Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Age 44
    HW 138
    CW 127
    goal 115

    I need to continue to eat clean. I've found that my daily net calories need to be around 900 to lose half-one pound weekly.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    RoxieHart1 wrote: »
    New to the group. It will take me awhile to get through 33 pages to find my twin so I thought I'd post and maybe someone will find me, too.

    Age 48
    Highest adult weight: 128
    Current weight: 122
    Goal weight: 116ish

    I also want to be more toned. I used to do yoga 7 days week, as well as pilates, free-weight and aerobics. However, due to illnesses and injuries I stopped everything 3 years ago. I'm slowly getting back into exercise but can only do about 15-20 minutes of aerobics daily. No weights yet. Minimal toning exercises. This will be a slow process!

    We seem to have similar goals. Im a bit shorter, in to the yoga (wow, isnt there a song about that?) , and always starting off slow over and over (chronic back pain).
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm 31, two kids (11 and 7). Working full time (40-50 hrs a week) and hubby not home until real late (10pm) which puts a hinder in the whole gym thing anymore. Finding time to work out is my main struggle right now.
    Height 5' 6"

    Heaviest 181
    current 157
    Goal 130
  • tramsey14
    tramsey14 Posts: 15 Member
    edited December 2014
    mrbobea wrote: »
    Would love new friends, especially to meet a twin!

    Height: 5'0
    Highest weight: 165
    Current weight: 122
    Goal weight: 110
    Body fat: no idea :/

    I am not sure if that would be a healthy weight but I'd like to pursue a flat tummy and toned body.

    Think I may be your twin!

    Height : 4'11"
    HW: 131
    GW: 110

    I hate cardio but love strength training! Just trying to look and feel better and feel confident in my own body again.

  • CharleneMarie723
    CharleneMarie723 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi All!

    Height: 5'4''
    Age: 29
    Heaviest: 144 (summer 2010)
    Current: 133
    Goal: 120-125 (summer 2013)

    I am a flight attendant and find routines to be impossible to maintain. I am active a good portion of most days, but sleep and adequate rest is a struggle- I fly overnights from New York to Europe and back 5-7 times per month. I eat healthy for someone who is forced to eat out a lot. I am running my first marathon in July 2015. I'm looking to get back into the low 120s for both running ease and because I frankly look and feel better at that weight.

    Please add me if you'd like.
  • Where is my twin at???

    Age: 20 in January
    Height: 5' 10"
    Heaviest: 190lbs
    Current: 180lbs
    Goal: 160lbs

    I am a sophomore at Penn State. I live a pretty active life (5 years of volleyball, 4 years of track, 10 years of soccer, 11 years of ballet) but my biggest weakness is over-eating and having too many unhealthy snacks. My overall goal is to get my body to a point where I can do almost anything and look good doing it. I am an athlete, I love being active, so I need my body to be able to perform.

    Feel free to add me on here! I know we could all use eachothers support!

    Goodluck ladies! (:
    - Kaila
  • Hey guys!!
    CW:170 (just started)
    -I do struggle with an eating disorder, just letting anyone who wants to be my twin or friend!
    Im new here so id be so greatful for any of you to help motivate me.
    <3 (*) <3
  • aam117
    aam117 Posts: 284 Member
    Age 33
    Heaviest 162 lbs
    Currently 150 lbs
    Goal 140-145 lbs, mainly just toned and more energy :) Losing the first 10 lbs took me almost 8 months! So frustrating
  • MzHarlequin
    MzHarlequin Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello!!! I'm new to MFP (used a different app before, heard this one was better). This group seems to fit me, and I think it'll be nice to be among like-minded women. Does anyone else ever hear, and get sick of hearing: "Why are you trying to lose weight? You're fine!!" :\

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4"
    Heaviest: 185 lbs
    Currently:140 lbs
    Goal Weight: ~125 lbs

    I eat fairly well, indulging only occasionally...I'm just so so so so lazy! I don't really have space to be active in -- and I really like yoga and pilates. I'm considering a gym membership this year, but I'll be moving, so IDK. :)
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Pretty sure I've posted here before, but here I go again!

