Wednesday, December 17, 2014

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Today is my trainer workout and I'm looking forward to it. I've been eating poorly and sleeping poorly and not getting out exercising as much as I wish. I'm just going to do the best that I can until life settles down a bit more.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    April, good job! Deleting that app was a good idea.
    Marla, you're almost there. Only a few more days til Chistmas--single digits now. Just make sure you eat enough before work. Fuel your body for the demands you place on it.
    Donna, I feel you on the sleep issue and also not getting exercise as much as I want. Life happens.

    Well, I've been fighting a cold for a couple days, thinking that if I didn't bring it up, that it'd go away. So far, so good, but today is the worst of it so far, as far as sore throat and drip. Anyway, it's parent teacher meeting for grades, so no choice but to head out. Hoping I can go to the gym afterwards, since it's been so long. DH says he'll probably work late tomorrow. Greece is an economic mess and it is very hard to get by right now. He thinks if he works late tomorrow for a customer, that he "might save Christmas". Yeah, it's pretty crazy here. So anyway, tomorrow will be a no-go for gym. If all else fails, I'll get all my workouts over the weekend, but I'm in dangerous territory eating so high, without working my muscles throughout the week.

    Well, will check in later.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    It's that time of year. It's always so hard to stay in shape with all the tasty goodies and such. I make homemade toffee this time of year usually...but haven't even started yet. I'll probably work on that later this week.
    It's supposed to rain today so probably won't be able to get that walk in today. But I counted my calories yesterday and was within 90 calories of my goal. So I'm working on getting back into healthy habits.
    Today I'm going shopping for some last minute things for the kids teachers and such. We are also starting to potty train our youngest, so hopefully that won't be too torturous.
    Sherry - I hope you feel better soon! I know that can be frustrating to not feel well, on top of the extra stresses you have right now!
    April - well done on deleting that app. Every day is a new chance at a fresh start!
    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    val, good luck with the shopping. I haven't even begun to shop for Christmas. Actually, teachers gifts is all we've gotten so far (DH handles those through his work). Good luck potty training too. Both of mine took their sweet time potty training very late, but they never had any regression, so I guess it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. ;)

    Teacher meeting went well. Son's grades were pretty good. It was misting rain after school, but I had time to go to the gym so I took off. It then came a downpour, complete with urban rivers. So I rode the trolley to the gym, did a good workout (although I was a little disappointed in my chest press exercise b/c I had been working it every workout and it had been going up, and now since it has been so many days, it sorta stalled :\ ) At least the gym was fairly empty thanks to the rain. Anyway, rain cleared up some and so I got to walk home in more drizzle. Shoes and pants legs were soaked though. Not a bad day.

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome back Val! You really have had crap on top of more crap going on.

    I've got a cold too. Went home from work a couple hours earl yesterday & took a nap. Back to work today but still not feeling great. Today's my scheduled rest day and yesterday turned out to be a bonus one. Hoping to feel better by tomorrow.

    We had our work holiday party today so it's been a fun day, but I'm pretty exhausted. Was thinking about doing some shopping after work but think I'll just head straight home.

    On a happier note, the sun came out today for the first time in two weeks. It's cold, but I'm just happy to see the sun again.