Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • I'm 5'5".
    HW was 190
    CW is 155
    GW is 130
    I am a SAHM of 2 boys trying to get the baby weight off again.

    same boat....
    Height 5'4"
    h 168
    Cw 150
    Gw 130
    sahm of two toddler girls!

  • jkb06f
    jkb06f Posts: 7
    xenl wrote: »
    BTW, I see a lot of people that are around my height and weight. For those of you that are - do you also stare at the scale in disbelief. I don't think I look like I weigh as much as I do and most people are surprised when I tell them.

    I feel the same way!
  • I've seen this in the forums quite a bit and I thought finding a twin here would be a lot easier seeing as we are all ladies here and we are all considering ourselves to be in roughly the same weight category. Plus I don't know about you but having friends with almost identical goals is pretty motivating for me!! I would love to find some girls on here with goals like mine so we can really help and encourage each other on losing that fat/chub/pudge/jiggle in your wiggle/etc. !!!

    I am 5'9
    Heaviest: 162
    Current: 153
    GOAL!!!! : 133

    Current Body Fat: 29-28%
    Dream Body Fat: 18-20%!!!

    I hope this brings our groups a little closer together!! :flowerforyou:

    I think we're pretty close...
    heaviest: 160
    current: 155
    goal: not really pounds oriented, just want to be back in a size 4 jeans (ideally - working on a short term goal of a size 6) I could use a fitness friend FOR SURE!

    I and 5'8"
    Highest 168
    Current 156
    Goal 145

    I'm getting married in 3 months and want to tone up and look my best!!
  • Jessica6887
    Jessica6887 Posts: 6 Member
    Highest weight 155
    Current 148
    Lowest weight 110
    Goal weight 125

    I'm 27 and have a high stress lifestyle. Graduating from college in May and want to drop the extra weight I've gained. Been working on losing it and toning on and off but want to reach my goal by graduation. Highly motivated and wouldn't mind a little extra push now and then to stay on track.
  • johannah_banana
    johannah_banana Posts: 8 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 26 (will be 27 on January 18th)
    Highest Weight: 152
    Current Weight: 152
    Goal Weight: 125
    Lowest Weight: 100 (2 years ago)

    I would like to loose as much as possible by my birthday.
    This month I plan to gradually improve on my terrible eating habits and start some basic exercise.
    Month end I will join the gym and amp up the exercise.
    My ultimate aim is to be lean, fit and toned by the end of the year.
    I could really use a friend to help me with this journey.
  • Adele731
    Adele731 Posts: 4 Member
    5'9 33 yrs young, hw:150 lw:108 cw:136 gw1:130
  • Ohmybrainstem
    Ohmybrainstem Posts: 1 Member
    Height: 5"1
    Highest Weight: 138
    Current Weight: 126
    Goal Weight: 110-115
    lowest Weight:108
    I'd like to get rid of the extra weight and tone up. I would love to be stronger and healthier. Hopefully I can make 2015 a year that I got my butt in gear and in shape.
  • 5'1"
    Highest Weight: 180 pounds
    Current Weight: 142 pounds
    Goal Weight: 120 pounds

    18 more pounds!
  • kendzini13 wrote: »
    Hmm, I feel short!

    Height: 5"2
    HW: 136
    CW: 127
    GW: 121

    I just need to tone up and start saying no to all this junk I'm eating! (well, all the excess chocolates I consume)

    I guess we are close to being twins (height and goal weight)
  • 5'2"
    Highest weight 155
    Current 148
    Lowest weight 110
    Goal weight 125

    I'm 27 and have a high stress lifestyle. Graduating from college in May and want to drop the extra weight I've gained. Been working on losing it and toning on and off but want to reach my goal by graduation. Highly motivated and wouldn't mind a little extra push now and then to stay on track.

    We are close to being twins (height, current weight, and goal weight)
  • lubbybutt
    lubbybutt Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'4
    120 lbs
    Goal 105 lbs.
    I have really skinny limbs but large love handles and a baby pouch.
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    Currently 148, which is also my highest weight. I'd love to be 120 but that might end up being too low so I'll aim for 130 instead. All my weight is in my thighs & hips.
  • RHBrumfield
    RHBrumfield Posts: 7 Member
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'8"
    CW: 162
    GW: 150...tone and fit

    I run a lot... in 2014 I ran 700 plus miles. I might have lost 4 pounds but gained it back at Christmas. Pretty sad so I guess my food intact is way off. My goal in 2015 is to get and stay in the 150s, run 10 plus half marathons and 2 full marathons.
  • RHBrumfield
    RHBrumfield Posts: 7 Member
    Eliaheart wrote: »
    Hey there! New here as well, though I've been on MFP for 4 years now :)

    Age : 36
    5'7 - 170 cm
    Highest weight: 175 lbs
    Current weight: 150 lbs
    Goal: 135 lbs
    Current body fat: 23.5%
    Goal body fat: 18-20% - as I was told this is ideal for triathletes, and I am one! Will try to find my "twin" as well :)

  • RHBrumfield
    RHBrumfield Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. We are almost twins. You have the weight I want to be at. I am a runaholic too:) I know my running would i mprove if I lost a few pounds.
  • sezzybelles699
    sezzybelles699 Posts: 9 Member
    Height 5"9
    Weight: 140lbs. 61kg
    Age: 29

    Goal: lose 5 pounds. Mostly eat healthier and find like minded friends
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'1
    Heaviest: 160
    Current: 135
    Goal: 125-128

    I do enjoy working out. I do a variety of different things such as spin, bodyweight training, kettlebell classes, and pole fitness classes. I dislike going to traditional gyms, but I've surprised myself by enjoying group classes. Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • Roxy_Arcane
    Roxy_Arcane Posts: 115 Member
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'6?
    Heaviest: 152
    Currently: 138
    Goal: 125 (Fit with some muscle)
  • jessticlesx
    jessticlesx Posts: 1,321 Member
    age: 20
    height: 5'4
    heaviest: 132
    current: 128
    goal: 110

    im looking to lose excess weight from my middle and tone up! i dance regularly and am trying to start up a regular gym/workout routine that's manageable whilst I'm add uni :) feel free to add me!
  • MountainMaggie
    MountainMaggie Posts: 104 Member
    All you runners, add me!