What game are you excited for this year?



  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I have Destiny sitting upstairs, i'm waiting for it to get more developed before i plop down more cash. I got it on the cheap because i collect special editions. That little floating robot thing wasn't worth what they wanted for the super special edition when i can get one on shapeways for 40.00
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I really do need to practice switching up my companions more. I actually think DA:I discourages it a bit because it seems like you can get reactions (approval/disapproval) from companions who aren't in your party at the moment. Who are your favorites to travel with? Mine are Varric (he's still my bestie even if he thinks we just met) and Iron Bull.

    I play the same way, like Skyrim - I will do side quests until I'm bored, then move the main quest along.

    The game is buggy on the 360 as well. Twice now I've accidentally hit A too early when trying to speak to an NPC, then hit A again too early before I landed from the jump, and ended up stuck in this marionette-wiggle. My character just floats around like she's hanging from her elbows, waving her arms and legs around. It's hilarious.

    I find all the companions get a lot more interesting, and the personal quests I've triggered have been great (omg, Cassandra's had me laughing out loud). Iron Bull has become a more interesting character than I first thought he'd be. Even his Chargers have interesting stories.

    In Origins and DA:2, I felt I couldn't rotate companions as much due to being scared of losing approval. In this one, it feels like it's easier to switch them out. Their approval isn't as sensitive in many of the side quests. And it's interesting who you need with you when trying to gain agents. I've found conversations back at Skyhold seem more important. As long as you do their Inner Circle quests and get great approval, you gain a lot of progress. Even when they're not with you, decisions made on the main quests affect their approval, so I don't feel I have to have some exact person with me all the time.

    Favorites for traveling are: Varric and Sera equally when I want a rogue (I LOVE Varric, but Sera's weirdness is interesting and I was romancing her for a while), Cassandra as a tank, then Iron Bull. Dorian is becoming my favorite mage, but Solas seems important. I hate Vivienne, but will pair her and Sera together just to hear the insults they throw at each other.

    Blackwall and Cole are the two I bring the least. Though, I'm about to focus on the Warden related missions, so I think it'll be important to have him around.

    I admit I get a little bored with all the equipment changing (I liked how DA2 did it), but it is loads better than in Origins. Once at Skyhold, I just check on everyone when I go to the Undercroft, so they're not behind when I need them. I do like how everyone maintains a unique look to whatever you put on them (Cassandra and I don't look the same even with matching armor).
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I also use Blackwall and Cole the least. Well, and Cassandra, because Iron Bull is just my favorite warrior by a mile.

    I haven't completed any of the inner circle quests yet, better get on that...my play has stalled out due to being busy :(
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I finished it (I play for the story, so I play on Easy mode - sue me, lol). Liked it a lot, but probably not as much as the other two. Still, definitely worth the money!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    GRRR I'm still stuck in 'busy' mode. Stupid life!!!!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    GRRR I'm still stuck in 'busy' mode. Stupid life!!!!

    Life, meh. ;) I've found the Inner Circle personal quests (not the first general ones, the second one you get) to be really good so far. And I admit liking the little details of how their character card changes to reflect what happened.

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Well I finished it (I play for the story, so I play on Easy mode - sue me, lol). Liked it a lot, but probably not as much as the other two. Still, definitely worth the money!

    I play causal, too. I play for the story, not to prove my skills, which are lacking. I die plenty on other games, lol, so figure it's okay to rarely die in DA and other RPGs.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    GRRR I'm still stuck in 'busy' mode. Stupid life!!!!

    Life, meh. ;) I've found the Inner Circle personal quests (not the first general ones, the second one you get) to be really good so far. And I admit liking the little details of how their character card changes to reflect what happened.

    Did them all except Solas, I never got an option for one. Oh well, didn't care for him that much anyway.

    Oh and I saw someone mention Vivienne, I never actually even got her as a companion, although I seem to remember her wandering around town. Odd.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I found a coworker who plays and he said he chose not to have Vivienne because he found her annoying! I love that there are so many choices and different ways to play.

    I have 8 hours of volunteering on Sat and football on Sun. Might have to skip the football.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I found a coworker who plays and he said he chose not to have Vivienne because he found her annoying! I love that there are so many choices and different ways to play.

    I have 8 hours of volunteering on Sat and football on Sun. Might have to skip the football.

    Quoting myself...oy...

    Threw my back out getting into the car on Sat morning. Played alllllllll.weekend.long.

    Now this short week seems endless because I want to get back to it.

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    GRRR I'm still stuck in 'busy' mode. Stupid life!!!!

    Life, meh. ;) I've found the Inner Circle personal quests (not the first general ones, the second one you get) to be really good so far. And I admit liking the little details of how their character card changes to reflect what happened.

    Did them all except Solas, I never got an option for one. Oh well, didn't care for him that much anyway.

    Oh and I saw someone mention Vivienne, I never actually even got her as a companion, although I seem to remember her wandering around town. Odd.

    Vivenne might be the one whose quest I don't trigger. She IS annoying and I can't seem to earn any approval from her. I've finally gotten Solas'. Might have been that it took me awhile to get the approval up, but I've completed a good amount of the game and just now getting his. I did get Cole's and did that (loved it).

    Blackwall's is about to hit, I think. I've seen the change in dialogue that shows it's obvious he's hiding something. Might need a little more approval to trigger his.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yeah I'm not sure how I didn't get Solas' quest, but I guess the way I played my character wasn't the kind of person he liked anyway. It's annoying though, I'll have to look it up online to see what I missed...
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I seem to only earn Solas' disapproval as well, even when I use the Special Elf dialog options.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Solas gives approval for questions about the Fade and support for spirits/demons. He doesn't seem all that supportive of elves, kind of like Sera, which is interesting. Neither elf in the game is very predictable!

    Got Blackwell's personal quest to trigger...or, well, he left, is more like it. This should be good!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Make sure to check out the place where he hangs out...

    I don't get it though, Sera hated me, I still got her quest, and nothing from Solas. Blah! If anyone wants to PM me about what it's about, I'd love to know...
  • eraser51
    eraser51 Posts: 63 Member
    in for DA :)

    great game so far even though I had 2 bugs (cant recruit blackwell and what was the second?....)

    but awesome ! :)

    Now waiting for witcher 3 ....
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The only bug I got was an autosave that crashed my game.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I found a big bug - it's regarding Poulin (the lady who owns the quarry who you get to judge) - FYI don't judge her until you finish her quest or she vanishes and you never can finish it.
    I'm getting close to finishing!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh yeah, there's one bug. Some pretty important dude I was supposed to judge towards the end (I was given the option I think and picked that one), but he never showed up. I was actually quite bummed about it, it was a pretty big deal.
  • eraser51
    eraser51 Posts: 63 Member
    Ha completed!

    ~80h played cause I wanted to do all the side quests :)

    but great ending even though the boss fight was quite easy (with master demon slaying runes) for my opinion....

    sadly I missed some quests on the orlais/ferelden map .....at least so it seems... you only got 3 advisors so I guess it is meant like this as the quests seem to dissappear after a while? someone else noticed this?

    also havent got all tarot card changes ... dont know why.. solas didnt change and cassandra didnt change