April 2015 Due Date Club



  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Oh no! That's a placenta previa isn't it? It's low? I don't know whether mine is low or not at the moment, I'll find out more details about it at my scan on Tuesday. I'm hoping that it's not just because then I know that it causes issues because, like you said, you need a c-section (which I really, really don't want to have!) and because it's at the front that's made difficult too. Chances are it won't be though, I've fallen foul it Google which gives me a bit too much information sometimes.

    I didn't think that you could take iron supplements unless you were prescribed them during pregnancy? I've not heard of farina either but I'll keep an eye out for it.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    My due date is April 21, but we've scheduled a c-section for April 14, will see if that sticks the closer we get depending on dr schedule.

    Glad to hear baby is doing good Laser...I can imagine hearing the placenta position would put you on edge a bit. It's so hard when everything is out of our control...especially that kind of stuff. Hopefully it will adjust on it's own.

    This little guys getting really active! Hubby felt him last night, but just like with our daughter, totally freaked him out. He about jumped out of his skin, and I'm just cracking up...such a baby! You have no idea all the weird things I'm feeling non-stop.

    Day 2 of water class last night, really enjoying it. If you're able to somehow fit into your schedule, you should give it a try. They might even offer a free trial. But there's something very relieving about just letting my belly go in the water...feels so good, and I can't say that I'm benefitting so much from the ab stuff we do (she helps me modify), but I do think all the upper body/arm work is great, definitely feel that after. I just keep thinking any little bit will help!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I'm having a super nauseated day today. I haven't kept anything down for more than 45 minutes and I've thrown up at least 9 times. Poo! It's a vicious cycle of eating because I'm shaking, throwing up because I ate, and then shaking because I threw up... (repeat, repeat, repeat).

    I'm out of my anti-nausea medicine, but I can get refills tomorrow (YAY!). We head out on our Christmas vacation to the in-laws next Wednesday and I'm a bit stressed about feeling crappy while we are out there. We are actually staying in a rental home while we are out there because I feel like I need somewhere to "run away" if I start getting too grumpy or feel too sick to go out with the extended family. I love my in-laws, but it is a BIG family and I have a hard time with the mix of BIG personalities. It will be good to take breaks to go put the kids down for naps away from the chaos.

    Robynn - my hubby felt him for the first time last night! Although his reaction was pretty anti-climatic, "that's cool." I think he's becoming numb, and although he is thrilled as can be to be bringing a new baby into our home, he is still trying to re-frame his mind because he was sure it was going to be a little girl.

    I haven't been to the gym in FOREVER! Maybe I can get back this week at some point (once I'm back on my meds). Jealous about the water class - I think I'll try one when I'm further along, but my gym doesn't offer any when the gym's daycare is open for the littles.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Sorry to hear about the ongoing nausea, mormonmamma. It sounds terrible. I can't believe you still want six after dealing with this much nausea in the first three -you are a pregnancy martyr, girl!

    Right now I have this icky dry cough that won't go away, and pregnancy being what it is, almost every time I cough... well... let's just say that I need to change underwear frequently. I'm doing kegels like I'm an Olympic kegel contender but nothing seems to help. I've also started to develop some soreness in my back, and I really hope that doesn't worsen.

    I had my midwife appt last week and I got the new one, who I'm sure is skilled at delivering babies but she didn't have much experience with the placental issue to calm my worries. I think it is technically a form of placenta previa, even though the placenta is not actually covering the cervix in any way. There's nothing I can do about it but wait and hope it moves up enough. I REALLY don't want a c-section! My first birth was unmedicated and 100% natural, and that's what I am aiming for again.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Happy to report that I'm only up 4.4 pounds this pregnancy! Yay! There is still a giant possibility that I'll balloon up in the next 18-19 weeks - but here's hoping :)
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!

    Well, we survived the "storm of the century" out here...we live in Sacramento, and what a joke. Almost embarrassing the type of coverage big storms get, we definitely got a much needed dumping of rain, but that's about it.

    I'm jealous mormonmomma! My calculations are putting me at about 15lbs up so far, 22 wks on Monday...yikes! And almost 8 of it this past month alone...trying not to be so hard on myself considering a vacation & Thanksgiving were part of that, but still...definitely need to pay more attention.

    We have the 20wk u/s on Monday, very excited about that! Will be fun to see him, and know 100% he truly is a little boy...I don't know why, but until I see it for myself, I just can't completely trust that bloodwork from early on. But can't wait to see him, he's moving around like crazy, and maybe I'll be ready to buy some boy stuff after.

    Hope everyone's doing good, have a great weekend!
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hey all, I havent been around here in a little while.

    I FINALLY felt movement in my 22nd week, and only a few times. Im now 24 weeks, 3 days and still very minimal flutters. I found out my placenta IS posterior, so it's not cushioning movements towards the front, however he appeared to be facing my back, snuggling face first into the placenta at my 3D/4D ultrasound 2 weeks ago!