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'-2"
    Heaviest: 150
    Current: 131 (I'm also preggo - normal weight is @ 125)
    Goal Weight: For now, just want to gain at a reasonable rate, then get back to @‌ 125.

    I love weight training and dislike cardio, other than the stuff I do for fun and not exercise (biking, hiking).

    Hope you're out there, MFP twin!
  • 5'7''
    Age: 26
    Highest: 165
    Current: 161
    Goal: 140
  • krstnlndsy
    krstnlndsy Posts: 2 Member
    jkb06f wrote: »
    Age: 26
    Highest: 165
    Current: 161
    Goal: 140

    We're very close!
    Age: 27
    Highest: 160
    Current: 160
    Goal: 135

  • rapunzel1029
    rapunzel1029 Posts: 20 Member
    2 kids
    HW: 190
    CW: 150
    GOAL: 135
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    HW: 135+
    CW: 110-115
    UGW: maintain / tone / lose fat

    BF%: 20-22%
    Goal: 15%

    You may be the twin!
    HW, years ago, before I changed lifestyle, probably 135
    HW since joining MFP 118-120
    CW 116-117?
    110-112, but really appaerance and tone are my biggest concern. I gain in late fall typicically and start losing about now. Any less than 108 is too much (I still have curves at that weight), but around 110-112 is usual perfect for muscle tone, running speed, feeling fit, and feeling hot! (Although I don't feel bad about myself now either). I have a labor job and I run, so I can carry a few extra lbs better than someone who sits around a lot.
  • xenl
    xenl Posts: 46 Member
    5'7.5" (that .5" comes in very handy :wink:
    Age: 35
    Highest: 171
    Current: 166
    Goal: 140

    My weight was a roller coaster this past year. I managed to get down to 155ish but then of course sabotaged myself. I'm really good at getting down to 160-162 pounds but then I manage to gain 5-7 pounds.

    In early 2013 I was 145 pounds and looked great. I would be happy to get down to that. I think at 140 I will look more cut. Not really interested in being skinny - just fit. Heck, I'd take being 170 pounds if it was due to muscle.
  • xenl
    xenl Posts: 46 Member
    BTW, I see a lot of people that are around my height and weight. For those of you that are - do you also stare at the scale in disbelief. I don't think I look like I weigh as much as I do and most people are surprised when I tell them.
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    HW: 135+
    CW: 110-115
    UGW: maintain / tone / lose fat

    BF%: 20-22%
    Goal: 15%

    You may be the twin!
    HW, years ago, before I changed lifestyle, probably 135
    HW since joining MFP 118-120
    CW 116-117?
    110-112, but really appaerance and tone are my biggest concern. I gain in late fall typicically and start losing about now. Any less than 108 is too much (I still have curves at that weight), but around 110-112 is usual perfect for muscle tone, running speed, feeling fit, and feeling hot! (Although I don't feel bad about myself now either). I have a labor job and I run, so I can carry a few extra lbs better than someone who sits around a lot.

    Oh I forgot. 5' 2"
  • jenbob944
    jenbob944 Posts: 10 Member
    Are you my twin?

    CW: 128lbs
    HW: 137lbs
    GW: 122lbs

    I'm 24 too :)
    Not seen many with similar stats, please tell me there's a twin out there??
  • wildapril wrote: »

    HW: 167
    CW: 149? Don't have a scale >:(
    GW: 135

    Add me if we're twins! I can't find anyone else who is similar :(

  • aam117 wrote: »
    Age 33
    Heaviest 162 lbs
    Currently 150 lbs
    Goal 140-145 lbs, mainly just toned and more energy :) Losing the first 10 lbs took me almost 8 months! So frustrating

    another twin!!

    add me!

    Age :33

    Heaviest 168
    Currently 150
    goal weight 140