Dec 7-Dec 13 Check In Challenge Thread



  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    We'll miss you Howie.
    Carol, I hear ya about the "too much carb" talk. There are many people out there who can handle carbs and is losing weight eating healthy carbs. I wish I am one of them. But I am still a strong supporter of less carb more fat. ;)
    So who here eats more than 100g of carbs a day and is seeing progress? Chime in, we'd love to hear it.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    I survived the bakery! Those pastries didn't stand a chance.. I felt like Rambo! Thanks John!! Made the whole experience funny.

    Did you have your tough mudder bandana on?

    You could call the event "First Icing"
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Chris good job on your run time. Why is swimming your arch enemy? I LOVE swimming!!
    Chris to answer your questions, why certain food are MCT , SCT or LCT. Its the make up of their atoms its in their DNA.
    Here are some articles about fatty acids

    So short answer yes fish oil is LCT.
    I don't really know too much about it, just enough to know what oils I should use. ;)
    I only use, butter, coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil only to make mayonnaise. I make my own mayonnaise! So good and fun! (way cheaper) and it only take less than 2 minute if you use a stick blender.( Something about seeing liquid turning into semi solid and changing color right in front of my eyes makes me giggle every time.)
    No safflower, canola or grapeseed oil.
  • 25mcaro
    25mcaro wrote: »
    Where do these days go! Its week six for my aerial arts class, time to sign up for season 2 again.

    Can you feel my envy? I have always wanted to try one of those classes, but there are none in the area. I'm turning green! Where are you located?

    Hi, Im in Houston. I see a few places on Google, in the area.
  • 25mcaro
    Last nights cross training was GREAT.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Cross training day...I chose swimming. I set a time goal rather than a distance goal. My goal was 30 minutes in the pool. That only netted me 450m but it was a good start.

    Swimming is my arch enemy because I'm so bad at it. I have EXTREMELY immobile ankles so I can't point my toes correctly which causes a lot of problems kicking. I'm wound up very tight naturally and swimming is all about relaxing and flowing. I tend to fight the water? If that makes sense... I do mobility work, but I haven't quite solved it yet. I have Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett and do a lot of his recommendations. My coworker used to be on the swim team in high school so she's my coach. She coaches me in exchange for motivation to go to the pool :wink: . She told me today that I've come a very long way since our first lesson back in March.

    I've seen people make mayo on YouTube and it does look really easy! I might have to try it...I don't own a blender of any kind so I might have to go steal my mom's stick blender for a spell :).

    Ate bad today although I did stick to my window. I'm going to be eating breakfast tomorrow though at our Christmas breakfast (free bacon, eggs, biscuits & gravy, etc) so yeah I'm going to cheat and indulge a little. Hope everyone has a good evening!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Keep kickin Chris!!!
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    I know you've all seen this before, but I like to watch it from time to time.

    Nike Commercial

    Check out episode 10 of Good Eats Collection on Netflix. It's called "Live and Let Diet" and it has some interesting information on there. I particularly like his chalk boards with eating requirements. It's only 22 minutes long or so. Also, he has a more conventional approach to dieting. He obviously allows breads into his diet. I saw Carol mention how taboo bread has become in our community so in honor of that...I present you, Alton Brown!
  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Day 9. The pants are feeling a bit loose.
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    I'm up even though I don't want to be...
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Thursday morning. Water challenge going well but nothing else seems to be. Sleep is all messed up and didn't sleep well at all last night. Thankfully today is 'Friday' for me, so if I can just make it through without passing out on my keyboard.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Thursday Folks! Looks like things are going fairly well.

    Kc9 - Good O Lad Keep it rollin'!

    Chris 0 you're doing well, tight joints are not a quick or easy fix. Keep ruckin' up and movin down the trail, The top o the hill is ahead.

    Jen unnerstan sleep is a biggie, get some good rest on your weekend.

    On my front, things are a bit stressed right now, My co-worker and Recreation Therapist for the Dementia unit was hospitalized last week with Sepsis. She is fighting a battle for her life right now. She is a tough Tennessee gal, and being the old NCO that I am I have adopted her like I would a young Platoon Leader Lieutenant, (lots of leadership potential but needs work.) She is a young Mom, and has been on our journey walking a different trail that has so many more booby traps and mines. I can't say much more due to HIPPA. But she really does need our thoughts and prayers.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    tindercd wrote: »
    I know you've all seen this before, but I like to watch it from time to time.

