10 lbs to loose by Valentine -anybody wants to join in?



  • Arizona_C
    Arizona_C Posts: 1,476 Member
    Great to find so many members motivated to join the challenge :p

    I propose we post our first weight-in january 14th, another January 31, and the final February 14th, recalling our beginning weight as well as the current weight.

    Wishing you all the best for the weeks to come. Sticking to your eating plans and sports routines when it's best, 10 lbs by St Valentine should be possible...
  • whidbeyweight
    whidbeyweight Posts: 43 Member
    I'm joining!
    Start weight 154
  • myrzee
    myrzee Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in ! Also looking for motivation - it helps to be accountable...
    Starting weight: 139.7
  • Arizona_C wrote: »
    Hi, getting ready for the new year, I wish to look ahead and make new goals to keep motivated.

    I am thinking of loosing the last 10 lbs by Valentines Day, anybody wants to join in staying forcus for the coming 8 weeks?

    Starting weight: 139 lbs

  • I will :-)
  • dfargher
    dfargher Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in :) 10 lbs may be a bit of a stretch, since that would put me right at my goal weight, but it sounds motivating! Starting weight: 118.3
  • I'm in! I'm at 150, goal weight is 140 to start. Add me! And also if anyone uses garmin ( i have vivosmart ) you can add me on that too! OR if anyone uses xbox one fitness (see the trend here; ) I'm happyface81
  • pragatipatel
    pragatipatel Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone! I am in too. My starting weight is 65kg or 143.3 lbs. I am trying to lose weight from last week and today I found out that I lost 2 lbs :o I hope that I will lose more in coming weeks. Best of luck
  • pragatipatel
    pragatipatel Posts: 13 Member
    Hello again. If anyone uses misfit activity tracker. Please add me there too
  • cr1111dn
    cr1111dn Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! Currently at 147, goal weight is 137. Please add me ☺
  • rmd0228
    rmd0228 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes! I'm in. My starting weight is 141.6
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    OK weighed in today.......ugh starting at 130. Last day of decadence, diet begins New Year's Day! 10 to start, probably need to lose 15 total.
  • Count me in. Have a trip planned in March. 178 starting weight.
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    Sounds like a plan, starting weight is 167
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am in! I am starting at 168 and 10 lbs would get me down to 158 which would be only 9 lbs to my maintenance goal.
  • Am in..
    Need to drop 7lbs
  • I would like to lose 20 lb total but I'm down for this challenge. I'm 125 right now and would ultimately like to be 105 (shorty over here)
  • skinnyclare
    skinnyclare Posts: 27 Member
    I am in! I need to loose 10lb minium to get back to my pre baby weight!
  • GonnaDoThis43
    GonnaDoThis43 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in! That puts me a pound past my goal weight....it seems a bit ambitious to me, but I want to try for it! Current weight: 133.8
  • ginarlewis
    ginarlewis Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    Im in.