Weekly Post 14/12/14 - 20/12/14



  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    @snaps27 & @uptightightoutasight love both of your positive outlooks on things!! I know this is said everywhere in this group but... this group is the best!

    fasting today and I'm so happy that the fast days have been getting much easier. and I've noticed on non-fast days that I can push through hunger pangs (before getting dinner ready) and it doesn't bother me anymore.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Absolutely jknight. Sometimes cramps come from magnesium deficiancy, sometimes potassium. (I'm sure there are other reasons for them, but those two are easy to solve with the right foods) When drinking alot on a fast day, you do flush out some of the good salts with the 'bad' ones. They need to be replenished. Those veggie soups I make on fast days are loaded with potassium incomparison to their cal content. Lots of veggies have alot of potassium in them. Bananas are great, but a bit high cal for me on a fast day.

    Since keeping an eye on my potassium my water retention has gotten a bit better.


    Thx Flumi! That pdf was exactly what I was looking for. I think soup is a good idea. Had Tuscan Kale soup tonight so I got my potassium in!

  • Calahonda1984
    What a beautiful day it is, hope you're all enjoying some snow, sun or frosty times!

    Well today was my weigh in - down 0.2lbs. A small loss but I'm very happy with it!

    Today is a non-fast day for me but it's 1:30pm and I'm not hungry so I may even push on through until dinner time. Feeling full of energy today and good job really as I have a long list of things 'to do'!

    Preparing for my return to the UK for Christmas so I have lots of washing, drying and packing to do, as well as the fact I thought it would be a good idea to make a pom pom poncho for my niece - over 100 pom poms made for the edging of the poncho, material cut and now I just need to sew the pom poms on and make a hood to attach. I do love making things but I'm really cutting it fine with this ha ha!

    Hope you Friday fasters are having a good one and you non fasters are being good! xxx
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    Hi all. Fasting today...may be the last one this year.
    Plans for the next fortnight are a bit fluid, all our family are scattered so lots of visits and munchies but since it also includes Chrimbo, my 50th birthday and New Year, I suspect Jan 2nd will be a much needed end to indulgences for a while. Like Snaps, I'm being pragmatic and taking control by acknowledging the pressure and looking for the way ahead.
    I'll be starting my new job after 4 months off on Jan 5th so want to be prepared mentally and physically for that..a couple of early Jan fasts should make sure the suit still fits!!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Haven't had a great week eating and fasting wise (I know, I'm not alone). Couldn't really cut the 16:8 this week either. Very busy (partially stressful) work week, fell of the horse (doing well!), two cookie/chocolate binges (for no real reason) and first TOM in 6 mth (could have stayed away...).

    I am very glad, I have two weeks off ahead of me from NOW!! Some workouts, some rides, some visits with friends and family, a few small projects at home planned and a few days to do as I please, when I please ;) Really looking forward to those. Shall be starting my vacation tomorrow with a morning run. I think, my thigh should be up to that.

    I will try to fast twice weekly and see how I do. I definitely will need to get back on track on Jan 5th, when I start working again.

    Have a great Friday everyone and ring in that WEEKEND!!!
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    @jknight001 - It's summer in Australia, but even winter is fine with a wetsuit - although it took me a while not to care what people might think of the fat old guy in the wetsuit. It's been 2 years I've been bodyboarding year round now - and it's been one of the most positive things I've done.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    kcd1961 wrote: »
    @jknight001 - It's summer in Australia, but even winter is fine with a wetsuit - although it took me a while not to care what people might think of the fat old guy in the wetsuit. It's been 2 years I've been bodyboarding year round now - and it's been one of the most positive things I've done.

    It is one of the greatest things when we can find activity to do that we really love. And you have the added bonus of a beautiful place to do it!

  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks, @eychen! You are right about it getting easier!
    Not sure how this coming week will go, I imagine it will be a miracle to lose weight so I think I will aim not to put weight on and hope for the best! It is actually so hot where I live that it much easier to stay in with air con and partake of xmas cheer than anything else. It gets light at 4.30 am and is cool but I am definitely not the sort to leap out of bed and exercise! I am more of a "wake up slowly with a coffee kind of person!
    It will be interesting to see where we all are, weight wise, on January 1st, full of new enthusiasm for the new year. I am looking forward to that.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    edited December 2014
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Haven't had a great week eating and fasting wise (I know, I'm not alone). ...

