Dec 7-Dec 13 Check In Challenge Thread



  • aceronjr
    aceronjr Posts: 96 Member
    ... 4 days until Carb Night :)
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    25mcaro, I am with Cynthia. Envious. It is on my bucket list. They have it at the climbing gym I belong to, but I am nervous with my recent vertigo. Heck, today at the doc, he was holding my hand as I got up from the table and everything was spinning like mad, looked at him with crossed eyes and next thing I knew I had some smelling stick under my nose. Being off the ground might not be the best idea. ONE DAY!

    Same here Stacy. We got this!

    Kim, good going. I usually sit my butt in the bar and don't move until boarding. I have seen some crazy rucksack races where they tackle like 1000 stairs with 80 pound packs. Insane!

    Kevin, thanks for sharing. I thought it was me. Last night I had a tough time. Walking from room to room going "uhhhh???" or stepping on the poor cat, dropping stuff left and right. Today I have been relatively focused. Up...down...up...down...

    GO Aaron, Carol and the whole gang!

    Did I tell ya I am joining the gym down the street? Yep, stopping by tonight. They have rowing machines. I say this as if I am a master rower. I will probably do 5 minutes and want to die.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    John, thanks for the info.
    Kevin you are doing great with your training!
    Cynthia, since I'm on Carb nite, I don't eat grains except on carb nite.
    Chris you run time is good! way to go! and to answer your question
    MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides.
    when MCT oil is metabolized in the body, it behaves more like a carbohydrate than a fat. Remember that the fuel of preference for the body is carbohydrate. Unlike other fats, MCT oil does not go through the lymphatic system. Instead, it is transported directly to the liver where it is metabolized so it releases energy like a carbohydrate and creates lots of ketones (which can be used for fuel) in the process.
    MCTs passively diffuse from the GI tract to the portal system (longer fatty acids are absorbed into the lymphatic system) without requirement for modification like long-chain fatty acids or very-long-chain fatty acids. In addition, MCTs do not require bile salts for digestion.
    Cliff Sheats, author of the best selling diet book Lean Bodies, unlocks the mystery behind the calorie combustion properties of MCT oil by explaining how fats are metabolized in the body. According to Sheats, conventional dietary fats found in foods (LCTs), are about 16-22 carbon atoms in length. This is the same type of fat stored on your body. MCTs are only 6-12 carbon atoms long. This difference in molecular structure is the reason why MCT oil behaves differently in the body than do conventional fats. Sheats breaks it down even further explaining since our bodies are 70% water (fat is not very soluble in water), your body has to go through an elaborate digestive process in order to absorb and metabolize fats. The gall bladder produces bile to help dissolve the LCTs generating little fat droplets called micelles. Cells in the intestines make protein carrier molecules to help transport the triglycerides. These fat-protein complexes are called chylomicrons and are released from the intestines into the lymphatic system. The chylomicrons eventually reach the bloodstream through the thoracic duct. Once in the bloodstream, the fats are circulated throughout the body. Insulin causes fat cells (adipocytes) to absorb the fat molecules and store them as body fat.

    Coconut oil has I think 65-75% MCT oil. Palm oil has MCT but it does not taste good. I could buy 100% MCT but its processed and I "TRY" to use the food in their natural form
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Kris, congrats on joining a gym and I think rowing is the best. No impact and works the whole body

    Typical day at training:
    Warm up 7min jump rope
    10min plyo drills
    Heavy bag work,power combination drills Jab, left kick, jab left hook, right kick for 3min a set. 10 squats and 10 push ups during "breaks" between sets.
    Then punching speed drills. Followed with 100 skip knees (holding on to a punching and knee it with your left and right knee 100X at a fast pace)
    Short sparring with instructor. That took whatever strength and whatever mental acuity I've got left which is just enough so that I don't get punch too much lol
    Cool down- 30 bent knee sit ups, 30 straight leg sit ups, 30 seated rows, 30 twists, 30 flutter kicks. 90 second plank
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    5 mile fartlek RX'd this evening...

    Mile 1 warm up 8:04

    2-4 were 3 minutes fast pace 2 minutes slow pace. For the fast pace I averaged between 7:05-8:05 for the slow pace I averaged between 8:30-9:06 (Nike+ has so much information on it!)

    Mile 2 7:49
    Mile 3 8:23
    Mile 4 8:38

    Mile 5 cool down 9:26

    Grand total 42:20 8:28/mi

    Carol, I could totally go for some lasagna right about now!

    Heron, what makes a food have MCT vs LCT? Are most animal fats (including fish oil) LCT? Or have more LCT than MCT? And I hear you on the processed stuff. I try not to take anything processed, but I end up eating quite a bit of it.

