New to the group, check in here



  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Hi everyone. It's a new year, which means new year resolutions! I've been on MFP before and had some success, but then let everything slide and I'm back up past where I started before.

    I'm 43, married with 2 kids under 10. We live in the UK but originally I'm from Canada. I'm 168cm (5'6") and was 89kg(196 pounds) on January 1. I really don't want to see that number grow anymore. I joined a gym a few months ago and have started going, but need to get more regular now. I have some support in the form of friends already on MFP, but I figure a group to talk to will help even more!
  • tinaharris374
    tinaharris374 Posts: 3 Member
    hi all, my name is Tina and i hope to meet new people and help with my weightloss journey.
  • kaseysmom2012
    kaseysmom2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I am Kasey's mom & I am 43, I want to loose aprox 35 lbs. Getting new scales next week, my are ancient and not very accurate :neutral_face:
  • Hello! I am new to this group. I lost over 120 pounds four years ago with a gastric bypass surgery. The weight is starting to creep back on, so I am joining this to track my food and activity, and for some accountability. Happy New Year to all. :)
  • pinklady511
    pinklady511 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm Diane, 43 yrs old, from Texas. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kiddos ages 14, 1.5 and 4 yrs. In my late 20s I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis but never knew it until about 3 yrs ago, up until 3 yrs ago it was just Hypothyroidism. At age 35 I had a complete hysterectomy. I am now on bioidentical hrt and at least mentally am a "sane" person. However, physically I'm a mess in my eyes. My weight has just been creeping and creeping as I become more active with everyone else lives and less focused on myself. With the exception of last year where I lost 22lbs and kept it off for quite a while until I had to stop Zumba and walking due to knee issues (caused by lack of estrogen). Since then I have put the 22lbs back on and my wardrobe consists of clothing I can't wear. I have 40-50lbs to lose and I have vowed that 2015 is the year to find myself and become the me I want so much to be! So, friend I love a good dose of accountability!
  • okiemommy
    okiemommy Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Sonya-45 year old Registered Nurse from Oklahoma. My girls are 17, 17, and 15 and my boys (stepsons) are 31, 26, 24 and 20. I had half of my thyroid removed in 2001, and a complete hysterectomy in 2006, at the age of 37. It became much harder to lose weight and to keep it off since these surgeries. Honestly, I'm just tired of feeling tired and trapped in a body that I don't recognize even though I've lived in it for so long. My husband of 11years is joining me on this journey to health and wellness. This is our year!
  • doitnow1218
    doitnow1218 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi! I am new to this group. I am a 5th grade math teacher from Kansas. I have two college age children and a wonderful husband. While I have dieted on and off for most of my adult life, something really seemed to click for me about a month ago. Thanks to MFP and my Fitbit, I am feeling great and finally feeling like "I am getting my groove back, lol!" And let me tell you, it feels great. I have lost 15 pounds so far and 15 more to go. I am eager to make this journey with the rest of you :)
  • findingbobbie
    findingbobbie Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Bobbie, 41 a new transplant to NC from MI. I have been "using" MFP for almost a year but basically just syncing my workouts.

    In 2009, I decided it was time to make a life changing journey although it really didn't stick until 2010 but I was able to lose 120 pounds by just eating less and moving more. In 2012 my life changed but I was able to keep the weight off. It wasn't until 2013 that the weight started to come back. First by having someone in my life who wasn't policing my food and exercise, so I pretty much quit running and ate whatever I wanted. Then my Dr put my on meds that caused my to gain 30 lbs in 3 months.

    I am off the meds and back to running, I aim for 100 miles a month, but the weight isn't coming off this time.

    I keep telling myself that it will come back off, but since turning 40, it doesn't seem to be the case. So I am here to lose back the weight I gained about 38 pounds.