    Nike Commercial

    Check out episode 10 of Good Eats Collection on Netflix. It's called "Live and Let Diet" and it has some interesting information on there. I particularly like his chalk boards with eating requirements. It's only 22 minutes long or so. Also, he has a more conventional approach to dieting. He obviously allows breads into his diet. I saw Carol mention how taboo bread has become in our community so in honor of that...I present you, Alton Brown!

    Very cool Chris! Will give it a watch !

  • jenniferyounginillinois
    tindercd wrote: »
    I know you've all seen this before, but I like to watch it from time to time.

    Nike Commercial

    Check out episode 10 of Good Eats Collection on Netflix. It's called "Live and Let Diet" and it has some interesting information on there. I particularly like his chalk boards with eating requirements. It's only 22 minutes long or so. Also, he has a more conventional approach to dieting. He obviously allows breads into his diet. I saw Carol mention how taboo bread has become in our community so in honor of that...I present you, Alton Brown!

    I love AB and did notice the small collection of Good Eats on Netflix. I'll have to watch that episode a little closer. Thanks.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Prayers for your friend John.
    Jennifer: wake up!! Seriously, same here. Sleep challenge maybe next for us.
    David: my pants r jealous of your pants. #jealous!!
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Hmrjmr1 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday Folks! Looks like things are going fairly well.

    Kc9 - Good O Lad Keep it rollin'!

    Chris 0 you're doing well, tight joints are not a quick or easy fix. Keep ruckin' up and movin down the trail, The top o the hill is ahead.

    Jen unnerstan sleep is a biggie, get some good rest on your weekend.

    On my front, things are a bit stressed right now, My co-worker and Recreation Therapist for the Dementia unit was hospitalized last week with Sepsis. She is fighting a battle for her life right now. She is a tough Tennessee gal, and being the old NCO that I am I have adopted her like I would a young Platoon Leader Lieutenant, (lots of leadership potential but needs work.) She is a young Mom, and has been on our journey walking a different trail that has so many more booby traps and mines. I can't say much more due to HIPPA. But she really does need our thoughts and prayers.

    OMG, definiltey keeping your co-worker in my thoughts and prayers and sending some positive thoughts her way.

    Regarding my sleep, I'll do my best. Some nights are good but mostly lately aren't. I'm out of lavender oil which has actually been helping somewhat (diffuse it at night). I need to resupply.
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 11 back to work and walking
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Good morning everyone! Christmas parties are now behind me for at least a week. Whew! Won't pretend I did well, but today is a new day. Working on "guns" this morning (gotta get ready for that bakery war!). Walking the dog this morning I listened to the Body Do-over podcast. If you haven't listened, it is generally worth it. They just did their 50th episode. Basically a 45 year old guy who decided to make weight loss permanent. He and his trainer are pretty sane, and his process was realistic. Carol - they would make great guests on Fat2FitHQ!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    John, I am very sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers going out to her.

    Chris, Supple Leopard is a great book. I have Ready to Run too, but haven't started reading it. Also a fan of his MobilityWOD (was doing one a day). I will share some of my mobility with you. I have hypermobility in most of my joints. It is a struggle to fight off injuries because of it. Thanks for the Alton share. Will add it to my Netflix account. Love him and the history and science tidbits he adds to his shows.

    Last night was good, but my body is fighting wanting to hibernate to the bed. Another day of hitting snooze.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited December 2014
    Mobility work is an area I need to be more consistent. I try to tell myself once a week yoga covers it, but know that's not the case. I have a roller and a lacrosse ball in the family room and do use them occasionally. But more to hit a bothersome spot than truly do work. Keep saying I'll do Kelly's WOD of the day or buy the book.

    Was disappointed with the hotel gym, really tight, the bench jammed in a corner with no room to resistance train. One of the guys on my team suggested I ask at the desk if there was another option. I was even willing to pay a day fee. Surprise the desk handed me a guest pass to a local gym. Chest and Bi day accomplished!

    Prayers for your friend John.

    And truly sad to see Howie feels we've become to carb focused. Sorry if I contributed. It worked to get me off the yoyo starvation roller coaster, but probably could check my preaching about it a bit.