    Oh yes, that means we had confirmation that it's a boy! I can't remember if I mentioned that last time I was here. I was feeling pretty wonderful for 2nd trimester with the exception of the past 2 weeks. The fatigue has returned, some mild nausea on and off, and lack of motivation to workout. The past two weeks is the least I've worked out so far, with only 2 times the first week, and 3 times last week... still pretty good considering!

    Only 15 1/2 more weeks to go! I can't believe I'll be in my 3rd trimester shortly after the holidays! I've gained 13.4 lbs so far, which is average, but a bit more than I wanted considering my pre pregnancy weight was already high. I've been tracking my food, staying active, and am going to continue to eat well during the holidays. I don't want my weekly weight gain to double for the month of December! haha

    My original target was 20 lbs, but my doctor did say 20-25. With 15 1/2 more weeks, its safe to say I wont be able to stay under 20 with just another 7 lbs, but 12 may just be possible. Even if I go a little over, I'll be okay with it as long as I know I'm taking care of myself and baby, eating right, and staying healthy as opposed to overeating on the wrong foods. :)

    I hope everyone else is doing well!

  • Mikeysmama1012
    Mikeysmama1012 Posts: 15 Member
    I just joined the group today. I am 22 weeks 4 days with my baby girl Aria Jade :-) I was in a process of losing weight before I got pregnant, and now that I'm preggo I am trying to eat healthy and stay active. Looking forward to continuing the weight loss after she arrives. Right now I've been walking but my foot has been hurting a lot, so I did prenatal pilates today and I loved it!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning all! And welcome to Mikeysmama1012!

    Robynn - I'm sure the only reason I haven't gained more is just because of the nausea that's stuck around. I'm sure if I hadn't been throwing up several times a day I would have gained a LOT more.

    I'm back on my Diclegis and oh my goodness is the exhaustion getting to me!! Wow! I just can't keep my eyes open the last few days.
  • Mikeysmama1012
    Mikeysmama1012 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome Mormonmomma11 :-)
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey mamas! How's everybody doing this week? Welcome Mikeysmama!! Congrats!

    Had our 20wk u/s on Monday (but really 22wks)...all is looking great with baby himself, and I've seen his little bits w/my own eyes, and he for sure is all boy! Haha!! It was so fun to see him wiggling around...measuring about 1.6lbs, it's just shocking to me how formed he is for being so tiny. These u/s's will never get old...eventhough I've been through it before w/my daughter, the miracle of it all is always amazing to see!

    Looks like I'm joining you Laser in a bit of the placenta previa issue...Dr said placenta appears to be low, very near the cervix, but not completely covering. Hoping it will move up, although there are some risks of bleeding, etc. didn't seem to be much of a delivery concern seeing that I'm already c-sectioning...but they did advise no hanky panky for the next 8wks until next u/s to see where it's at. Hubby thought I made that part up! Will be fun to see baby bean again, and how much more he's grown.

    I'm feeling a bit down about the weight gain side of things...really struggling with food choices, I don't know why it's so hard to control myself. I think I'm giving in too much to letting myself enjoy what I want...even though I'm not "going crazy", it's still creeping on. Right about 15lb gain at this point, which isn't bad, but 187 on the scale which I haven't seen in a LONG time...hate it! And I so don't want to exceed 200 by the end of this...don't know how that's going to happen with 17ish wks left, and a 13lb budget. Keeping up with the water class...but have not been good about walking...and there's a perfectly good treadmill in my house, no excuse! Just need to get my butt on there.

    But me and baby are healthy, not much more I could ask for there...whatever happens on the scale happens, just have to deal with it and work on it after. Thankful it does appear to mainly be coming on around the belly, hopefully the rest of me won't catch up by the end.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Checking back in...

    Welcome Mikeysmama1012! Great to have you join us!

    Robynn: sorry to hear you've got a low-lying placenta, too, although if you're getting a c-section and it hasn't caused any bleeding, there is thankfully less to worry about, I'm guessing.

    Mormonmomma: can't believe you're still dealing with the nausea! You have my ongoing sympathy.

    As for me, I'm also nauseous, but for a different reason: I'm laid low right now with a stomach bug. I went to bed with my little guy last night at 7:30, woke up with him at 6:30 am (minus all the random usual wakeups), and I'm STILL tired. :( Being pregnant AND sick is the pits, especially this close to the holidays. I've gained around 20 lbs so far at 22 weeks; that's a bit of a downer, but it's on track with the gain in my previous pregnancy. I exercised throughout that entire pregnancy, and this one I haven't been able to at all. It's discouraging, but the combination of working full time, caring for my toddler, keeping up with the housework and cooking, not sleeping enough, and feeling crappy makes it feel virtually impossible. I keep telling myself that I will lose again as I did after the last pregnancy. The goal for me is just pregnancy survival right now.
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Hey ladies. I am due April 11th with a little boy (my 3rd child and my 3rd boy). I was pregnant with twins but lost one of them early on. I am currently up 8 lbs and hoping to keep it to 15 max. Up until recently I was still running but think that my running days might be done until he comes. During this pregnancy I have run a couple of half marathons and a 20 miler. I do home births and typically deliver early so will likely actually deliver in March. Can't wait to get to know you all :)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Erinthebodo! I think I remember you from either here earlier (?) or maybe the May 2013 birth club (with your last son?). Sorry about the loss of the twin --I'm sure that must have been difficult.
    That's amazing that you've been able to keep up your running until now! I wish that were my case. I'm impressed that you are doing a home birth --I am not officially, although I'm afraid I might end up with one since I might not make it to the birth center in time (last little guy came in 3 hours). I see we're both New Englanders -I live in a Boston North Shore suburb.

