lost my dog, eat whenever sad

Timon0201 Posts: 20 Member
last month, i lost my dog (whom i thought of as my son, my best friend, my shadow), that i've had for almost 16 years. every time i get depressed, i let myself indulge in food.

any tips on how to talk myself out of it? in those moments, i just think "you're suffering enough, eat whatever you want! life is too short" then the next day i weigh myself, and just get upset to see the scale tip up.


  • jessrachel2191
    jessrachel2191 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I've experienced the loss of a pet and know how heartbreaking it is. Pets truly do become family members. Hang in there.

    This is what I would do:
    1. Don't weigh yourself after a day of emotional overeating if it upsets you. Most of it will not be actual weight anyway and just water retention.
    2. If there are specific foods that you overeat consistently, don't have them in the house or put them in an inconvenient location that requires a little extra work to get to (like the back of a cabinet) and make sure they are not in plain sight.
    3. Make a list of things you can do when you feel sad and keep it handy, so when you're feeling the urge to overeat, you can pick something from that list to do instead of overeating.
    4. Plan your meals in advance so you are prepared with healthy options. Put those healthier snacks in sight, so if you do overeat you're overeating a healthier food.
    5. If you do overeat, do something good for yourself afterward, like go for a walk, drink lots of water, meditate, do some yoga, take a shower, journal, or even read a book you enjoy.
    6. Don't be too hard on yourself. These intense feelings will pass. Be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, and get back on track with your healthy lifestyle.
  • abcmommyx3
    abcmommyx3 Posts: 123 Member
    {{{hugs}}} I am so sorry for the loss of your furbaby. It is so hard to go through
  • abcmommyx3
    abcmommyx3 Posts: 123 Member
    how are you holding up
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Pets are so special.

    As for advice, I think jessrachel2191 has it right.
  • Timon0201
    Timon0201 Posts: 20 Member
    thanks for the words of support everyone. when i'm sad, i need to go outside and appreciate fresh air vs. eating a hamburger.
  • jenniskemus
    jenniskemus Posts: 12 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. I know first-hand how important pets are in our lives. My pooch is 16 and I'm dreading the inevitable. As far as coping goes I think jessrachel gave some solid advice. My suggestion is to be as kind to yourself as possible. Treat yourself to a special coffee or tea when you are out. Spend as much time with friends and family as possible and know that this feeling of loss will pass. Best wishes