Looking for New MFP Friends for Motivation and Accountability

I am looking to add some friends to my friends list who have similar goals and who have similar weight loss issues (i.e., being older, metabolism slowing down, going through hormonal changes). I am currently doing the 21 day fit program (I an not a coach soliciting for members). It is simply a cleaner eating program, with a different approach to keeping track of what I eat. You do not have to be doing this program. I believe in eating and fueling my body, focusing on cutting out processed foods, getting plenty of protein and good carbs. I believe in working out doing some kind of lifting program while incorporating cardio. I love to run/jog and have the Zombie Run app that I have been using and love! I use the 30 minute workouts in the 21 da fit plan when I cannot get to the gym and/or outside to run.

I need some friends who can provide some support/accountability and who I can do the same for.

I am a very active 50 year old, who loves to get outside, camp, hike, etc. I am married to a wonderful man who keeps our lifestyle very busy, which I love, but it does make it harder to focus on my goals of eating healthy and getting to the gym.

Any takers??


  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Hi! I am an active 50 year old who is trying to focus on being as healthy as I can be. I am pretty much in maintenance now (3lbs. away from goal weight) I am the fittest and healthiest I have ever been my entire adult life. I don't really focus on clean eating, more like "cleaner" eating. Although I have been slacking this month! Feel free to add me if you like. =)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I'm an active 51 year old, focusing on maintenance now. I pretty much eat whatever I want, only smaller portions. I exercise more so I can eat more. (Being really short puts my maintenance calories somewhere around 1500!)
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Great I'll add you both. Wow I've been probably close to 1500 eating range so maybe that's why I'm not losing. And that's hard for me! I'm only 5'2 so pretty short too.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm always happy to have more midlife pals.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hi! I am trying to get active again (lol) 46 year old, married / mom to grown daughters and starting to go thru the hormonal changes (ugh!)

    I used to run a lot but due to injuries had to stop for awhile but am wanting to get back into it again (baby steps) so currently I am doing a lot of walking along with ST. Hoping around the first of year I want to start lifting...I bought the book and am currently reading while can (tough with holidays/shopping).

    A friend of mine was doing the 21 day diet. She said it really helped her while she was doing it but you have to make that commitment (she didn't). I am going to see if I can borrow her dvd's to try. I am so unsure what my calorie goal should be! one program says this another says this.....yikes! I get so confused! Currently I am losing so I think will stick where I am right now....but always looking for guidance in that area and any other you area as well :)

    Love supportive pals!!
    I am on here most everyday and will be very supportive as well
    Feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am a fairly active 52 year old. One of my goals this year is to increase my activity level. For the past several years I have been focused on making healthy decisions now to improve my later years. When I was younger, I was more concerned with how I looked. Now, I just want to become the most active and self reliant old woman I can. I know choices I make today will directly affect my quality of life 10, 20, or even 30 years from now.

    I am married to a wonderful man who also uses mfp. We have three grown kids and 5 (yes 5!!) grandkids. The past few weeks I've gained a few pounds, but am only about 5-7 away from my goal. I love the outdoors, especially hiking! My favorite time for working out at the gym is first thing in the morning before work. I've had two hip replacements over the years so running is out. I typically use the elliptical.