    I look forward to us reaching our goals together.
  • Hi, I'm 49 years old from Idaho. I'd like to lose 25-30 pounds by the time I hit 50. I went back to work this past year and my life got a lot more sedentary, so I gained about 15 pounds while I wasn't really watching. Add me as your friend! :-) I'd love the help!
  • vickicravener
    vickicravener Posts: 76 Member
    New to this group. I was Looking for a group who does daily check-ins and here it is.
  • Hello! I've had success on MFP before and am back to find some more. I'm always looking for motivation and support, as well as wanting to give it to others, so feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I've got about 50 lbs to carve away.
  • LSamara
    LSamara Posts: 14 Member
    I am Lorna and I'm 44 years young! At this time last year I was going through chemotherapy for lung cancer and was placed on steroids to help manage the pain. Unfortunately it caused me to gain nearly 50lbs! Now I'm at the gym 5 days each week working toward regaining control of my weight and health. I have also legally adopted my then 2 year old grandson, who is now almost 5 years old. We've had him for all but 6 months of his life and he does a very good job at keeping me active :)
  • zeke
    zeke Posts: 3 Member
    A little bit about me:
    Married with one child (age 10)
    Part-time secondary school teacher
    British and live in the UK
    Yo yo dieter who used to keep reaching ever increasing high weights until 5 years ago when I vowed to start recording regularly whether dieting or not. This is what the last 5 years have looked like:utc6cf3msgpz.png
    So I have stopped going higher but I haven't stopped yo-yoing - time for MFP!
    Highest weight 210 lbs (BMI 34.2) - size 18/20 - age 36
    Lowest weight 137 lbs (BMI 22.3) - size 10/12 - age 28
    Not sure what is sensible to aim for now but definitely less than what I am (which is 207 lbs!). I will aim for BMI 24.9 which is about 11st for me (154 lbs) and take it from there.
    Now I vow to record what I consume with MFP whether actively trying to lose weight or not or having an off day - hoping this will stop the yo yoing!
    Would love more MFP friends to be accountable to (good to know people can look at your food diary - even if they don't!) - please add me if you think we would be able to support each other
  • Windnancy
    Windnancy Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, new to this group...I'm Nancy, I'm from Quebec Canada (French Canuck haha)...I'm 45, divorced since August 2013, I have 3 girls (8-10-12). I started my journey early December, quit smoking, quit my lover man, signed up at January I also started seeing a weight loss coach who's been teaching me how to eat far lost 12-13 pounds (it varies from day to day) but I loose about 1.5 a week and have about 60 to go for a healthy weight. Gym is my new boyfriend (I go nearly every day). I'm a massage therapist part time and I teach business development in a massage therapy school part time as well. Rest of the time I'm a mommy. I do yoga once a week and would like to sign up for tai chi in the summer (I used to do that and loved it). My short term goal, wear a bikini, my long term goal, walk the compostele trail from France to Spain :smile:
  • ginajean42
    ginajean42 Posts: 3 Member
    new to the group
  • Rhi2015
    Rhi2015 Posts: 10 Member to the group. I've been using MFP since about June 2012 and have lost nearly 140lbs. Getting back on track with my high protein, low carb diet. Started using Fitbit Nov 2014 and PiYo Feb 2015.
  • Afool
    Afool Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, new to this group. Been using MFP for a few years and Fitbit for a couple. Lately been letting life and stress get in my way and haven't been consistent with healthy eating or excercise. It's time I make taking good care of myself a priority again so that I can feel fabulous and not just forty something. (43 next Wednesday btw)
  • Debechild
    Debechild Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I am Debbie 42 single mom of an evolving 13year old girl. I am a nurse, student and wanna be writer with a high stress level, high blood pressure and recent found out i might be prediabetic. I am looking to make some serious life changing changes and hopefully can find some support here and in turn be supportive to other. I am looking forward to getting to know you all. Have a great day.
  • MrsEff1
    MrsEff1 Posts: 43 Member
    Hiya Peeps! My name's Lisa and I'm 44 next month and last year I had an hysterectomy. I am currently at my heaviest I've ever been but if I could drop 2 stone as a starting goal I know I will feel a lot healthier and happier!! So here goes :0)

  • TheGaudyMagpie
    TheGaudyMagpie Posts: 282 Member
    I'm Renee. I'm 47 and just discovered I'm already post-menopausal. I had lost 20 lbs a little over a year ago but gained it back in a year, largely due to severe exhaustion and other meno symptoms. I just started HRT and I'm looking for others experiencing getting older and the obstacles it brings -- both psychological and physical. Feel free to add me.