    Just entered the start of the sixth month, and I am still so worn out.
  • I am due on April 9th, this is my first pregnancy. It was recommended for me to only gain 10-15 pounds. So far I am down one pound from my original pre-pregnancy weight, but back up 9 due to horrible morning sickness in the beginning. I am carrying high and am having awful back pain, so walking/standing can only be done in around 30 minute sessions, which has just started this month which makes me worry I will start putting on weight now.

    I am having a boy, his name is Jayce and can't wait til he gets here! I am sure he will be worth all the back pain ;-)
  • jbwes
    jbwes Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I am due the first week of April with a boy. I used to use MyFitnessPal off and on in previous years and had some success. It's been a while since I logged consistently, and now I'm finding that as I approach the 3rd trimester I've already gained about 25 pounds. I'm fearful of gaining too much, so I thought I should start logging again to stay accountable. I'm hoping after the baby comes to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, minus 20 more pounds - I gained quite a bit when my husband and I started dating! I think my biggest obstacle right now is finding the motivation to get up and move, but I'm hoping to get in a good, long walk every other day.
  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    Hello, I'm due April 8th with my first. First trimester was pretty shaky with cramping and spotting, but 2nd trimester has been much better with me being able to resume exercising. For the past few weeks though I haven't really exercised and been under the weather, I am just starting to get a little energy back but am not motivated to workout. As far as weight, I was also advised to gain 10-15 pounds and right now I am at 17 lb gain, but my doctor hasn't seemed concerned. I've been tested for Pre E and I go next week for my GD testing. I'm just hoping that my nutrition has been adequate enough for that test to come back negative.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It's been a few weeks because we were traveling for the Holidays to see the in-laws, but we made it home after some major traveling hiccups (I got a cold, oldest son got mystery illness, younger son got a cold, our flights got delayed several times over two days, etc...).

    Anyways - Welcome to all the new faces :) And I hope everyone is feeling better! I'm still throwing up about twice a day, even on the medication - but with a little over 3 months left I can see the end in sight and will grin and bear it!

    We picked our little man's name - Bentley Thomas and I can't wait to meet him! He is named after my surrogate grandfather, Uncle Tom, who passed away this summer after battling cancer. Today would have been his birthday - so it feels right to announce some happy news in his honor!

    At my last appointment we found out they didn't get a clear profile shot or a clear spinal shot, so I get to go back in for a follow-up u/s around 28 weeks! Wahoo!

    I can't seem to remember when I tested for GD with my boys - what week does that normally happen?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Welcome new members! Having been around the pregnancy block once, I can say that it's ok to gain: every woman's body is different. I was about 10 lbs away from my pre-baby weight when I got pregnant again, so I know it's doable.

    Mormonmomma: I love your name choice! Bentley is a great B name! I'm not throwing up, but I still have some nausea, now compounded by heartburn. I still admire your positive attitude: the four months ahead feel like an eternity to me!

    I joined my local YMCA on Jan 1 and did my first real workout since the morning sickness started months ago. I felt like a new person getting out of the pool! My husband & I decided to make exercise a priority this year. It's weird making that a priority, since pre-baby it was automatic. But our lives are so much busier now and me being so sick made it really hard to find time. Cheers to a new year and new exercise goals!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I agree with TheLaser - weight gain is totally normal and ABSOLUTELY manageable after delivery if you exercise enough self control. With my first I gained 50+ pounds (and lost almost all of it) with my second I gained at least 50+ (and only lost about half of it before finding out #3 is on his way). I'm really low on weight gain so far this time around, but I also started very heavy (224) for my 5'5 frame. This is not typical for my pregnancies and is likely due to my extreme vomiting throughout the last 6 months. Trust me, this is NOT the way I'd want to be maintaining weight during pregnancy.

    Anyways, it's starting to feel real that we will be a family of 5 soon. I've started bringing my boss to meetings with clients and customers because they are 16 week projects and I won't be able to finish them before maternity leave. CRAZY! If baby isn't here by 39 weeks I will likely induce - so I've only got 14ish weeks left :)

    TheLaser: Congrats on getting to the gym! That's awesome! We actually just cancelled our gym memberships last night - gotta start pinching pennies for our budget goals this year!