Those who are exclusively breastfeeding

Post your stats!

I know a lot of us have been having issues getting back to pre-pregnancy weight. I wanted to see what you weight before and after delivery. Also put your 6-8 week checkup weight, your height,your caloric intake and the babys age. Maybe we can see a pattern.

Pre-pregnancy- 168 lbs
10/06/14 delivery day- 211 lbs
3 says after delivery- 211 lbs
8 weeks postpartum- 185 lbs
10 weeks 12/15/14- 182.2 lbs
the baby is 2 months
Caloric intake- 1900 avg
To lose a 1 lb a week l need to eat 1380 plus 500 calories for nursing.
I wish I knew the exact amount my baby eats at each feeding. It could be possible that I am eating too much or not enough to see the weight loss I want to see. My weight keeps bouncing back and forth between 182 and 186 lbs.


  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Pre-pregnancy- 212 lbs
    5/28/14 delivery day- 224 lbs
    3 says after delivery- 208 lbs
    6 weeks postpartum- 200 lbs
    10 weeks 12/15/14- 208 lbs
    my baby is 6 months 3 weeks
    Caloric intake- 1900 avg

    My goal is to not keep too detailed of calories burned from exercise and breastfeeding because it led me to justify overeating. So now I changed up my settings to have me at active instead of sedentary to compensate for exercise and EBF. So far I'm down 5 lbs from doing this. My goal weight is to get back to 140 lbs and see what I want to do from there.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    10/5/14-delivery (41W3D)-199.6
    2 weeks PP: 181.6
    8weeks PP: 180

    I have been stuck right around 180 since 2 weeks PP. I haven't been tracking calories yet. I really hate doing that, so I put it off and I wanted to give myself 3 months to get my milk established, etc. I started exercising, but its been hard to be consistent b/c i have so many other things going on...I have a home business (sewing cloth diapers and baby stuff), I have a 7 year old and 3 1/2 year old that I home school, plus my husband is in the Navy and works super long hours, so I have to do all of the errands and house work, etc, too. I haven't found a way to balance it all yet.

    I'm starting a Biggest Loser contest Jan 5th with some online friends, so I plan to focus on diet/exercise then. I'll eat 1900-2300 based on what exercise I do. I also want to cut out sugar and bread for the most part, and I bet that will help enormously! So I guess I'll check back in with more stats when I start that and see what happens! :)
  • buttrfli322
    buttrfli322 Posts: 25 Member
    Pre-pregnancy- 186 lbs
    10/14/14 delivery day- 244 lbs
    3 days after delivery- 230 lbs
    6 weeks postpartum- 215 lbs
    my baby is 2 months 3 weeks

    Our Violet was conceived 4 1/2 months after we had Talia so I was not yet to my pre-pregnancy weight with Talia...although I did manage to get within 10lbs after gaining 65lbs. Every pregnancy (we have 4 children) I have gained 50-70lbs. I recently started T25 and am now trying to eat cleaner.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Pre-pregnancy- 160 lbs
    Goal Weight - 150 lbs
    1/6/15 delivery day- 216 lbs
    3 days after delivery- 212 lbs
    8 weeks postpartum-
    10 weeks -

    Baby Max is currently only 1 week old!

    I have my goal weight set to 150, which was the goal I had before I got pregnant this time. I have my cals set to lose a pound a week, and I've been factoring in only 250c/day for EBF, even though it's probably more than that. But I don't want to overestimate and give myself reason to overeat. That still gives me something like 1600-1700 per day, and that should be more than doable if I'm focusing on the right mix of proteins, fruits and veggies, etc.

    I've been trying to do a little something every day, even if it's only an easy walk or lifting some light dumbells while I'm watching tv. Just feels good to get back into the habit, and once I'm fully recovered it should be that much easier, at least mentally, to get the cardio back into the mix.
  • hecham
    hecham Posts: 118 Member
    I am 5'3''
    Pre-preg: 140
    Goal Weight #1- 140, GW#2- 130
    10/19/14 Delivery day- 184 (highest pregnancy weight I know of- pretty sure it was higher)
    2 weeks PP- 155
    6 weeks PP- 153
    NOW 12 weeks PP-147

    I was so swollen I lost 30lbs almost instantly. The rest has been slower going. I was stalled at 153 for quite a while, but then baby added a midnight feeding and the weight started dropping again.

    I don't track calories yet since the birth, and probably won't until he starts solids. If I had to guess, I'd say I eat about 2300-2500 calories a day. I truly believe that we nursing mama's need fuel! I eat lots of fats like real butter, avocados, nuts, cream, whole milk- and I swear it goes straight to the baby.

    I do moderate exercise mostly walking, weights, some running when I can.
    Good luck, all! Feel free to add me!
  • katebrog
    katebrog Posts: 44 Member
    I am 5'4"
    Pre-Preg: 113lbs
    Total Weight Gain: 18lbs
    Gave birth on 8/19/14 so almost 5 months PP
    Current Weight: Around 109-110lbs - (down to 114lbs 2 weeks after having baby)

    I stayed very active during my pregnancy, so I really believe that's what helped me to not gain very much at all. Doctor was very pleased with my weight gain and baby was born weighing 6lbs 9oz and very healthy! Currently, I'm BFing and feeding baby cereal 3x/day, so not completely exclusive anymore. I'm somewhat logging what I eat, but not very strict about it. Guess I eat around 1400-1800/day and I try to eat as healthy as possible. I'm also pretty active and try to get exercise in at least 5x/week.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Height: 5 ft 7
    pre pregnancy weight 122
    Delivery day july 30, 2014: 144
    home from the hospital Aug 1: 135
    6 weeks post partum: 116 lbs
    My baby is 5.5 months old he eats every 2 hours
    I eat about 2500 calories a day
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Pre-pregnancy- 145 lbs
    Highest pregnancy weight: 169 lbs
    4 days after delivery- 167 lbs
    2 weeks postpartum - 148 lbs
    8 weeks postpartum- 158 lbs
    12 weeks 12/15/14- 161 lbs

    Well .. so there it is. I initially lost a lot as my body lost all the fluid (and baby!) but for the first two months of breastfeeding I was ravenous! just crazy hungry all the time, and everyone is always saying "You'll lose so much weight breastfeeding" ... Well I didn't it just made me so hungry! I am now 4.5 months PP and still way about 160. I was not tracking Calories early.. but am now and trying to get more exercise in! I am trying to average 2000 ( that way assuming I burn 500 breastfeeding I should be able to lose about a half lb a month)