Dec 7-Dec 13 Check In Challenge Thread



  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Today is a rest day. I'm out and about just posting in case I forget later. I'll respond more tonight!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    kc9ljo wrote: »
    Can't remember if I checked in today or not. Anyway I'm wearing a pair of pants I have not been able to wear in awhile!


    And congrats to Kevin & baby #7 to be! Wait..... What!?! Seven? Okay, I officially have no room to complain about being a busy mom any longer. Rock on Kevin. Many blessing to you all. :)
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Good morning everybody. Friday!!!!!!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    All Righty Then! Have a Funtastic Friday Folks. Don't Forget RED TOP.
  • 25mcaro
    kc9ljo wrote: »
    Can't remember if I checked in today or not. Anyway I'm wearing a pair of pants I have not been able to wear in awhile!


    And congrats to Kevin & baby #7 to be! Wait..... What!?! Seven? Okay, I officially have no room to complain about being a busy mom any longer. Rock on Kevin. Many blessing to you all. :)

  • 25mcaro
    You're the one wearing THE pants today.This week a new discovery, that diet and exercise with plenty of water really work. Old School Style
  • easmythcrna
    easmythcrna Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Friday everyone.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Update on my Friend, Sepsis is still creating fever spikes, they took her NPO and inserted feeding tube, Anti Biotic IV drips, If they can keep the fever under control, will let her go home Sat with Home Health Care Visits. The good news is the Gd D@*n Lap Band was removed, and by Maris's own words never to be done again. She is my inspiration to take the Primal Blueprint course, She may not be back with us til late Feb or March but when she does I will be prepared to help her with the science behind my own intuition if she wants it. Thanks for all the prayers for her, She is a Rocky Top Tough gal from Tennessee and she will get through this.
    P.S Her current predicament is a result of a Lap Band gone bad. If folks know how dangerous the complications could be I don't think most reasonable people will make the choice to do this. Septic Shock has an 80% mortality rate folks. Maris may be tough but there was in my view much divine intervention here, Never discount the effects of spirituality. Thanks and God Bless. (rant and sermon over)
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    Hmrjmr1 wrote: »
    Update on my Friend, Sepsis is still creating fever spikes, they took her NPO and inserted feeding tube, Anti Biotic IV drips, If they can keep the fever under control, will let her go home Sat with Home Health Care Visits. The good news is the Gd D@*n Lap Band was removed, and by Maris's own words never to be done again. She is my inspiration to take the Primal Blueprint course, She may not be back with us til late Feb or March but when she does I will be prepared to help her with the science behind my own intuition if she wants it. Thanks for all the prayers for her, She is a Rocky Top Tough gal from Tennessee and she will get through this.
    P.S Her current predicament is a result of a Lap Band gone bad. If folks know how dangerous the complications could be I don't think most reasonable people will make the choice to do this. Septic Shock has an 80% mortality rate folks. Maris may be tough but there was in my view much divine intervention here, Never discount the effects of spirituality. Thanks and God Bless. (rant and sermon over)

    I hope her fever can be kept under control. Wow, complications from Lap Band surgery. That is really really scary. Sending positive healing thoughts her way.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Wow, that lap band story should make us all eat better! Scary!
    Fab Friday, everyone! I have no idea what is in store today. My daughter is visiting from NY, and she has a Christmas surprise planned. I'm excited. :smile:

    Lifted 55 lbs in my bench press yesterday. For me that is really great, though I know for many of you it is paltry.

    Have a great day.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Cynthia -Great job! 55# is what my current bench press weight is for sets. Like you I know still not what we will be able to do but better than many.

    John- sounds like your friend turning corner. That's great.

    Kevin - Congrats on baby!

    Off to Sacramento airport. Time to head home. As much as I love travel - the four night trips away from home are 1-2 nights too many.
  • jeffreyschmitt34
    jeffreyschmitt34 Posts: 46 Member
    Day 12 have my morning fat coffee
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Hammer, prayers for you friend. Rest of you guys keep up the good work!
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Well I am down from last week. At one point I was weighing in at 307 last week but I was not really tracking and that could have been night weight vs morning, not sure. I took a couple week dive with Thanksgiving as you all know. I am now 299 which is up 10 lbs from pre-thanksgiving but down from last week. At least I am not above 300 and that is what really plays hard on my mind. I can take the gain from thanksgiving but I hate the thought of being more than 300 again. So back to my next goal of 290 which will put me at 200 lbs lost again.

    Arturo, I don't really know that fat people are responsible for Altons success of course. I was more referring to how he commented about how many he sees. I too do not think we should sugar coat it, it's a real problem with our country and I agree with the base of what Alton was saying. However as Heronh eluded to, it does seem a lot of people who have lost weight become fat haters. I think people tend to get a sense of maybe being superior or taking the thought if I can do it anyone can. They also view the fat on others as the disgust they had form themselves. What they forget is the state of mind they were in before they started. How they were down on themselves and stuck in depression and how it becomes a vicious circle. You can address the problem without making it personal. Such as saying they couldn't fit in the elevator ect. That's all I'm saying.

    Heronh, I had a good chuckle over your post about the kids in the car. At first I was thinking human children and was wondering why you would leave them in the car. lol
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday!

    Finally! Had a good day with eating and tracking yesterday, even with going out to dinner with my husband. Gives me hope that I can get back on track! I even got my step goal on my Fitbit yesterday.

    Today is a new day so I plan on making the most of it!

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday!
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    I knew I wouldn't get to posting last night after I got home...haha.

    I don't really have a problem with what Alton Brown said. While it may be harsh to some it's true. He's not all talk though. He backs his statements up with his TV show. If you watch the pre-weightloss episodes compared to the post-weightloss episodes, he not only emphasizes moderation but shies away from the more unhealthy stuff that has been on his show. All that being said, it's true that once fat people tend to look down on their former brethren. It's fat politics. "I put in the hard work, so you should too." We should all do well to remember how hard day 1 was.
  • kc9ljo
    kc9ljo Posts: 19
    Happy Friday!!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Oh snap.... carb freaking nite..... what to eat what to eat....
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Quick post. I forgot to get over here today and I even had the day off work. Confession time... I had a bowl of Captain Crunch with almond milk before I went to bed last night. This is what happens when I don't go to bed at a reasonable hour. Today I only had a turkey sandwich, which had me consuming not just one, but two turkey dogs. Did have a huge healthy spinach salad. I know, hot dogs and spinach salad is an odd combo. Don't judge. I will be back tomorrow to catch up on the countless posts. Y'all have been busy!

  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Stacy, you got this! Keep tracking and moving.
    Cynthia, 55lb is good! Don't compare yourself to others.
    KC, congrats on the pants. Its always a nice feeling fitting into smaller pants.
    Kevin, have fun on your carb nite!
    John, I am glad that your friend is doing better, had no idea lap band can be that dangerous yikes!
    Kim, how was your flight? I hope that since you are flying out of Sac it won't be as bad as SFO and OAK
    Howie, nice job on the tracking, you know what to do ;) . But life and holiday can get in the way of tracking. We all have to stay focus.
    Ah, my "kids" hehe. Sometimes I'd say stuff like" Honey, the windows are down right? We have the kids in the car" I get some NASTY looks. We never take them on a hot day and they much rather be in the car than at home.
    I have smoke shank soup in the slow cooker. Yay
    My weight's been up and down a lot this past few weeks but I am not tripping. I'm going to enjoy the holidays and just minimize "damages" I know I did not gain weight because I am still fitting in my smaller dresses.
    I am making chicken pot pie from scratch tomorrow. It's Arturo's birthday!