    I look forward to finding supportive friends who are "of a certain age"! Send a friend request!!
  • LaurieU949
    LaurieU949 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm looking to return to MFP. I'm 51, and a year ago I was very active. A combination of "stuff" has resulted in +20lbs. And that's not from an ideal weight. I'm going back to "Game On" eating and exercising program. It's a healthy way of eating: low-fat, non-processed, balanced way of eating. Hoping to find people who are active in supporting, suggesting, etc.
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Laurie! Welcome! :)
  • nutty192
    nutty192 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello. Am I the only 73 year old trying to lose weight? I put on 3 stone comfort eating after my husband died, and I am desperate to get back to something like normal. Any advice and support welcome. Nutty192
  • Hi nutty192! My condolences on losing your husband. I don't really have any advice, as I'm new here myself. Well, not totally new, I did join a couple years ago but dropped out. But I just wanted to say good for you for trying to get back on track!! Happy New Year!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    nutty192 wrote: »
    Hello. Am I the only 73 year old trying to lose weight? I put on 3 stone comfort eating after my husband died, and I am desperate to get back to something like normal. Any advice and support welcome. Nutty192
    Hi Nutty, welcome! What sort of support would you like? What's your eating style? What do you like to do?
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    i'm getting back in the swing of things again. After a tumultuous 2014 I gained 20+ lbs. Time to lose it again so I feel better. New friends would be great. :)
  • Hi, I'm 61, went through menopause in my mid-50s. Definitely harder to lose weight after menopause but I know my biggest two weaknesses are wine and carbs! I am trying to stick to 1200 calories a day - I'm only 5 feet tall - and I need to lose 35 lbs. or so to even get down to a manageable weight. To reach closer to a true goal weight it would be more like 40 lbs. but I know it just isn't realistic. I'd be thrilled to lose the 35! I hate to exercise but I did sign up to go back to beginner's yoga (I was doing it a few years ago and then got lazy). Nice to meet you all! I just joined MyFitnessPal on January 3 I think it was. I really like it, especially the way the food tracker tracks carbs, protein and all the rest. Very nice to know that information. I try to do low carb to an extent so am always happy if my carbs are below the target number at the end of the day.
  • pbnett
    pbnett Posts: 4
    Hi. I'm new here. 54 year old grandma, mom of 4, 2 teens still at home. I just found my fitness pal. Homeschooling, running kids to various activities, teaching a couple of classes,keeping up small farm,... Not paying attention to weight gain. Need to lose 15-20 lbs. Low on motivation, here for accountability.
  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    so excited to have found this group. I am 53, peri-menapausal and looking to offer and receive support

    Last may, i was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on Tuesday the 27th. That Thursday, the 29th, I went to the obstetrician with one of my daughter's, where, for the first time, we saw my first grandchild's heartbeat. The combination was what i finally needed to kick me into gear.

    I lhave ost 26 pounds since last may, but over the last few months, my weight loss has slowed to less than a pound a month (i know, still better than gaining, but still....) Using MFP and focusing on decreasing carbohydrates, I am hoping that I will be the cool, active grandma, not the grandmother who lugs around an oxygen tank.

    I would love to join this group and to make some friends.
  • bimpski
    bimpski Posts: 176 Member
    I just turned 52 and am still in peri-menopause. I've been on mfp for a while now but for some reason I always forget to check the groups I've joined. I spend most of my time on my newsfeed. I've had a stressful couple of years with both parents being treated for cancer. I gained a lot of weight when I started the change and even more with the stress of my parents. but I'm ready to get started again. if any of you ladies would like to add me as a friend I would love it as many on my friend list have disappeared.
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 49....looking for more friends too! :) Just started back with Mfp. i hurt my knee a few months ago, and it put a halt on working out too much. I'm hoping to have surgery soon and will hopefully get back to working out on a regular basis.
    Just recently started watching my calories again, but also watching my sodium. This has made a huge difference. Normally I can't stay on a 1200 calorie diet but I'm on my 5th day with very little cravings. It seems like for me, a low sodium diet is working. Plus the last time I had my blood pressure taken it was slightly high for the first time...so this should help.
  • I have had high blood pressure for a number of years now (am on medication) but found thanks to MFP that I actually do not tend to go over the sodium limit - in fact, since I've been keeping track it was usually under. So I switched to tracking fiber - and boy do I need more of that! I am always way under on fiber. I know some people track "net carbs" - total carbs minus fiber since it changes how the body digests carbs. Plus I know fiber is a good thing to add for your heart as well, so I am trying to up my fiber. Amazing that things like whole wheat bread don't add anywhere near enough. One thing does though - popcorn! I don't want all my fiber to come from popcorn though, LOL.
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    Mauigirl62 wrote: »
    One thing does though - popcorn! I don't want all my fiber to come from popcorn though, LOL.
    Wow....I had no idea!! Thanks for letting us know!!
  • katiethecat54
    katiethecat54 Posts: 3 Member
    I just turned 60 and am struggling to lose about 15 pounds. I am fairly active usually- had a bad year in 2014 so I am hoping to get back on track. Been doing MFP for about a month but going very slow for me!