    Swimming arch enemy.

  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Had a rough one today, but still here.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well got to spend the afternoon in the fitness Center today, Had to monitor Contract Maint (new team) on the treadmills. Got one of the Woodways down for a control board, and one with a bearing going bad. but the 3 stex and the other woodway doing fine. Need some belts and decks but routine maint. Hopefully have them back next week with the parts.
    Got to check my repair on the Leg Extension machine, did 5 sets of 15 reps at 40lbs. Kickin the first couple sets to max throw make sure the chain tension held up (don't recommend this for safety reasons).
    Got all my Fitbit (goals) in for the day as well 12.8 K steps (12.5), 6.47 mi (6.0), 32 min very Active (30), 3137 cal burned (2500). A good day,
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good to see ya kc9, keep hangin in.

    Chris - Good run, some solid times. Good intervals were they comfortable?

    Heron - U B Jammin'!

    Kris- Jam on at the Gym!

    Arturo - Focus man Focus! Haven't seen your menu yet, you're running late.

    Lasagne? Any one need some garlic bread?

    Night folks time to toddle off.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Checking in
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Wednesday is here. Need to get out of bed but don't want to (so much better to be warm and toasty under the blankets).
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning, y'all.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Happy Hump Day!! Things are looking up. No weightloss but no weight gain either. Lots of water for 2 days. Feels great!!
    Headed out for a walk with 25mcaro!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Wednesday Folks and Good Morning!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Had to share this article. I have often said much the same, since I was training troops, I knew that in fact much of the training methodology can in fact be traced back to Spartan and Roman Army days. But the commentary here on a book written in 1879 is telling...
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    My bosses decided that our morning meeting will be at Corner Bakery. Ugh!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    I was bad last night as I couldn't get myself to get back on and post workouts or food. Just one of those days. I DID eat clean, meet water goals, and workout. I am at that stage in beginning workouts where I go to bed earlier and sleep like a baby. I hit the snooze again this morning. I will talk about the doc appt later. Feel better now that it is over and I am moving forward.

    Heron, Chris and John, Y'all are workout machines!!! I will check out that link at lunch.

    Jen, I hear ya! zzzzzz

    Kc9ljo, Hang in there! I am having those times too. Keep posting. I know for me, that is a HUGE accomplishment, especially when you have a tough day.

    Carol, you are stronger than those pastries or bagels. I am assuming that is what they have. Drink extra water!

    Shout out to Christopher. How's it going?

    Happy Hump Day All!

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited December 2014
    Ok Dokay got in a Hammer Jammer Happy 20, this morning, 5X5X5 workout of the following, 20lb Dumbbell unsupported standing bicep curls (both arms at same time), 10lb dumbbell standing side raises, 25lb kettelbell sumo squat, 115lb barbell deadlift, 20lb dumbell standing overhead press, between each set sprint in place 20-30 sec, low rise on the feet but move them fast, after last lift finish with 4 mins of same. 256 cals used. Great way to start a Wednesday.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I had a lot of fun at a "discovery archery" lesson yesterday - just a reminder to keep mixing things up to use different muscles and have fun. Today is the Christmas party at my office, which my department always follows up with dinner out. Food and drink followed by food and drink. This will just be my cheat day for the week.

    Have others noticed the crazy "if you eat like this you will weigh xxx pounds in 6 weeks" numbers? I guess that goes back to the Calorie Myth concept, since MFP is just doing the calories in vs. calories out calculation. They have been telling me really low numbers for 2 years now, and I've never come close! Is that motivating or frustrating?
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 10 my son jake is sick should be a fun day lets hope.The eating has been going well.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Carol - Here is the chance to think like a soldier, you are entering a well defended ambush site. Think of every offer of carb, grains, or sugar as a bullet fired at you, In order to get out of this trap alive you have to focus on your training and use the No gun. Every No will hit its target with the accuracy and precision of a sniper in a target rich environment. "Would you like a Bagel? Phhht! Bagel Bullet fired, No Thank You, BOOOOOM! Bagel is dead, add a smile and you've dropped a grenade in the Bagel bunker. Need Ammo Coffee please and may I have some heavy cream? The battle has just gone nuclear! Powdered Sugar Donut? Pew Pew Pew,,,,, Oh No thanks I, BRRRRRRRT! the no gun is now in auto and you are mowing them down!!!! You call in an Air Strike - "But I wouldn;t mind having some water please" Whhhhooooomp! your win you are on top of the hill knee deep in hand-grande pins and empty brass...VICTORY!