    Have a great Friday everyone and ring in that WEEKEND!!!
    Speak for yourself! Excellent week fasting here...I just can't remember such an easy week of fasting...maybe it's because I didn't fast (sigh). Still up the 9 lbs from lowest, so I'm not so bad off. This weekend will be the real test...big family gathering with everyone bringing their best stuff to the table. I think I'll have a side of bacon and a 1 lb block of cheddar to prepare ... yes I'm being bad, but in the words of the most eloquent and sage Charles Barkley, "I'm not paid to be a role model." B)

    We'll all be back in a few weeks crushing it again.

    You have a good weekend/holidays too...
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    LOL orlcam! Glad to see you are doing so well.... We will refocus on January 5th! Yes we will!!

    I'm actually amazingly down whopping 100 gramms from last Saturday! I made it in to the 57-58kg bracket, well barely, but I'm in there :p

    Seems the return of TOM brought cravings last week and water retention and they have hopefully both left now. I'm hoping, it's return after 6mth will also help me lose those last 3kg too. As the time span of not losing and no TOM coincide quite well. I'll see in 2015...

    Sun is out, my thigh is doing well, going for a Saturday morning run...what more can you wish for! B)

    Have a great weekend!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Fasting today...trying to at least fast once a week to even out some of my binging. I will try to fast one more time in the week (but no pressure). Kids are off so my routine is off. And they want to do some baking with me, so I may fall into some homemade sugar cookies or equivalent. Having my first tea 30cals and it's almost 1pm. Planning dinner at 4 so should be okay. Sun is shinning here too! Have a great weekend all!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Go Snaps Go!! B)
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Well done, @Flumi. I don't know, it is pretty hard to avoid carbs this week.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have been attacked by the dreaded rhinovirus so I am down for the count. :disappointed: Don't think I will be fasting this week. Even exercise looks doubtful now with my son off of school and much to do to prepare for Christmas. Does it sound like I am piling on the excuses?

    Just going to plow forward until 2015 then back to 5:2 with gusto!

    @orlcam - sorry about your Saints. :cry:
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Gained a tad this week. Overall I am very happy with the numbers.

    Week 16 - -.2 lbs (-.09 kg) 12/19/14 155
    Total loss as of 12/19/14 10.6 lbs (4.80 kg)
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    I have been attacked by the dreaded rhinovirus so I am down for the count. :disappointed: Don't think I will be fasting this week. Even exercise looks doubtful now with my son off of school and much to do to prepare for Christmas. Does it sound like I am piling on the excuses?

    Just going to plow forward until 2015 then back to 5:2 with gusto!

    @orlcam - sorry about your Saints. :cry:
    Yep...refs stole that touchdown! I expect a full apology from them this week.

    Sorry for the illness, hopefully it will run its course before xmas. You won't hear any negatives from me about taking a break during the holidays...even without the added reason.

    Good Luck

  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    orlcam wrote: »
    jknight001 wrote: »
    I have been attacked by the dreaded rhinovirus so I am down for the count. :disappointed: Don't think I will be fasting this week. Even exercise looks doubtful now with my son off of school and much to do to prepare for Christmas. Does it sound like I am piling on the excuses?

    Just going to plow forward until 2015 then back to 5:2 with gusto!

    @orlcam - sorry about your Saints. :cry:
    Yep...refs stole that touchdown! I expect a full apology from them this week.

    Sorry for the illness, hopefully it will run its course before xmas. You won't hear any negatives from me about taking a break during the holidays...even without the added reason.

    Good Luck

    Thx for the well wishes. Fortunately it is only a cold. I just am not very fond of being sick but I am sure I will be feeling a bit better by Christmas. The NSV is that I won't want to eat a lot of sweets knowing they will just make my cold get stronger. Merry Christmas to you! Hope you immensely enjoy your time with your extended family.