down a little, but I pretty much stay around 140 now.

    The best part is I no longer take any medication for high blood pressure (because I don't have high blood pressure now!) and my cholesterol numbers are perfect. I will never go back to eating carbs like I used to. I don't miss them and I realize that all they did was make me sick.

    My advice to you is eat more fat (I still stay at 75%) and drink more water than you think you will ever be able to hold. Water is key to flushing all the garbage out.

    I'll answer the "loose skin" question. IT STARTS TO SHRINK!!!! I never thought that at my age I would have a flat stomach again but it's there. The fat goes first and you are left with floppy skin, but little by little it will tighten itself up. Read this and you'll see how it works.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    ali59oc wrote: »

    I'll answer the "loose skin" question. IT STARTS TO SHRINK!!!! I never thought that at my age I would have a flat stomach again but it's there. The fat goes first and you are left with floppy skin, but little by little it will tighten itself up. Read this and you'll see how it works.

    Thanks for answering the question as well as providing a link to even further explanation! Congratulations on your success.
  • I started September 29th on Keto and lost 10lbs (20lbs) total starting back in April. However, I've dropped 3 sizes and fitting in pants when I weighed 20lbs less than I am now. It's better for me to pay more attention to BF% than weight. I'm now at 25.5%; goal is somewhere between 20-22%.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    edited December 2014
    Okay, I'm going to ask. What happens to the loose skin? Does it shrink? I know it doesn't all go away but is it a problem for anyone?

    I'm not quite there yet with my own weight loss but I've seen this discussed a ton in progress/success posts on various subreddits, and the answer seems to be "it depends and varies heavily for each individual". Some folks that lose a ton end up needing (or choosing) surgery to fix it in the end. Apparently the younger you are the more likely it is to resolve itself on its own quicker, but lots of older (relatively) people that have lost large amounts of weight end up with just a little loose skin and its not a big deal.

    I hate unknowns and hate not knowing whether this will be a problem for me and hate knowing that there is little I can do about it, it'll either happen or it won't, but every time I think about it enough to look it up that does seem to be the answer.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I'm 40, 5'6" tall, and started at 188 lbs. I am 150 now. I started June 9th, 2014.

    I've done this before in 2011, and lost 45 lbs (205 to 160) in 5 months. I kept it off until Dec 2013 when I just stopped caring and started shoving all types of sugary *kitten* in my mouth again, and gained back 28 of the 45 I lost. Not happy that I did that, but hey, it's in the past, and I'm doing better this time around.

    My goal is 145, but I may re-assess when I hit it. I am wearing smaller clothes than the last time I weighed 150 lbs, so that is good. I do have a tiny bit of loose skin, but honestly, it just looks like what happens when we age...crepey skin that is thin and a little wrinkly. It's not that noticeable, and if I keep it moisturized (I'm lazy about it, and hate wearing clothes over lotioned skin), it looks better.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    I'm 36, 5'6, started at 275ish, am now 176. I was a size 22/2X and now wear a size 12 in pants and a Large on top. I've been on keto for a little over two years and it's a lifestyle change for me. I feel my best when I'm eating this way so it's a keeper. I'd like to get down to 150lbs and I know I will eventually get there. Could I have lost quicker? Definitely yes but because this is a lifestyle change to me it's not a race. There were times when the scale didn't budge for months but my size was changing. I need to buy new clothing each season as the old ones no longer fit.
    As far as loose skin goes I have my fair share. I'm apple shaped so my belly was always really big. I also had two full term pregnancies at my highest weight (the first one I was measuring like twins so I ended up with plenty of stretch marks). My belly skin has tightened up some over the past year but I know there is no way that it will ever be even close to being firm again. I'll eventually need surgery and I am fine with that.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    I've lost 20lbs in 78 days.
  • I'm down 25 lbs in 50 days
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    I lost 12 pounds the first month. So far 17 days into month two I am down another 6.
  • 5Lloyd90
    5Lloyd90 Posts: 12 Member
    5/24/13 I weighed 306
    11/22/13 I weighed 193

    All from keto with a healthy calorie restriction. As an experiment (because we've all heard 'you gain it right back as soon as you stop' stories) I didn't count calories or keto between 11/22/13 and 12/21/14 and my weight only fluctuated 10lbs or so the entire ~25 month period. My body fat % went from around 45% in May to 22% in November. I'm currently 18% body fat at 205 lbs and gearing up for a second run.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    5Lloyd90 wrote: »
    5/24/13 I weighed 306
    11/22/13 I weighed 193

    All from keto with a healthy calorie restriction. As an experiment (because we've all heard 'you gain it right back as soon as you stop' stories) I didn't count calories or keto between 11/22/13 and 12/21/14 and my weight only fluctuated 10lbs or so the entire ~25 month period. My body fat % went from around 45% in May to 22% in November. I'm currently 18% body fat at 205 lbs and gearing up for a second run.

    Another person in the "100+ pounds lost" club. WOW! I love it... that is so inspirational. Thank you for sharing... I hope to follow in your footsteps.

    Dan the man from Michigan
  • 5Lloyd90
    5Lloyd90 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks much, I like all the links you've compiled by the way. Read through a bunch of them last night, was already using a few (mainly lots of good recipes).
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    5Lloyd90 wrote: »
    5/24/13 I weighed 306
    11/22/13 I weighed 193

    *double take* I'm sorry. Did you just say you lost 113 lbs in 5 month and 28 days? Did I read that correctly?

    What the hell am I doing wrong?
  • 5Lloyd90
    5Lloyd90 Posts: 12 Member
    Yep, you read that right. I had somewhat of a hormonal issue and after a while of doing keto it leveled itself out. Downside is I have a lot of excess skin from it. No free lunch and all that.

    Every body is different so ymmv, but I feel the sky is the limit.